Реферат: Dirt Bikes Versus Street Bikes Essay Research

Реферат: Dirt Bikes Versus Street Bikes Essay Research


Dirt Bikes Versus Street Bikes Essay, Research Paper
Comparison between Dirt bikes and Street bikes
Most people believe street bikes are very similar to dirt bikes. I am here however
to clear up that false conclusion. One major factor is even in the name. Dirt bikes are for
off road uses only were as street bikes are only for use on asphalt or streets.
Street bikes, such as Honda CBR600, are extremely fast. There engine size is
fairly small by street bike standards, but this size is made up for in the lack of weight
increasing its horsepower and acceleration. Street bikes are more valued for lightweight
and quick acceleration rather than suspension so much. Not to say that suspension is not
important, but there is not as much focus on that besides braking, weight, and power.
Dirt bikes, such as say a KX250, are not very durable. These types of bikes are
designed to take a lot of abuse. This abuse of the bike either comes from landing off a
jump or in dealing with rugged terrain. The focus in racing dirt bikes is suspension setup
and weather if you have enough power to clear jumps. Weight is very important in dirt
bikes as well, this of course the lighter you are the faster you have to go with less power.
Both of these bikes have similar characteristics, but there are some very distinct
differences. Street bikes tend to have more than one cylinder, were as dirt bikes only have
one cylinder. Street bikes are faster in a straight line of course, but if the race were to go
off road the roles would be reversed. Dirt bikes have more technology focused on
suspension since that is what keeps the riders on these bikes and not falling off on every
These bikes are very enjoyable more of an adrenalin rush for people, but this is
better than shooting up drugs for a rush. People think both are dangerous, they may be
right, but there is no feeling like being in total control of a fine piece of powerful
These bikes are the same in a lot of areas in materials. However, the look and feel
of the bikes is very different. Dirt bikes have knobbed tires so they can get traction on the
dirt. Street bikes have a smooth surfaced tire so the rubber can make as much contact
The look for these bikes are very different street bike are more arrow dynamic
were dirt bikes are designed to just be rugged with some stream lined affects. Streets are
prettier to look at, but in my opinion dirt bikes are a little more fun.

Название: Dirt Bikes Versus Street Bikes Essay Research
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 06:31:11 01 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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Оценило: 2 человек
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