Реферат: Design Essay Research Paper The good design

Реферат: Design Essay Research Paper The good design


The good design nuances of Colors magazine ?lend? well to the Macsystems
advert. Maybe this comes from the similar design goal that a magazine and advert
share. Their functions are to clearly and effectively communicate information,
whilst also to visualise an identity for itself. As a chief social function of
design is to visualise the identity of institutions and audiences. To reiterate
this point. Think about what the Macsystems advert would look like if it were
redesigned with the Underworld/Tomato sleeve? The result for me would have been
more interesting to look at. This would however detract from the adverts
readability, making it harder to decode, ineffective as an informative advert
and therefore a bad piece of design. Just because something looks interesting to
look at doesn?t mean it?s a good design. Deciding wether something is a good
design or bad is a difficult thing. There are so many variables such as taste,
current ideologies, social values and attitudes on design to base a decision.
Graphic design described by Ellen Lupton is a category encompassing any form of
communication in which signs are scratched, carved, drawn, printed, pasted,
projected, or otherwise inscribed onto surfaces. Graphic Design is utterly
commonplace, appearing everywhere and produced by anyone. More people today have
the potential to produce graphic design, than ever before, wether it be good or
bad. Graphic design can be produced by anyone with access to computers with
design applications, whether this be at home, school, college, university or the
library. Anyone truly can use the technology, but not all can design with it. As
a final piece of design, the Macsystems advert is defiantly much better. The
success of redesigning something bad out of good in this way, really comes down
to how appropriate the nuances of the good design are. Can we conclude that
truly great pieces of design, are the ones that can be formulated and used
universally. I don?t think so, Graphic design can never be that simple. As the
ideologies of society change, so does the effectiveness of design. Are the
pieces of design that survive this change any better than the others? A single
formula for great design can never exist. Graphic design is too diverse, with
many languages and levels to communicate through. Graphic design doesn?t have
a Holy Grail. It can never exist because everything based on one formula would
begin to look similar and so boring. Who would stand for it?

Название: Design Essay Research Paper The good design
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 10:20:51 27 октября 2010 Похожие работы
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