Реферат: Dances With Wolves Essay Research Paper A

Реферат: Dances With Wolves Essay Research Paper A


Dances With Wolves Essay, Research Paper
A major problem in the nineteenth century was westward expansion. Although the final outcome was good, it was a struggle to move thecountry into the wilderness. The government was greedy and wanted totake the Native Americans’ land away from them. As a political leaderin that time, I would not allow such a thing to happen. The Indianswould be treated with respect and able to keep their land. The white Americans would be expected to treat them as equals, rather thansavages. As depicted in “Dances With Wolves,” soldiers ruthlessly killedIndians on sight. They didn’t care if they were a threat or notbecause they were told by their superiors the Indians either had to bemoved or eliminated. Even though the natives often had moreintelligent philosophies than the whites, Americans viewed them asprimitive and unintelligent. As a government figure, I wouldintroduce laws that banned the mistreatment of natives. Any harmful act toward them would be strictly forbidden. Americans have no rightto feel that they are better than any other race. The worst act by Americans in the nineteenth century would have to beIndian removal. The main point I would make in my government term is do not take another man’s land, no matter what color they are. As America moved westward, the white people could settle around thenatives, rather than take their land. They could live and work together, and the natives could help the whites settle in return forfood or fur. Most Indian tribes wouldn’t mind sharing because theybelieved no one owns land, it all belongs to mother earth. This system could benefit the whites, save lives, and prevent hostilitybetween whites and natives. Native Americans did not deserve to be treated the way they were. The US was very ignorant and did not want to believe that Indians could be good. My plan would create peace between the two. It wouldbe best for the United States if the Indians and whites had gotten along and worked together.

Название: Dances With Wolves Essay Research Paper A
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 03:43:35 29 октября 2010 Похожие работы
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