Реферат: Crucible 11 Essay Research Paper The Crucible

Реферат: Crucible 11 Essay Research Paper The Crucible


The Crucible is a great play about the Salem Witch trials which history has never forgotten. What is a crucible? The dictionary has defined it as a severely difficult test or experience, and indeed the play does have a difficult test in the plot of its story. The author, Arthur Miller chose a great name for his play. It is mainly called The Crucible for one reason which comes to the conclusion at the end of the story about a difficult test a person or people must face. The basis of the story is a witch-hunt that took place in Salem. According to American Heritage Dictionary, a witch-hunt is a political campaign launched on the pretext of investigating activities subversive to the state. As you have learned by now some of the people of 1692 Salem Village may or may not have been looking specifically for witches. Other reasons may have occurred to make the cry ” WITCH!” be heard. These hunts were unfortunately real even though there are no real witches.
In the drama, the witch hunt put many people to the test of faith characterized by confession to being possessed to be a devil or denying it thus being hanged in front the town s people. This is the crucible brought up in the story, where a man, John Proctor, sets out to prove Abigail and her followers to be frauds. John Proctor is a good man with a hidden past of lust with Abigail. His wife, Goody Proctor knows of this sin and never forgives him for it until the end of the story where John Proctor uses his good nature to test his faith. Even when things go wrong for him, starting with his servant Mary Warren betraying him in her confession against her friends, John Proctor tries his best to help his wife out of the accusation put on her. John Proctor curses God from because of what was happening and is arrested and put into jail. He was going to be hanged unless he confessed that he was possessed to be working with the devil. Mr. Hale, in his last chance to save both John and his wife, tells them to confess their actions were related to the devil. Thus, the only way to relinquish them from sin is to sign a paper to release the evil that possesses them. Goody Proctor would not answer the question without consulting with her husband.
As the Proctors find themselves in their final conversation, both reveal their true feelings and emotions. Both are filled with joy to see one s forgiveness. To keep his life and to continue to live with his wife, John Proctor attempts to sign the paper, and he does. But, he takes the confession back and does not want the judges to put it on the church door for others. John wants to keep his good name, which he pleads for. Eventually, John Proctor tears up his confession and is sent to be hanged along with two other women. Mr. Hale pleads for Goody Proctor to help her husband to confess, but she states, I cannot take away his goodness God will not allow me to do it.
John Proctor s faith in keeping his word, soul, and his name give the book, The Crucible its title. Arthur Miller chose the right title for the book because of its definition, which reflects to the plot of the story. So, a crucible is a difficult test which the whole story is based on.

Название: Crucible 11 Essay Research Paper The Crucible
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 07:40:03 12 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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