Реферат: Crocodile Physics Essay Research Paper Crocodile PhysicsCrocodile

Реферат: Crocodile Physics Essay Research Paper Crocodile PhysicsCrocodile


Crocodile Physics Essay, Research Paper
Crocodile Physics is like a well-stocked physics lab where you can experiment to
your heart?s content. Covering many syllabus topics, here is the hardware flattened for
the small screen. There are masses, trolleys, lenses and electronic components to
assemble, experiment and take measurements with. You can swing pendulums, change
gravity, change angle of ramps to learn about forces. Excellent are the optics tools which
let you split light into its colours with a prism and see how fibre optics transmit light. A
section on eye defects, where you increase the focal length of a spectacle lens and see
what that does to the light rays will make an awesome teaching tool. Though it comes
with worksheets, those with time to spare can use it to create impressive interactive
Crocodile Physics has been developed from Crocodile Clips 3, the acclaimed
High School Physics simulator used in over 35 countries and recommended by
governments worldwide. It’s a simulator for Middle and High school and college physics
Crocodile Physics includes a powerful optics simulator, with a range of
components including lenses, prisms, mirrors and light sources.You can set the
wavelength of the light being emitted from your source, and choose parallel beams,
diverging beams or rays. You can also set the dimensions of the source.
Crocodile Physics contains a full range of electrical components. Every school
subject area is covered: from the basic batteries, bulbs and switches – which are also
given in pictorial form, to help understanding of the first principles – to more advanced
logic gates, integrated circuits and semiconductors.
A vast component library gives you the freedom to experiment in a way that suits
your teaching, and allows interested students to explore the subject more deeply. One of
the key features which marks Crocodile Physics out from other teaching software is the
Integrated Multimedia Editor. This allows you to alter our activities to suit your needs, or
The simulation is mathematically accurate, allowing you to test designs and
explore the laws of Physics. Most component values can be changed at will. Crocodile
Physics comes complete with over 100 interactive on-screen lessons, covering a range of
subjects in electricity, electronics, optics, mechanics, dynamics and sound. They combine
full simulation with information, questions and answers. It’s easy to integrate them into

Название: Crocodile Physics Essay Research Paper Crocodile PhysicsCrocodile
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 09:11:51 13 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
Просмотров: 17
Комментариев: 15
Оценило: 2 человек
Средний балл: 5
Оценка: неизвестно   Скачать

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Реферат: Crocodile Physics Essay Research Paper Crocodile PhysicsCrocodile
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