Реферат: Cause And Effect Technology Essay Research Paper

Реферат: Cause And Effect Technology Essay Research Paper


Cause And Effect: Technology Essay, Research Paper
Every time period is controlled by one major force. As we begin the
new millennium, we realize that this era will be governed by technology.
In just ten years, we have developed an abundance of technological
innovations. These conveniences, including the computer and world wide
web, cellular phone and satellite television, have effected us
tremendously, making our lives both better and easier. The effects of this
Technological Revolution are not all progressive, as there are
consequences to this new world as well.
Today the most significant innovation available to us is the
computer, known best as a source to explore the worldwide web. This
vast network of websites has allowed us to sell merchandise, download
songs, advertise companies, research, send electronic mail and converse
with friends instantly. The newly-developed website, eBay.com, is the
world’s first person-to-person online trading community. Just about any
item is able to be found in the numerous auctions which make up this
website. Not only can one bid on these items at discounted prices but, he
or she is also able to sell merchandise found within their own home. As
eBay.com is useful for buying and selling, napster.com is effective for
downloading complete songs by various artists; it is no longer necessary
to purchase a CD to hear your favorite song, you can simply download it
from this site. Electronic mail can be sent worldwide to friends and family
through the web as well. Although the worldwide web has several
meaningful purposes, it has it s disadvantages too. Not only can friendly
mail be sent from person to person, viruses, able to destroy a computer s
hard-drive, can also be sent. Not only could your computer be destroyed
through the seemingly innocent e-mail, you may also loose your personal
touch. Gone are the days of personal conversation with your friends;
these conventional dialogues have been replaced with e-messages,
where typing substitutes speech. Certainly, the online network of websites
has its uses, but with viruses impeding and personal contact loss, one must
question whether the web is superior to traditional means of
Not only has the computer made advancements in the world of
communication, the cellular phone has done so as well. These compact
phones offer the same amenities as a full-size phone, but are portable
from place to place. Traditional telephones are great communicators,
when the person needing to be contacted is at home, unlikely in the
today s busy society. With a cellular phone, one can be contacted
wherever he/she is located, making these phones exceptionally useful.
Cellular communication is also effective in emergency situations. For
example, if one were to be involved in a highway accident, a cellular
phone could quickly contact a towing company, where as a traditional
phone would be useless. Although they are extremely helpful, cellular
phones can also endanger lives. It is highly popular for people to
converse with others on these portable phones while driving. While talking
on the phone, one is no longer paying attention to the road ahead but the
conversation they are engaged in. Situations can easily be rectified with
these small phones, but in this process lives may also be lost, as many
road accidents have been attributed to the use of cell phones while
Both computers and cellular phones have made substantial
progress in the area of transmission, but technology has also furthered our
means of entertainment. Instead of basic cable boxes, many homes now
contain satellite dishes. With these systems, a television no longer has fifty
or sixty channels but hundreds. It seems as though we are never satisfied
and always need more options. With these selections, everyone has
something to watch on television, thus lessening the need for people to
leave their house. This effect of technology seems border line dangerous,
as all other aspects of life may be abandoned. People no longer leave to
exercise or go out to see a movie. Not only will the health of individuals
suffer, but also their quality of life.
The profusion of technology created within the last has effected
society negatively and positively. The world wide web, cellular phone
and satellite TV has many benefits, but users should be cautious not to
overuse these innovations. A healthy balance between traditional
communication and entertainment and technology is the best solution for
the problems we have with technology as of now. Yet, there is no denying
that technology will be improved; the new millennium is just beginning!

Название: Cause And Effect Technology Essay Research Paper
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 17:34:26 31 октября 2010 Похожие работы
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