Реферат: Cats Rule Essay Research Paper

Реферат: Cats Rule Essay Research Paper


“A dog is a man’s best friend.” That common saying may contain some truth, but dogs are not the only animal friend whose companionship people enjoy. For many people, a cat is their best friend. Despite what dog lovers may believe, cats make excellent housepets.
In the first place, people enjoy the companionship of cats. Many cats are affectionate. They will snuggel up and ask to be petted, or scrached under the chin. Who can resist a purring cat? If they’re not feeling affectionate, cats are generally quite playfull. They love to chase balls and feathers, or just about anything dangling from a string. They especially enjoy playing when their owners are participating in the game. Contrary to popular opinion, cats can be trained. Using rewards and punishments, just like with a dog, a cat can be trained to avoid unwanted behaviour or preform tricks. Cats will even fetch!
In the second place, cats are civilized members of the household. Unlike dogs, cats do not bark or make loud noises. Most cats dont even meow very often. They are generally content to lead a quiet existence. Cats also don’t often have “accidents.” Mother cats train their kittens to use the litter box, and most cats will use it without fail from that time on. Even stray cats generally understand the concept when shown the box and will use it regularly. Cats do have claws, and owners must make provisions for this. A tall scratching post in a favorite cat area of the house will usually keep the cat content to leave the furniture alone. As a last resort, of course, cats can be declawed.
Lastly, one of the most attractive features of cats as housepets is their ease of care. Cats do not have to be walked. they get plenty of exercise in the house as they play, and they do their buisness in the litter box. Cleaning a litter box is a quick, painless procedure. Cats also take care of their own grooming. Bathing a cat is almost never necessary because under ordinary circumstances cats clean themselves. Cats are more particular about personal cleanliness than people are. In addition, cats can be left home alone for a few hours without fear. Unlike some pets, most cats will not destroy the furnishings when left alone. They are content to go about their usuall activities untill their owner returns.
Cats are low maintenance, civilized companions. People who have small living quarters or less time for pet care should appreciate these characteristics of cats. However, many people who have plenty of space and time still opt to have a cat they love the cat personality. In many ways, cats are the ideal housepet.

Название: Cats Rule Essay Research Paper
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 20:53:05 10 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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