Реферат: Cable Guy Essay Research Paper 1

Реферат: Cable Guy Essay Research Paper 1


1. Grey, Harriet. The Cable Guy. USA, St. Martin’s Paperback’s, 1996. 247 p.
2. I could say that this is a mystery and suspense novel. There is mystery because the main character tries to discover who his new friend really is. Also there is suspense at the end of the novel because his friend tries to steal his girlfriend. He thinks that he wants to kill her and that causes suspense.
4. This story is about a man named Steven. Steven moved in to his new apartment and he wanted to subscribe for the TV cable. His buddy, Rick, told him to give the Cable Guy 50 extra dollars so he can get the movie channels for free. Steven did so and the Cable Guy, who didn’t have any friends, found a good opportunity to make a new friend. Since the day that Steven got his cable, the Cable Guy always wanted to hang around with Steven. The Cable Guy was very sticky and Steven wanted to get rid of him. As Steven tried to get rid of him, the Cable Guy turned against him and caused him problems such as getting him in jail, etc. At the end Steven and the Cable Guy get in a fight. Steven wins and the Cable Guy tries to commit suicide. He fails and gets transported to the hospital.
5. We can see that Steven is kind because it’s hard for him to tell the Cable Guy that he is sticky and that should back off a little. We can also see that Steven is brave as he risked his life to save his girlfriend when she was in danger.
6. A certain theme of friendship is developed in this book between Steven and the Cable Guy although it isn’t complete. The Cable Guy thinks that Steven is his best friend and that he likes him a lot but Steven doesn’t know what to do to end the relationship. Also the theme of love is developed between Steven and Robin, his girlfriend. They broke up because they both needed a little bit of time for themselves and they were supposed to get back together after a while. If Steven isn’t nice to the Cable Guy, he could give Robin the wrong idea about Steven and he could end their relationship.
7. I recommend this book to anyone over twelve years old. The book is easy to read and it contains realistic situations. I think that this book is better then the movie. In general, books create a better picture of the action then movies do and they can have more suspense too. I liked this book a lot, it was very funny, and I recommend it to anyone over twelve years old.

Название: Cable Guy Essay Research Paper 1
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 23:52:35 25 октября 2010 Похожие работы
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