Реферат: CHAMP Kong Ver Essay Research Paper

Реферат: CHAMP Kong Ver Essay Research Paper


CHAMP Kong, Ver. Essay, Research Paper
CHAMProgramming is proud to present our latest work, CHAMP Kong!!! The
game features superb graphics, sound, and top-notch game play that makes
you feel like you’re in an arcade! A completely re-designed user interface
is now easier and more powerful than before. A complete remake of the look
(Thanks Dan!) and feel has created a truly enjoyable game.
CHAMP Kong is a result of almost 9 months of hard work. The following people
have had significant contributions to the making of this game:
John Champeau – Game Design, Programming & Sound.
Dan Van Buskirk – Game Design, Graphics and the CHAMP Sidebar.
Paul Champeau – Game Design and Testing. Also the creator of CHAMP Cable!
Special thanks to Christina Jackson for getting this project off the ground
to begin with and seeing it through to it’s completion. Thanks Bunnie!
This is the shareware version of CHAMP Kong. It can be freely distributed
to any other BBS or online service. It cannot be sold for profit either
individually or as part of a bundle. Though every effort has been made to
ensure that CHAMP Kong will operate with any PC that meets the requirements
specified, CHAMProgramming is not responsible for anything that may occur
as a result of the use of this program.
To register your copy of CHAMP Kong, send a check or money order for $17.95
You may print out the text file ORDER.FRM, or select ‘P’ from the ending
CHAMP Kong requires the following to run:
* 386/25Mhz or better IBM PC or 100% Compatible
CHAMP Kong also supports the following:
* Digital joystick using CHAMP Cable(tm)
The following configuration is recommended to play CHAMP Kong:
* Digital joystick using CHAMP Cable(tm)
The following are the files CHAMP Kong needs to run. CHAMP Kong will NOT
run unless these three files are found:
* CKONG.BIN – Contains necessary graphics and sounds.
* CKONGSW.HLP – Contains on-line help for CHAMP Kong
The following files are created after running CHAMP Kong:
* CKONG.HOF – Top ten hall of fame.
* JOYSTICK.CFG – Joystick calibration values.
To run CHAMP Kong, switch to the directory where you have copied the program
and type ‘ckong’ and press ENTER. If you have trouble running CHAMP Kong,
Once the program loads, you will see the CHAMP Intro screen. Next, the
CHAMP Kong title screen will be shown:
* START GAME (1P/2P): Press ENTER to play the game; use the arrow keys to
* OPTIONS: Choose this to view the many options available for CHAMP Kong.
* EXIT GAME: Choose this to exit CHAMP Kong.
NOTE: You can press F1 at any time to get context-sensitive help.
WINDOWS USERS: CHAMP Kong will run under Windows 3.1x, Windows 95, and OS/2.
A file called CKONG.ICO has been included if you wish to make an icon to run
it directly from these operating systems. Please consult your Windows
manuals for help setting up program items.
The object of CHAMP Kong is to save your girlfriend from the love sick ape
named Kong! You must run, jump and climb up a dangerous construction site
to reunite with the girl while avoiding barrels and fireballs. Once you
reach the top, Kong will grab the girl and bring her to a higher level.
In this level, you must remove 8 rivets to make Kong fall and bonk his head
by jumping or walking over them. Be careful not to fall through the holes
During the game, you can press any of the following keys:
* F5 – Brings up the Controller options.
* F6 – Brings up the Sound options.
* F9 – Toggles the sound on and off.
* F12 – Pauses the game. Press the spacebar or tap a button to resume.
* Esc – Brings up the Options menu. Press ESC to resume the game.
The following switches are used from the command line to disable certain
auto-detection features of CHAMP Kong if you are experiencing problems
-s : Disable the auto detection of the sound card.
-j : Disable any analog joysticks that are being used.
-d : Disable any digital joysticks that are being used.
-3 : Disable the auto-detection of a 386. Use this ONLY if you have a
For example: To disable the sound card detection, you would type:
You must have a 100% compatible Soundblaster card. To manually configure your
sound card, choose Configure Sound Card in the Sound menu (from the Options
menu). You will be prompted for the PORT, IRQ, and DMA of your sound card.
Please consult your user’s manual of your sound card for these values. You
can always select Auto Detect and let the program try to determine the values,
though this may lock up your computer.
If you continue to experience problems, please Email CHAMProgramming’s
Also, other technical support is available at the CHAMProgramming web site,
Play our games the way they were meant to be played!
What is CHAMP Cable? CHAMP Cable is a 3-foot cable that allows you to plug
a standard 9-pin digital joystick (from the Atari 2600) into a parallel
printer port and play all CHAMP Games!!!
* Digital response -* faster response than analog
* Supports joysticks from the Atari 2600/7800/400/800/1200/130xe,
Commodore 64/128, and Colecovision. Also supports digital Wico joysticks.
Where can I get those old joysticks?
To order your CHAMP Cable, send a check or money order for $17.95 plus
Please allow 2 weeks for shipping. Joysticks not included.
CHAMProgramming is currently working on or has released the following games:
For more information on these games, please visit our web site at:
If you have any comments or any suggestions for future CHAMP games, feel free

Название: CHAMP Kong Ver Essay Research Paper
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 00:48:29 10 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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