Реферат: Brave New World Religion Essay Research Paper

Реферат: Brave New World Religion Essay Research Paper


Brave New World: Religion Essay, Research Paper
Thesis: Man’s need for answers to questions that cannot be solved through
known applications of science and technology has resulted in the widespread
In the novel “Brave New World” civilized society lives in a world of science and
technology. Major changes have occurred during the future; Utopia now revolves a
drugs and sex. God and the cross have been replaced by Ford and the symbol T, the
age of machines. Instead of Sunday church, members now attend solidarity services
morals and tradition are not learned, but rather faith is taught in the belief of
produced by a substance known as “soma.” Soma has effectively replaced the belief
being by its elimination of problems and stress resulting in a lack of imagination ,
Yet religion can still be found in today’s society because of man’s continuing need for
questions that cannot be solved by science or technology.
Religion can be regarded as the beliefs and patterns of behavior by which humans try
deal with problems and stress that cannot be solved through practical applications of
technology. “Brave New World” deals with stress by its elimination of problems
soma. As shown in the novel, the people have been addicted to soma as to the point
their supply is threatened. Their attitude can be related to religious fanatics who
actions in the right of their religion. Present day society turns to lesser forms of
weekly attendance to their place of worship in hopes of a stress-free life. To overcome
limitations, society turns to the manipulation of supernatural beings and powers.
Consisting of various rituals, prayers, songs, dances, offerings, and sacrifices, people
to manipulate supernatural beings to their advantage. Recipients of riches, power,
often praised their Savior. These beings may be Gods and Goddesses or even
all societies there are certain individuals especially skilled at dealing with these
who assist other members of society in their ritual activities. A great amount of power
delegated to these individuals such as the Pope or the Dali Lama. “Brave New
religious interpreter in the seven world controllers. Mustapha Mond controls the
emotions and happiness of the people under his control. By interpreting the collection
writings revealed by the higher being, high priests or priestesses can provide the
Religion has a number of advantages to society. Many citizens of the world often
many questions ranging from classroom philosophy to ghosts and goblins. Religion
by explaining the unknown and making it understandable, as well as provide comfort
that supernatural aid is available in times of crises. Religion teaches morals and
of right and wrong. By setting precedents for acceptable behavior, peace and
achieved. The burden of responsibility is lifted from the shoulders of mankind by
weight of decision making from individuals to higher beings.
In contrast to “Brave New World” present day society may seem crude and low to
science and technology, yet followers around the world continue practicing their faith.
in the Almighty during their time on earth, churchgoers hope to achieve everlasting
paradise in the afterlife. This can be seen in the direct relationship of the increase of
activities in older age groups. Man refuses to believe that their time in history can be
insignificant as to be numbered in years. To escape the fear of death, man’s dreams,
aspirations are held in faith and the belief of religion.

Название: Brave New World Religion Essay Research Paper
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 22:57:13 06 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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