Реферат: Biography of Agatha Christie

Реферат: Biography of Agatha Christie


The them: Biography of Agatha Christie.
Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller was born at home on September 15, 1890. She was the third child of Frederick Alvah and Clarissa Beochmer Miller. Her father was an American who had been living in England for twenty years. Her mother was English. Agatha lived at Ashfield in Torquay.
When Agatha was 11, her father died. Before his death, he had begun teaching her arithmetic. Agatha never went to school. Her mother believed education destroyed the brain and ruined the eyes. She taught Agatha history.
After the death of her father, Agatha was taken to arithmetic classes twice a week. At 16, she attended finishing school in Paris, where she remained for two years. She spoke French and German.
As a young woman, she was attached to her mother. Mrs. Miller wanted her daughter to be a concert pianist or a professional opera singer.
After finishing school, Agatha spent three months in Egypt with her mother. During this time, she was officially engaged to Reggie Lucy, a major in the gunners.
During the war, she became a nurse near Torquay to be near her mother. She was a favorite with the recovering soldiers. She soon advanced to the dispensary. She used her nursing experience later to write her first detective novel.
Mrs. Christie was in charge of herself and her career. Her second book was published in 1922. This marked the beginning of a book-a-year record. She was on the bestseller list for the rest of her life.
Between 1940 and 1945, ten new novels were published and two stage adaptations of earlier novels were made. She also wrote the last Poirot and Miss Marple mysteries. Agatha Christie won the Commander of the Order of the British Empire decoration in 1956 for being the most popular British crime mystery writer. She became president of the Detection Club in 1958.
In 1975, Agatha Christie was experiencing failing health and increasing weakness. Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller Christie Mallowan died peacefully in Wallingford on January 12, 1976. She was buried in the country churchyard of Cholsey parish near her home.
Agatha Christie was described in her life as imaginative, happy in her own company, never lonely, modest, and a good listener. She was secretive, professional in business, and had an inborn sense of public relations.

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