Реферат: Baseball Or Softball Essay Research Paper Baseball

Реферат: Baseball Or Softball Essay Research Paper Baseball


Baseball Or Softball Essay, Research Paper
While the games of baseball and softball each have many fans, many players prefer to play one or the other but not both. Although baseball and softball are similar in many ways, they have some notable differences. The pace with which each game is played, the rules of each, and the level of leagues are different for each.
While some people prefer the slower action of softball, others prefer the faster action of baseball. The game of baseball is male dominated because many males prefer the faster, harder baseball since it makes the game more of a challenge. On the other hand, both males and females play softball which uses a larger ball, that is slower pitched and, therefore, easier to hit. Many players feel that softball is safer than baseball because it does not involve a hardball travelling at high speeds at the batter.
The rules of baseball and softball are extremely complex, so only the basics are necessary to distinguish the sports. In both sports the primary rule is to advance the runner around the bases to home plate when the ball is hit. In baseball stealing the bases is another way to advance the runner, but this is not permitted in softball because the ball must be hit before a runner can leave the base. Baseball requires nine innings to complete a game, and softball only requires seven. The softball player is out if the last hit is a foul ball, while the baseball player stays at the plate until another strike is called or hits successfully. As one can see, a player that switches games must familiarize himself with the difference in the rules to succeed.
A person that would like to play professional ball will choose baseball because there is a
professional big league, such as the St. Louis Cardinals, but in softball that opportunity is not available. Baseball is played on more levels than softball. It is played on the professional, international, Olympic, college, high school, and little league levels. If a player is fortunate enough to make it to the professional level, he can make millions of dollars. On the other hand, softball levels include all but the professional. So it does offer many challenges but does not enable a player to make the huge professional salaries.
Even though the games of softball and baseball are different and therefore attract different players, they are both very popular games that are enjoyed by many people. On any given day in the season of softball and baseball, one will find many players preparing to play for the many fans who bring their comfortable seats and coolers while gearing up for the excitement that each game offers.

Название: Baseball Or Softball Essay Research Paper Baseball
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 02:12:31 31 октября 2010 Похожие работы
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