Реферат: Assembler Test Essay Research Paper Nick RobertsonAssembeler

Реферат: Assembler Test Essay Research Paper Nick RobertsonAssembeler


Assembler Test Essay, Research Paper
1.What are the four steps of CPU execution are:
2.List all the 8086 register state their prupose. Group them
by general purpose, pointing, and segment. They are:
axAccumilator (general purpose storage)
cxCounting (input/output addresses)
dxData (store info about peripherals
The main purpose of the above started registers is to contain
the initaial data for, and the reslts of, arithmetic or logical
The main purpose of the above stated registers is to point
The main purpose of the above stated registers is to hold
3) List all the 8086 flags and state their purpose. Group them by
State flags are so named becouse their values are influenced
by the precious intructions and reflect some pecularities as a result.
Control Flags are so named becouse their pupose is to control
the execution of certain intructions.
- non-volitale ( is kept at shut-down)
-Volitable ( is not kept at shut-down)
5)State and define the three busses used by the CPU.
also state if the bus is unidirectional or bidirectional.
6)A program that will take a single digit numeric
input from the computer, convert it to BCD, ass the number,
and output the result to the monitor.
7)State the difference between a macro and a procedure.
Macro – Copies code a compilating / inserts
Procedure – Jumps to instruction in memory
8)Give exaples of the following addresing modes:
9)Define the following assembler directives:
10)For every ‘push’ there is a ‘pop’
11)Write a program that will encrypt a string by XORing one character
with the next character in the string.
12)Write a program that will decrypt the program you just wrote.
13)State the address 5F32A of the next op-code as a segmented address, a logical address. Give the offset address and the segment address.
14)List all the base-pointers registers and give the segmants that they can use. Label the default segmen register with each. Don’t forget about IP
– Ip must pair with cs, sp with ss becouse these regiesters are involved in automatic CPU operations.Then you can pair the general-purpose data pointing registers BX, Di, and SI with the data segment register DS
– The IP offset register is always asses to the CS segment register when addressing code memory. There is override available to the programmer.
– The BP or SP offset register is automatically added to the SS segment register when stack opertions are in progress. The programmer may not override the automatic selection of SS with SP. The programmer may override the automatic selection of the DS register and use anyone of the other three segment registers CS, ES, or SS.
– Any offset quantity using registers BX, DI, and Si is automaticlly added to the DS base register. The programmer may override the automatic selection of the DS register and use any one of the other three segment registeres CS, ES, or SS.
– The offset register DI is automaticlly used with the ES base register when stringoperations are taking place. The programmer may not override the selection of Di with ES when string operations are done.
15)Give an example of a struct that will store the data for a person age,

Название: Assembler Test Essay Research Paper Nick RobertsonAssembeler
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 15:48:28 14 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
Просмотров: 2
Комментариев: 14
Оценило: 2 человек
Средний балл: 5
Оценка: неизвестно   Скачать

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