Реферат: Are Humans Inherently Evil Essay Research Paper

Реферат: Are Humans Inherently Evil Essay Research Paper


Are Humans Inherently Evil? Essay, Research Paper
A great man once remarked “All men are created equal”. Well that observation
was correct, except that mankind is only equal in the eyes of moral judgment. Here I will
show how man is inherently evil, but not at his request.
There can be a wide spectrum of emotions that mankind can display, but these
days the dominant traits are greed and hatred. Emotions and environmental stimuli dictate
our actions. Every action we display has been impacted upon by some other outside
force, be it another person or how your day is going. Deep down people have to desire to
be good, but the evil inside us all always finds a way to burrow to the top. For millennia
man has fought his inner demons only to find that this battle is futile. Only because man is
susceptible to peer influence at every turn. And why is that, is it the ever growing need to
conform to society’s norm, is it the need to be liked by others, or is it curiosity of the
things people do. In my opinion man’s need to conform is the underlying reason why he
does the things he does. Conformity makes us feel safe, it makes us feel like we are one of
a group, when in reality we are one in a group of five billion.
If conformity dictates a person’s way of being, why does that make man evil?
Conformity is evil since mankind imitates what he sees from other persons unknown.
Even if the action is illegal or immoral. Man sees that money will buy him love, friends,
and financial stability, in which it will not, just spiral that person down the rabbit hole.
Where does the rabbit hole lead? It leads to a circle of viscious carnality, destroying other
people like nothing just so another zero is added to your paycheck. This is where
conformity leads us, from simple beings, to devils in the eyes of those who hold the key to
our humanity. Those people being the ones who are closest to us, our dear friends, and
In conclusion, mankind has a long ways to go before we can be called humans,
since now “Demons” would be the best adjective to describe our race.
Berns, Walter (ed.). After the People Vote: Steps in Choosing the
President. Washington: American Enterprise Institute for
Bickel, Alexander M. Reform and Continuity. New York: Harper &
Glennon, Michael J. When No Majority Rules: The Electoral
College and Presidential Succession. Washington D.C.:
Congressional Quarterly’s Guide to U.S. Elections (2nd ed.).
Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly, 1985.
Schlesinger, Arthur M. Jr.(ed.). History of Presidential
Elections 1789-1968. New York: Chelsea House Publishers,

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Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 10:54:27 12 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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