Реферат: Antigone Essay Research Paper Tragic Hero CreonIn

Реферат: Antigone Essay Research Paper Tragic Hero CreonIn


In order for a character to qualify as the tragic hero they must
posses all of these qualities: high standing, a major flaw, and a downfall.
A tragic hero is someone that is usually of royalty, of nobility, honest, or
brave. During the story they usually show a major flaw or weakness.
This usually leads to their downfall, loss of power, or even death. Many
Creon came into power when Oedipus was exiled and died.
Throughout the play, Antigone, Creon exemplifies many characteristics.
Some are selfishness, stubbornness, and pride. He is selfish because he
does only want he wants to do and listens to no one else. He shows his
stubbornness when he is unwilling to let Antigone live even though she
committed a crime. He thinks that he is always right and that he is loved
and adored by all, a true example of pride.
His characteristics and tendencies lead to his tragic flaw. He feels
that Haimon is too young to know what he is talking about especially
when it comes to Antigone. Creon believes that Haimon is blinded by
love. Creon wouldn’t even take anything that Haimon said into
consideration. He also did the same thing with Teiresias, a blind prophet
who has always been right in other situations. Teiresias told Creon that
his actions have angered the Gods and that it would be in his best interest
to let Antigone go free, otherwise his family would be cursed and he
would suffer a great deal. Creon, whom was obviously in denial, didn’t
believe a word Teiresias said and accused him of lying and taking bribes
After Teiresias left, Creon has a sudden change of heart and
realizes that it would be in his best interest to let Antigone live. Upon
arriving at the vault where Antigone is held Creon finds that she has
hanged himself. Haimon is mourning at her feet, he then lunged at Creon
and missed. Desperate he drove the sword into himself. Back at the
castle Eurydice has heard the news and also commits suicide. It isn’t long
before Creon realizes that everyone that he cared for and loved is now
dead and it is because of his selfishness and unwillingness to believe the
truth. He wishes himself dead but the Gods will not allow it, for it is not
Creon has to live with the consequences of his actions. His bad
characteristics overcame the good but lost in the end. He thought that he
was doing what was right only because according to him it was right. If
he would have listened to Haimon and Teiresias he would have been able
to prevent all the tragedy that took place. He was too blind to see the

Название: Antigone Essay Research Paper Tragic Hero CreonIn
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 15:16:37 04 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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