Реферат: Antigone Essay Research Paper Antigone This

Реферат: Antigone Essay Research Paper Antigone This


This play is a tragedy that was written several centuries ago by a
well known man named Sophocles. Sophocles was born in Athens about 496 – 406
B.C. He is regarded as one of the world’s greatest playwrights, and his plays have
had many enduring influence on many other writers (Shakespeare). During his
life he wrote an immense amount of plays. Sophocles wrote 100 plays and only
seven have survived till this day. He received first place many times in
competitions that judged the plays that were performed in the Dionysian festivals,
a celebration in which the Athenians held to honor their god of wine. Although
he was born 2,500 years ago, his plays have some similarity to todays society. As
some see it the conflict between Antigone and Creon is as representative of the
conflict between conscience and authority.
In this tragic story Haimon was intelligent in the way he spoke to
his father. He complemented his father by saying, “You are may guide. You make
things clear for me, and I obey you. No marriage means more to me than your
continuing wisdom.” These words made Creon proud of having a son like
Haimon. After complimenting his father Haimon begged Creon to let Antigone go
free. Creon denied his request, because of Haimon’s actions Creon said to him
“You’ll never marry her while she lives,” and called upon the guards to bring
Antigone out to be killed in front of Haimon’s eyes. Haimon said to Creon that
if she dies her death will cause another. Haimon lefted saying to his father that
Haimon was not listened to because he was young. His father
thought, he is young what can he know. Haimon proofed his father wrong about
not knowing anything after the argument they had. They argued about what
Antigone had done was not wrong. Haimon said to his father, “She covered her
brother’s body. She kept him from dogs and vultures. Is this a crime?” These
words made Creon keep in silence for a while.
Haimon had a passionate side kind of like Romeo’s. He
demonstrated his love for Antigone several times. From the time of the war
between the two brothers, until the doom of
both lovers. When everything came to chaos Creon tried to reverse all the things
he had done to change the outcome of things. When the time came to release
Antigone, there next to her lied Haimon dead. He probably still had feelings for
her. To him death did not mean a thing as long as they continued to be together
Intelligence, not distinguished and passion were only three of the
the character he is. Haimon looked like the kind of person who could handle
himself in a tough situation. This was good because he was next in line for the
position of king. It is a sham things had to end the way they did because
Haimon was honest and knew of most of things that went around the kingdom.
He knew about the rumors that went around the kingdom and also, how to deal

Название: Antigone Essay Research Paper Antigone This
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 07:30:37 26 октября 2010 Похожие работы
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Оценило: 1 человек
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