Реферат: Annabell Lee Essay Research Paper In the

Реферат: Annabell Lee Essay Research Paper In the


In the poem Annabell Lee the poet Eggar Allen Poe brings
out the theme that true love will never die.
This is a poem that is timely in its relevance. There are few
people who ever find true love. But for the people who do find perfect love,
the love for their mate, the love for their companion does not die with that
person. To Poe this poem had a great deal of relevance because Poe wrote
this poem about how he felt after the loss of his dear wife.
In this poem, the fact that true love never dies is practically
shoved down the reader s throat. Throughout the entire poem the poet states
over and over that his love for Annabel Lee is a love that feels greater than
love. And he feels that angels in heaven are jealous of his love and that is the
reason she died. Then he states that And neither the angels in Heaven
above/ Nor the demons down under the sea,/ Can ever dissever my soul from
the soul/ Of beautiful Annabell Lee. He basically states there that his
remarkable and rare love will not ever dissolve, even though his companion
The poet goes on to say For the moon never beams without
bringing me dreams/ Of beautiful Annabell Lee. Through this statement Poe
is trying to say that just because she died doesn t mean he s is not still with
her. He is with her in his dreams, and that when the angels took her away
from him it was pointless because their love is as strong as ever.
Finally, one of the last statements made in this poem is one
that shows great compassion. It states And the stars never rise but I see the
bright eyes/ Of beautiful Annabell Lee; And so, all the night-tide; I lie down
by the side/ Of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride. Now, the
creator of this poem is saying that death did nothing to stop their love, and
that he feels just as close to her as when she lay by his side giving him
This theme has a quality to it that makes sense to almost any
generation. Some people, although few, have experienced the truth behind
the theme: death can not stop true love. Although not all people find true
love, there will always be those who will find it for generations to come.
Death can not stop true love is a relevant theme to the poem Annabell Lee. The theme
expresses the feeling Poe had toward his deceased wife. Since, she was really the reason
he composed this poem. It was about her.

Название: Annabell Lee Essay Research Paper In the
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 09:24:31 11 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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