Реферат: Analyzing Curse Of The Starving Class Essay

Реферат: Analyzing Curse Of The Starving Class Essay


In class we learned about a man named Goethe. He developed a way to critique any category of art, whether it be a poem, oil painting, or a play. According to the World Book Encyclopedia, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) was a German poet, novelist, and playwright. He ranks among the most important and influential writers of modern European literature. Goethe was also a leading thinker and scientist. The scope and originality of his literary works and the diversity of his intellectual pursuits make him the central figure of German classical and romantic literature. Goethe learned to discipline his passions and he developed a greater balance between emotion and reason.
Now that we have some background on Goethe, we can focus on his questions of analyzing art. These three questions are as follows: (1) What is the artist trying to do?, (2) How well does the artist do it?, and (3) Is it worth doing? The preceding questions could be answered in aim of the painter, actor, director, scene designer, make-up artist, and so on.
In analyzing Curse of the Starving Classes with Goethe s questions, I will keep my focus on the playwright, Sam Shepard. His is a story that I don t come across very often. I believe Mr. Shepard wrote this play to bring a variety into the theatre, as well as writing about something he knows and has lived through. Just the fact that this story is his life memory brings feeling and passion to the script. Perhaps I m digging this too deep, but it is one thing to make up a story, and another to actually have been there. What is the artist trying to do? In my opinion, Shepard is sharing his past, as well as offer a lesson to be learned. This story could bring about different feelings; anywhere from appreciation of what one has to complete and utter boredom. Personally, it helped me realize that my family is important.
On to the next question, How well does the artist do it? Shepard s story has drama, with a little side of comedy. Although I feel that the play is a little depressing, my face didn t show only one emotion. There are, indeed, a few humorous lines here and there in the script. The laughter and the drama make the play a well rounded story in my eyes.
The final question, Is it worth doing? All signs point to yes. It wasn t the best play I ve seen, but the variety makes the really good plays stand out. The way I see it, the whole point of a play is to entertain, to take you away from the real world and put you in theirs. It is possible that I am not remembering my thoughts while watching the play, but I m glad I saw it. Some people may not realize how good they have it in life. My perception of life has become a little more positive, thanks to this three act play.

Название: Analyzing Curse Of The Starving Class Essay
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 08:07:22 04 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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