Redis Code Snippets

Redis Code Snippets

Team Athene

Redis Pub/Sub

Subscribe to Pub/Sub channels
Redis Publishing 'Active Users'
Redis Publishing 'Messages'
Redis adding new active users for a particular room
Redis sending new message from a particular room
Redis fetching active users for a particular room
Redis fetching message for a particular room
Redis removing an active user for a particular room


Adding fields using Redisearch Modules when a product is added
To get the search result from redis search

Redis DataSets

Item Brands are added as a list to Redis to view the item brand list added to the platform
Initialise the item count of each product
To add the sold products count to the Redis dataset
To add the recently viewed products to the Redis dataset
Get the recently viewed products and popular products
To add the cart details to the Redis dataset
To add the cart details to the Redis dataset

Video Explanation

SpecKart - Blockchain & Redis Architecture


Report Page