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Believe it or not, the MC1R genes that cause red hair are also responsible for other physical characteristics that make redheaded sex the best ever.
Whether you love a redhead or you’re a redhead yourself, those vibrant tresses can actually translate into a wild bedroom experience.
The genes responsible for red hair also cause redheads to respond differently to physical stimuli than men or women with other hair colors. Redheads feel hot and cold temperatures more rapidly and respond to pain differently than blonds or brunettes. This heightened sensitivity can easily translate into exciting sexual play with hot and cold lubes, ice cubes and even sex toys that trigger heightened physical responses. With faster and fuller physical responses, many redheads report that it doesn’t take much effort to reach the big “o.”
In 2012, Danish researchers discovered that redheads’ sensitivity may be even more complex — redheads may be tougher than we give them credit for, reacting less to a burning sensation in the skin. You can only imagine what this might translate to in the bedroom.
Redheads exude sexiness from their very pores. In his book The Redheaded Encyclopedia , author Stephen Douglas asserts that redheads have a sweet and musky scent on their skin as a result of pheromone production. These pheromones, in turn, drive would-be suitors absolutely mad with desire. Online forums dedicated to the sexiness of redheads (yes, they exist, and it only takes a quick Google search to find them) further support the claim that redheads smell like sexiness in all the right ways.
And if you’re wondering just how special the inner makeup of a redhead really is, the answer is very . In the year 2000, researchers pinpointed the exact gene responsible for red hair , the mutated MC1R protein that may only manifest as fiery locks in as little as 1 to 2 percent of the population.
As it turns out, the stereotypical lusty redhead isn’t too far from the truth. The most compelling argument for hot redheaded sex is the simple fact that gingers have more sex than their blond or brunette counterparts. A University of Hamburg sex researcher found that women with red hair, whether they’re single or in a committed relationship, participate in substantially more sexual activity than other women. If they’re hitting the sheets all the time, it’s bound to be pretty hot, right?
It doesn’t hurt that redheads have the highest orgasm rate of all hair types at 41 percent.
We’re all familiar with the stereotype of the hot-tempered redhead. Some theorists purport that redheads are emotional and volatile because of their heightened sensitivity to pain and other physical stimuli. A redhead’s reputation for being passionate and opinionated can certainly pay dividends when it comes to sex, and there’s some research to support the sexy redhead concept, too. Red has long been known to be the color of arousal . Think red lipstick, red wine and naturally red hair, and you’re on the right track.
A passionate lover is always a fabulous thing, especially when he or she knows how to say loudly and convincingly, “Touch me there!”
A version of this story was published February 2016.
Whether you have a partner or not, here are some of our favorite positions for great solo sex: 
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Believe it or not, the MC1R genes that cause red hair are also responsible for other physical characteristics that make redheaded sex the best ever.
Whether you love a redhead or you’re a redhead yourself, those vibrant tresses can actually translate into a wild bedroom experience.
The genes responsible for red hair also cause redheads to respond differently to physical stimuli than men or women with other hair colors. Redheads feel hot and cold temperatures more rapidly and respond to pain differently than blonds or brunettes. This heightened sensitivity can easily translate into exciting sexual play with hot and cold lubes, ice cubes and even sex toys that trigger heightened physical responses. With faster and fuller physical responses, many redheads report that it doesn’t take much effort to reach the big “o.”
In 2012, Danish researchers discovered that redheads’ sensitivity may be even more complex — redheads may be tougher than we give them credit for, reacting less to a burning sensation in the skin. You can only imagine what this might translate to in the bedroom.
Redheads exude sexiness from their very pores. In his book The Redheaded Encyclopedia , author Stephen Douglas asserts that redheads have a sweet and musky scent on their skin as a result of pheromone production. These pheromones, in turn, drive would-be suitors absolutely mad with desire. Online forums dedicated to the sexiness of redheads (yes, they exist, and it only takes a quick Google search to find them) further support the claim that redheads smell like sexiness in all the right ways.
And if you’re wondering just how special the inner makeup of a redhead really is, the answer is very . In the year 2000, researchers pinpointed the exact gene responsible for red hair , the mutated MC1R protein that may only manifest as fiery locks in as little as 1 to 2 percent of the population.
As it turns out, the stereotypical lusty redhead isn’t too far from the truth. The most compelling argument for hot redheaded sex is the simple fact that gingers have more sex than their blond or brunette counterparts. A University of Hamburg sex researcher found that women with red hair, whether they’re single or in a committed relationship, participate in substantially more sexual activity than other women. If they’re hitting the sheets all the time, it’s bound to be pretty hot, right?
It doesn’t hurt that redheads have the highest orgasm rate of all hair types at 41 percent.
We’re all familiar with the stereotype of the hot-tempered redhead. Some theorists purport that redheads are emotional and volatile because of their heightened sensitivity to pain and other physical stimuli. A redhead’s reputation for being passionate and opinionated can certainly pay dividends when it comes to sex, and there’s some research to support the sexy redhead concept, too. Red has long been known to be the color of arousal . Think red lipstick, red wine and naturally red hair, and you’re on the right track.
A passionate lover is always a fabulous thing, especially when he or she knows how to say loudly and convincingly, “Touch me there!”
A version of this story was published February 2016.
Whether you have a partner or not, here are some of our favorite positions for great solo sex: 
The stories you care about, delivered daily.
SheKnows is a part of Penske Media Corporation. © 2022 SheMedia, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

History has dealt a mixed hand to the redhead. Alternatively admired or derided for the color of their crowning glory, attitudes to those with red hair have always been polarized. Throughout time, redheads have been portrayed as beautiful and brave or else promiscuous, wild, hot-tempered, violent or immoral. Gingernut, carrot top, flame-haired, copper head and rusty are just some of the nicknames for red hair. The modern mind also associates the hair color with individual countries such as Scotland and Ireland or cultures such as the Vikings .
The reason for these attitudes and associations is complicated and lies partly in the origins of red hair and the human reaction to things that are different. For although 40% of people carry the gene for red hair, real redheads are rare, amounting to no more than 1% of the population. It requires two carriers to make a red-headed child. So why is red hair so rare and unique? What is its history, and is it fair to assigned heads such a turbulent reputation?
Red hair has always been a question of genes. Clues suggested that red hair could have evolved in Paleolithic Europe amongst the Neanderthals . Scientists analyzed Neanderthal remains from Croatia and found a gene that resulted in red hair. However, the gene that causes red hair in modern humans is not the same as that in Neanderthals. Nor is the red-haired gene of either race found in any of the peoples who are descended from Paleolithic humans, namely the Finnish and most of Eastern Europe. This fact not only rules out interbreeding as a route for Homo sapiens red hair, but it also rules out early Europe, as it’s the birthplace.
Instead, the origins of red hair have been traced back to the Steppes of Central Asia as much as 100,000 years ago. The haplogroup of modern redheads indicates that their earliest ancestors migrated to the steppes from the Middle East because of the rise of herding during the Neolithic revolution . The Steppes were the perfect grazing lands for the herds of the agriculturists. Unfortunately, however, the lower UV levels of the area limited their bodies’ ability to synthesize vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiencies bring about weak bones, muscle pain and rickets in children. So the migrants had to change.
To survive their environment, people living in northern regions, in general, had begun to evolve to suit their environment and to allow their bodies more access to the limited light. As a consequence, their skin and hair started to become much lighter. In the eastern steppes, however, things occurred slightly differently. A mutation occurred in a gene known as M1CR which caused hair color not merely to lighten but to change entirely- to red. The skin of these new redhead people was well adapted to absorbing the much-needed UV light. It was, however, a little too sensitive to the sun- which is why redheads often sunburn and are more prone to skin cancer .
These pioneers of red hair then began to spread to the Balkans and central and Western Europe in the Bronze Age as they migrated once again, this time in search of metal. The majority of the migrants remained in these regions, although some spread further west to the Atlantic seaboard, and fewer still moved eastwards into Siberia and some as far south as India. However, these latter migrations were scant- which explains the rarity of red hair in these areas.
The Balkans and Western Europe now became established as the geographical and historical homeland of red-haired culture. It was one that was observed by ancient writers who began to form their conclusions about the red-haired peoples they encountered.
The accounts of classical writers are quick to highlight red hair amongst the tribes they encountered in central and Western Europe. As early as the fifth century BC, Herodotus described the Budini , a Scythian tribe from the central-western Eurasian steppes as having “grey eyes and red hair,” as were the Thracians whose lands covered parts of modern Turkey, southeastern Bulgaria, and northeast Greece. These tribes were regarded as barbarians by the Greeks, despite their military prowess and sophisticated art. However, this was most likely because they were non-Hellenic than because of their hair color.
Meanwhile, the Romans were also noticing the abundance of red hair amongst the tribes they were encountering as their empire progressed ever westwards. Seneca noted that “ The color of the Ethiopian is not singular among his countrymen, nor is red hair tied up in a knot a peculiarity among the Germans.” Livy in his History of Rome describes the Gauls as of “ tall stature ” and having “Long red hair.” These physical characteristics married with their behavior in battle which was to “ terrify and appall.” (38.17.4).
Tacitus also noticed the prevalence of red hair amongst the Germans. “ For my own part, I agree with those who think that the tribes of Germany are free from all taint of intermarriages with foreign nations and that they appear as a distinct, unmixed race, like none but themselves, ” he noted in his Germania . “Hence, too, the same physical peculiarities throughout so vast a population. All have fierce blue eyes, red hair, huge frames”.
He also noticed that many of the Celtic tribes of Britain also had red hair – and concluded- correctly- that this pointed to an interrelationship between the Celts, Germans and Gauls who all unbeknown to him originated from the central Asian migrations into Europe. In particular, Tacitus noted the Caledonians had “red hair and large limbs” which he felt pointed to a “Germanic origin.”
All of these red-haired tribes match the genetic makeup of the current inhabitants of the lands they occupied. Scotland, Wales and Ireland respectively- the Briti
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