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Two promotional posters for the movie were released during the Comic Con in 2008. Both featured Rose McGowan , dressed as Red Sonja with fierce red hair. On one she was licking blood from a sword and on the other she was kneeling on a pile of skulls with red plots flying around her. Both posters promoted the movie to be released in 2009. It was never released that year.
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Plot kept under wraps. An adaptation of the comic book, Red Sonja, a vengeful warrior known as a "She-Devil with a sword". Plot kept under wraps. An adaptation of the comic book, Red Sonja, a vengeful warrior known as a "She-Devil with a sword". Plot kept under wraps. An adaptation of the comic book, Red Sonja, a vengeful warrior known as a "She-Devil with a sword".

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Known as the "She-Devil with a Sword," Red Sonja is the greatest swordswoman of the Hyborean Age and more than a match for any man in combat. First appearing in Marvel Comics in 1973, Red Sonja has become the archetypal example of the strikingly beautiful warrior woman clad in revealing bikini-like armor.


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Red Sonya of Rogatino
She-Devil with a Sword
The She-Devil of Hyrkania
The Red One
The Chosen One
Lady Sonja of Dorn
Sonja the Red
Queen Sonja
Empress Sonja
The Devil
Radiant Mistress
Sonja Majeure

Red Sonya of Rogatino
She-Devil with a Sword
The She-Devil of Hyrkania
The Red One
The Chosen One
Lady Sonja of Dorn
Sonja the Red
Queen Sonja
Empress Sonja
The Devil
Radiant Mistress
Sonja Majeure

Robert E. Howard
Roy Thomas
Barry Windsor-Smith

Alien Animal Cyborg God/Eternal Human Infection Mutant Other Radiation Robot

Conan the Barbarian #23 - The Shadow of the Vulture

Red Sonja #34 - The River Styx, Part 5

Adaptive Agility Animal Control Animation Astral Projection Berserker Strength Blast Power Blood Control Chameleon Chemical Absorbtion Chemical Secretion Claws Controlled Bone Growth Cosmic Awareness Danger Sense Darkforce Manipulation Darkness Manipulation Death Touch Density Control Dimensional Manipulation Divine Powers Duplication Earth Manipulation Elasticity Electricity Control Electronic Disruption Electronic interaction Emotion Control Empathy Energy Absorption Energy Based Constructs Energy Manipulation Energy Shield Energy-Enhanced Strike Enhance Mutation Escape Artist Feral Fire Control Flame Breath Flight Force Field Gadgets Genetic Manipulation Gravity control Healing Heat Generation Heat Vision Hellfire Control Holographic Projection Hypnosis Ice Breath Ice Control Illusion Casting Immortal Implants Inertia Absorption Insanely Rich Intellect Invisibility Invulnerability Leadership Levitation Light Projection Longevity Magic Magnetism Marksmanship Matter Absorption Mesmerize Necromancy Omni-lingual Penance Stare Phasing / Ghost Pheromone Control Plant Control Poisonous Possession Postcognition Power Item Power Mimicry Power Suit Precognition Prehensile Hair Probability Manipulation Psionic Psychic Psychometry Radar Sense Radiation Reality Manpulation Sand manipulation Sense Death Shadowmeld Shape Shifter Siphon Abilities Siphon Lifeforce Size Manipulation Sonic Scream Soul Absorption Stamina Stealth Sub-Mariner Super Eating Super Hearing Super Sight Super Smell Super Speed Super Strength Swordsmanship Synaesthesia Technopathy Telekinesis Telepathy Teleport Time Manipulation Time Travel Tracking Unarmed Combat Vampirism Vibration Wave Voice-induced Manipulation Wall Clinger Water Control Weapon Master Weather Control Webslinger Willpower-Based Constructs Wind Bursts












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Red Sonja appears in 975 issues .

Red Sonja last edited by

on 02/05/22

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In Red Sonja , it has been a long journey east to the kingdom of Vindhya. Here is the sanctuary of the Vestals of Xamul, a demigod who lives in the heart of a volcano. In this place, Sonja and the gifted child she protects, seek something very special.
In The Invincible Red Sonja , Sonja looks like she will need all the help she can get as she tests her skills of survival in a Godless place where only the strongest survive.
In Hell Sonja , on a planet long ago ravaged by flood, the Hell Sonja team seeks out a ghost pirate ship that drives witnesses mad on sight. The only way to stop the ship is to dive to the drowned city below, reprogram a long-dead interdimensional portal, and plunge the cursed ship directly through to Hell!
In Red Sonja: Black, White, Red , Phil Hester throws Sonja into the dangerous den of a deadly religion... Amy Chu and Anthony Marques return to Red with a thrilling adventure... Jacob Edgar and Giorgio Spalletta spin a tale of talents, as various killers of different disciplines challenge Sonja, only to realize every weapon they wield is no match for a She-Devil...
During the Hyborian Age , a red-haired girl named Sonja lived with her family in a humble home in the western Hyrkanian steppes. When Sonja had just turned seventeen years old, a gang of cruel mercenaries killed her father Ivor, her mother and two younger brothers, and burned their house and all their possessions. She survived, but at the cost of her own virginity after she was brutally raped by the leader of the group, leaving her in shame.
Answering Sonja's cry for revenge, the red goddess Scathach appeared to her, and offered to bestow upon her unparalleled skill in battle on the condition that she would never lie with a man unless he defeated her in fair combat. Sonja gladly accepted the offer. She grew to womanhood as a wandering adventurer, and as she journeyed her legend grew as well. She became known as Red Sonja, due to her flame-red hair, fiery personality, and uncanny ability to spill the blood of her enemies wherever she went.
In the new Red Sonja series written by Gail Simone , the character's origin story was retold, removing both the rape and supernatural elements of her story. In the reboot her original name is revealed as Sonjita rather than Sonja, and she was the daughter of the chief of a Hyrkanian village. The village was attacked by vicious raiders and Sonjita's family and the rest of the villagers were slaughtered, leaving Sonjita the lone survivor. But she was not caught or raped by the attackers, nor was she ever visited by the goddess Scathach. Instead, Sonjita escaped into the wild and relied on her own hunting skills to track down and kill the raiders one by one. She was then captured by slavers and forced to fight for her life in an arena for three years, through which she gained her unrivaled fighting skill and became known by her 'arena' name: "Red Sonja."
Though the comic book version of Red Sonja was created by writer Roy Thomas and artist Barry Windsor-Smith in 1973, the original inspiration for Red Sonja was created in 1934 by fantasy novelist Robert E. Howard , the creator of Conan the Barbarian and the mythical Hyborean Age. Howard's character was named "Red Sonya of Rogatino," and she first appeared in the short story The Shadow of the Vulture (which was adapted into Red Sonja's first comic book story by Marvel). However, Howard's Red Sonya was a saber-and-pistol wielding heroine of the Renaissance era rather than a swordswoman of the Hyborean Age.
In the 1970's, after Conan the Barbarian became a hit series for Marvel Comics , other Howard characters were considered for introduction into the series, including Red Sonya. In order to transform her character so that she could be a contemporary of Conan, writer Roy Thomas altered the spelling of her name to the more exotic "Sonja" and made her a barbarian swordswoman from the land of Hyrkania. Red Sonja was a hit with readers, growing from a supporting character in Conan to starring in several volumes of her own comic book series. She has become the archetypal example of what is now a fantasy staple: The fierce and strikingly beautiful warrior-woman clad in revealing bikini-like armor.
Red Sonja first made her comics debut in 1973, as a supporting character for Conan the Barbarian in his monthly series. In her earliest feature story The Song of Red Sonja , drawn by Barry Windsor-Smith, she wore a modest scale mail shirt and red shorts and her figure was less curvaceous. In subsequent appearances she donned the famous bikini armor for which she is now known.
The fiery red-haired warrior woman proved immediately popular with fans, and she continued to make appearances in Conan’s title as a guest star. Though Red Sonja and Conan were generally portrayed as allies, their relationship was often tenuous due to her fiercely independent nature and the fact that as mercenaries, they would sometimes be in competition for the same prize. Occasionally they even came to blows, though the threat of a common enemy invariably caused them to join forces later. To complicate matters Conan was attracted to Sonja, who repeatedly rebuffed his advances due to her personal code of never laying with a man who could not defeat her in combat. Conan was never able to best Sonja in a fight, despite making several attempts, and this often added to the tension between the two.
By 1975, Red Sonja had become so popular that she was given a solo debut in the Marvel Feature title. After headlining Marvel Feature for seven issues she was given her own title, which ran for another fifteen issues. Artist Frank Thorne became indelibly associated with the character during this run. After her series ended she continued to make appearances in Conan’s series, where she first faced one of her most enduring enemies, the evil sorcerer Kulan Gath .
In 1979, Red Sonja teamed up with Marvel’s most popular modern superhero, Spider-Man , in Marvel Team-Up # 79 . Through mystical means Sonja was transported to modern-day New York City b
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