Reddit Sugar Lifestyle

Reddit Sugar Lifestyle


Reddit Sugar Lifestyle
How to get into the sugar lifestyle?
Comment deleted by user · 5 yr. ago
Comment deleted by user · 5 yr. ago
A forum where SDs and SBs discuss the sugar lifestyle, share experiences, and learn from one another
Reddit Inc © 2022. All rights reserved
Not sure if there is another forum about this but lately my relationship has opened up because it’s long distance and asked my partner if it would be okay to have a sugar daddy.
I’ve downloaded a few apps like Seeking Arrangements and am few other online sites. I’m honestly looking for more of a mentor, someone to learn from and chat with. I get what it feels like being lonely and I like to chat and trade stories. I kinda want an SD what needs taking care of (non-sexually). Like doing laundry, making dinner, picking up dry cleaning, ect.
If anyone has tips on what to look out for or avoid I’d appreciate it.
If you're looking for a non-sexual sugar daddy, prepare for the following:
If you are not interested in "anything sexually", you are better of trying anything but this. The SA is overflown with women who think they can make money with chit chat and the demand is practically non-existent. This is a dating site and dating involves intimacy and sex. The number of sad lonely millionaires willing to pay thousands of dollars for you "to trade stories" is about 0.
The number of sad lonely millionaires willing to pay thousands of dollars for you "to trade stories" is about 0.
I get that you're trying to make up for the fact that you won't be having sex with your SD but there's really nothing you can do to replace it and still expect to get nearly the same level of financial assistance.
If you're offering things like making dinner and picking up laundry then you're comparable to the best of personal assistance money can get. A guy with money isn't going to risk it to pick one from a site like SA when he could hire one through legitimate means and still have his pick of beautiful and competent women.
Like others said you might as well get something on your resume and work as a PA or do camming.
The typical SA type man probably thinks about sex every 5 seconds. Your plan is to dangle the bait in front of him and have him pay for the privilege of being denied what's at the top of his mind....... could it work yes like a full court hail mary at the end of a game. Probability low
Honestly...I’d be interested in being taken care of. Since the divorce I do miss having a woman around to take care of some things . I think we all like to be taken care of to some extent don’t we ?
Being non sexual the allowance would have to be pretty darn low but if I found the right girl I would do something like this
I’m just gonna guess here but it won’t be as appealing since it doesn’t pay as well for the time she’s going to be putting in
It doesn’t refer to my birth year. Refers to an important date of when a family member passed away.
I notice you didn't mention allowance or financial assistance in your post so that's a good start. I wouldn't expect one.
I don’t expect it but if I were to get one I wouldn’t complain. Most SD’s I know have high end jobs like being a physician or lawyer. I’m personally bouncing between the two for a career choice before my education gets specific and serious. If I have personal connections it would make networking easier and I could get into programs through personal reference. I like to learn and be broke than to fuck for money and jewels. I fee like my knowledge would be a lot more powerful if I would learn to be successful and become wealthy like them.
I people watch and observe. That how I get through tough times and wiggle my self in or out of things.
Well-off men can find better and safer substitutes in almost all instances for a young SB that wants to be platonic. Friends are free for chit-chatting. Therapists are better skilled at psychoanalysis. Maids and cooks are probably better at their jobs as well. Mentees -- there are many young people who can be mentored for free and who might be better prospects for business or other arenas.
I am always flabbergasted at the sheer volume of young ladies on Tinder and SA assuming men will pay top dollar to just hang out and chew the fat with a young person. Frankly, many young people are rather jejune in outlook and I'd rather spend time with older people for conversation.
Like the saying goes, “ Teach a man how to fish and he can eat for a life time...” I want to learn how to fish figuratively speaking. Learning the bs that I should look out for med/ law school and not make the same mistakes as them would be nice to know so that I won’t have to struggle as hard.

Is sugar lifestyle glamorous anymore ?!
Comment deleted by user · 3 mo. ago
A forum where SDs and SBs discuss the sugar lifestyle, share experiences, and learn from one another
Reddit Inc © 2022. All rights reserved
Having an SD has become so trendy that it has made the quality of everything go down! All of the sites are oversaturated with little girls & creeps! What happened to “ I saw this dress I thought would look great on you. Be ready by 7”. or “Hey babe, don’t make any plans. We’re going away for the weekend”. Or evennn random drops in account “ thinking about you.” I’m talking real courting that turns into a blast!! Now it’s “ how big are those melons” “ how do you feel about sensual massages” 😓🤢 I feel like I’m in a frat house. Can the real SDs please stand up? Lol!
I have made it my whole life without ever asking about the size of melons. This makes me sad. I have had an insane amount of alcoholic beverages served inside of hollowed out watermelons, pineapples, and coconuts. I have FOMO that everyone else got bigger drinks, cause they asked. :(
Can confirm you have a founded fear. Just the other day I requested an upgrade to my coconut-clad mai tai and received a bigass coconut they hold in reserve and release upon request. I smugly held my basketball-sized coconut to my chest, strolling by the beach bar with a snail’s stride, slurping noisily off my hot pink straw while jealous party girls threw eye-daggers at me, holding their impotently small, inferior coconuts with whitened knuckles.
Glamour stopped when sugar dating strayed away from the exotic elaborate dates and gifts of old school and became PPM and cash up front. When it became a job for girls. Seen as a source of INCOME
That started for two reasons: (1) too many girls just started asking for cash. A lot aren't interested in being wine/dined, and flown around the world. They just want money or for someone to pay their bills. (2) too many fake SDs took advantage of their status and stopped treating girls to anything other than a nice night out and getting banged out in a mid-market hotel.
Exactly. This. I'm old enough to remember black and white movies that featured a gangster or stock market mogul who had a hot chick set up in a penthouse apartment, waiting for him to stop by for the evening. When someone says "Real SB/SD" that's what comes to mind. He had a thick wad of cash in his pocket and a couple of goons to make sure no one tried to take it. He wasn't concerned about how much it cost, only the feeling he got from the time he spent with her. She spent her time and energy making sure everything about her was ready and looked right for him.
If you've ever been involved in an organic sugar relationship that developed from a chance meeting where he has the resources and she felt swept away, and went with it, you know hooking up on a sugar website falls far short.
"Yea, see. I got a broad uptown named Liza. Got her set up real, nice in my penthouse. She takes care of me when the ole ball and chain is complaining about everything at home with the kids. My boys Toots and Beans case the joint on the regular to make sure she ain't seeing nobody else but me."
i think the biggest problem nowadays is women that become SB want all the benefits of a traditional sugar relationship like that but don’t want any of the strings and effort that goes with it.
very, very few guys can afford that.
Good SDs and good SBs get got quick. The longest time to find a good SB was 2 mos when i was new and didnt know what i was doing.
The kept woman and mistress of old. That is the minority now. The majority now ? All a guy has to do is pay a light bill and cell phone bill now he's a sugar daddy. All a woman has to do is get 1 or 2 men to give her money or buy her some purse/phone and now she's a sugarbaby.
We're not going back to the pre internet/social media days when things did not happen online. And this sub culture was still talked about in hushed tones. Hell I can find some random facebook friend weekly making a post about becoming a sugarbaby because of the high price of gas. It's common and mainstream now.
back in the day, there were arrangements called marriage.
“Hey babe, don’t make any plans. We’re going away for the weekend”
This doesn't happen because 99% of the "SBs" on seeking just want cash for letting you have sex with them. Maybe with dinner on top to make it feel less pro
I've only had 2 SB's I could realistically do that with. And that's only because both had "jobs" loosely speaking. And had no kids.
The reality on the ground ? SB's either got fulltime jobs that have to be worked around. And or child care that has to be dealt with. Nothing is spontaneous. And everything has to be planned days in advance.
This is not true! We want cash and the surprise trip to make things feel less pro. 😆
I've said it before and I'll say it again. You got to kiss a lot of frogs.... and when they don't turn into Prince Charming, move on. Snow White got lucky. The reality is finding the right one, regardless if it's vanilla or sugar dating, takes effort. It can be fun but it's a lot of work. Where most people go wrong is they stick around too long. Thinking they'll change them or whatever. Meanwhile, M r/Ms Right get swept off their feet and you're SOL. Your chances of finding someone in the top 1% is slim if your messing around with sub par talent.
We're still out there but honestly I'm waiting for the dynamic to change a bit too. There's such an abundance of scammers and time wasters that we have to deal with too. It sucks for everyone right now.

Comment deleted by user · 4 yr. ago
Comment deleted by user · 4 yr. ago
Comment removed by moderator · 4 mo. ago
A forum where SDs and SBs discuss the sugar lifestyle, share experiences, and learn from one another
Reddit Inc © 2022. All rights reserved
I’ve tried reddit, seeking arrangements and they’ve been a flop. Any ideas?
I wouldn't recommend tinder tbh, even if it can technically *work*. I used this trial from seeking arrangement and found plenty of success.
There's a recent thread about using Tinder for sugar dating. Eye opening for me.
Seeking arrangements is really the best bet. If you’re not having luck it’s something about you/your situation. Try working on your profile.
You can try freestyling depending on your location - but it’s harder.
I changed my settings on tinder and switched up my bio to hint that I'm looking for a sugar daddy. In the last two days I've gotten quite a few offers. If you're having trouble on SA, I definitely recommend giving sugar tinder a try!
If you are getting "offers" on tinder they are probably not sugar offers but rather those looking for something
any advice for a young SD, 26.. i mean the SBs are setting their ages higher im assuming, can i change my age or something?
I literally put in my profile i want to be your sd
Maybe you can try Tinder. Your assumption is correct. I set my age range from about 35-55 as I wouldn’t expect anyone who’s only a year older than me to be a POT SD.
Seeking arrangement. It takes awhile to find the right guy. If not, go to bars / nice restaraunts in expensive cities and sit alone at the bar.
tinder is a great place but most likely you'll go the sgf route. Most of the men i met on tinder who are sd's want something serious
Maybe the easiest way to find a sugar daddy is online dating. Just choose the best sugar daddy website and find the right one for you.

A forum where SDs and SBs discuss the sugar lifestyle, share experiences, and learn from one another
Reddit Inc © 2022. All rights reserved
Is the naughtiest women I ever slept with, I love it!
Is incredibly good looking, hottest woman I ever dated
Single handidle renovated a house in another country for my employees
Stepped into the breach to reorganise an office before an important visit from VIPs
Worked a recruitment fair, on a stand, with me attracting software nerds to come work at my company
Designed, prepared and delivered all of our Christmas gifts for our partners
When we travel she stays with me in the top hotel suite but is still incredibly down to Earth
Has a 6th sense for seeing other sugar couples and always points them out to me
Puts up with my insanity, and crazyness, (admitedly not always with a smile on her face) but is patient with me
Helps me calm down when something awful has happened (or I perceive as awful, other people would think are minor setbacks)
Looks at what is happening in my life and warns me about scheduling conflicts or maybe I need to speak to HR about something or other and would be a good idea
Provides invaluable feedback, help, support as I try and navigate life (how do I work the washing machine etc)
Finds stuff, she knows I'll like, on instagram and sends them to me (I often just buy them)
Knows exactly what I'll like, or not like, and when we go abroad always picks a restaurant I'll be happy to eat at. If she says there's nothing there I'll like I don't even check anymore
Has been a fantastic companion through life and brought so much to my life
Agreed that we want to be in each other's lives for a long time to come!
Is the best company you could ever imagine! When we're together a 3 hour dinner feels like it's over in like 30 mins
Has such a great sense of style will give me, sometimes painfully , honest views on clothing / shirts etc
I feel, with SRs, it's like a wonderful discovery that I never knew existed and had no clue about. She has brought so much to my life. We are both grateful to have found each other. As she said to me "I know that you think you are lucky to have found me but I think I'm lucky to have found you too"
What a fantastic year together. We've stayed in suites overlooking the Eiffel Tower, The Shangra La suite at the Shard, The Ritz, The Savoy. We've eaten at the most incredible restaurants. We've had the most amazing time together.
Thank you SGF, you're truly a jewel in the crown that is my life.
I was having such a “🥹 Awh this is beautiful” moment and then this comment instantly brought me back to Reddit reality.
I am very happy you found such a good partnership with your SGF. I chuckled a bit that she has shown you life skill moments but we all start somewhere.
I, like many others, am curious if she is on your payroll since this sounds a lot like an old job I used to have and I certainly wasn’t getting sugar out of it. I found it so exhausting to be someone’s second brain.
As long as you’re both enjoying yourselves keep on, keepin’ on 💕🎉
A few people have asked so I'll mention that part of the arrangement. Whilst I am relatively wealthy and can provide her with lavish dates I'm not a billionaire. She has dated far wealthier SDs in the past. Her view on those is that they saw people as disposable and weren't particularly nice to hang around with. Some of the experiences she discusses are eye popping and I couldn't get anywhere near.
She gets nice gifts: Macbook Pro, Chanel laptop case, Tiffany diamond bracelet for 6 month anniversary etc
She gets an OK allowance. It's generous compared to what most folks can afford but she could easily get way higher by dating the highest bidder
Whenever she's had any financial problems I've gone and fixed them for her instantly without quibble. Once a problem was significant .
She was a bit short this month, preparing for her holiday, and was given a good sum of emergency cash to get her through the month
Dates are whatever she wants. She turned down Dubai & Burj Khalifa for our 1 year anniversary. We are both modest people, we're not flashy types, I offered her Dubai but I knew she wouldn't be interested and would prefer a nice evening, a lovely meal and good conversation.
Whenever she's done work for my company she always invoiced for it and was paid, extremely preferential rates, for that work
We had a wobble 6 months in and she was given 3 months allowance, before we talked it through, so that she was free to walk if she wanted to without any financial concerns. She still has that financial cushion so she can walk from this at any time she chooses and the finances never have to be considered.
She is not on the company payroll, as that just feels a little too wreckless.
Ultimately the night I met her the attraction from me to her was powerful and instant. I knew within 15 mins she was the one . When I saw that, it wasn't just looks, but how we clicked. I felt like when I met my first long term girlfriend, or any of the women I've dated for several years. It's unusual, but it was definitely there. She was my 4th SB that I'd had an arrangement with.
I have no interest in dropping the S GF and making her GF. I care about her and want to see her financially OK and secure. She is my lover so why wouldn't I want that for her? I like to see her happy and I agree with the pragmatic way she uses her allowance. If she was buying Louis Vuitton trash then this likely wouldn't have worked between us.
On the other hand it's extremely blurry where this starts and stops when is a GF a SGF and when is she vanilla ? Arguably she is vanilla now and the financial help she gets from me is simply formalised. What's the difference between havfing a PA, a lover, a seceretary, a mistress, a girlfriend, a sugar girlfriend. These are all arbitary labels trying to describe something unusual, but beautiful, in my view.
I guess the main part of the post is to illustrate something I've been banging the drum here for a while There is such a wide range of SRs they come in so many shapes and sizes from jon / escort 'esque to nearly vanilla. However they can also be deep, meaningful and the mutual benefit can go far, far, far wider than that. A developer recently came back from a 6 month secondment abroad. SGF and I made that happen, between us. It's cool to see our relationship having such a large effect on the world around us. If we'd not met on Seeking then the employee wouldn't have got that 6 months living abroad in a foreign country.
We've had longer term discussions but we both have children and we both agreed that they are the most important thing in this and they are the priority. She doesn't want to introduce a new step daddy and I don't want to loose seeing my child. So we're in this holding position for potentially a decade +. In the future who knows?
I am married and my wife is aware of SGF. I think my wife knows far more than she admits. We agreed DADT back in February,
It is funny though that such a computer nerd as me, and a beautiful woman as her, are so aligned in how we think, how we react to things, our passions and desires (not just sexually, but what we enjoy in life). You can show her, and I, something and we'd both say the same thing about it. I can predict how she'll react to something and get it right 95% of the time and vice versa.
I just wish people didn't compromise in the bowl but sought out people they bond with and can build deeper relationships with. There again, that's just what worked for me. You know if a 50 yo CEO wants to date a 25yo woman and she wants her college paid off then who am I to judge?
She sounds like a great girlfriend and an amazing executive assistant s
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