Reddit Slutty Confessions

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15 Reddit Confessions Made By Gynaecologists

Louise Clark
Aug 14, 2017

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Here’s a question; What’s the worst thing you’ve ever seen? Chances are, it pales into insignificance when you hear the things doctors have burnt into their retinas. Take that to the next level and ask a gynecologist that question and you’re gonna hear some seriously nasty, and disturbing details. Put aside your lunch or snacks and ready your stomach for some seriously gag-worthy details of the horrors these medical stalwarts have had to deal with. We’re talking rancid tumours, deathly stenches and the frog story? Safe to say it’s revolting. Will any of us ever want to talk to a gynecologist ever again after reading this list? Well, if an OB/GYN ever invites you o
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