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A forum to discuss porn addiction - and the recovery process.
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My boyfriend who is a PA is trying semen retention/no fap for 90 days to try reset his thinking.
I was wondering if fellow PAs thinks abstaining from sex would be beneficial or just make the process more difficult.
Any other tips very welcome thankyou!
I think it's beneficial to abstain because a lot of us tie our emotional state to sex. I was seeking validation from my wife for our relationship through sex, and still just wanted sex as a replacement for how I was using porn and masturbation.
It gave me the opportunity to work exclusively on non-sexual intimacy, things like writing notes, foot massages, back massages, creative games, dates. My wife was extremely respectful toward it and it allowed me to learn a whole new perspective on how I could interact with our relationship.
The "Challenge" of thinking about life through a different lens was invaluable, as I also think it's extremely rare that someone has a porn addiction isolated from masturbation/sex addictive behaviors.
Edit: "or just make the process more difficult?"
I mean, 100% it will make the process more difficult. A lot of guys irrationally are afraid to not orgasm. A lot of us have trained ourselves to rely on orgasm or sexual escaping as a coping mechanism. Leaving it completely off the table is very anxiety inducing. It will require self exploration outside of sex to deal with discomfort. If actually horny (like nights where I made out with my wife and had the angriest boner for 20 minutes afterwards, which.. also was a welcome thing to have after experiencing porn induced erectile dysfunction for a few years) knowing that doing something like push-ups can alleviate that feeling. Some of us trained ourselves to only be able to fall asleep easily after orgasm, that takes dealing with too.
It can be a big ole marathon of crap to remove.
First, thank you for being understanding and trying to do the best for yourselves and your relationship.
As to being benficial, there are a few things to consider.
1: There is the chaser effect, where you want more sex/porn/stimulation after you have sex. This can make a relapse more likely.
2: There is usually a flatline period where sex drive is pretty much zero.
3: It may be good to seperate from everything sexual for a while, and then try to rebuild when his mind is more clear.
4: Having sex when he is not in a place to mentally might not go well, lead to performace anxiety and other issues.
Due to those reasons, it might be good for him to abstain for a while.
Everyone's journey to recovery is different. I have continued to have sex, and it has been good for my recovery. It may not be for some people.
It is best to give him room to work through things at his own pace. If he is having problems with cold turkey, you can always start over and try something different.
Also, recovery is not linear, there will be good times and bad, things will be going terrible, then awesome, then terrible again. But if he sticks with it, the awesome will be more frequent, and the end is worth it.
Again, thank you for being supportive. This isn't an easy process, and having someone supporting you can make a huge difference.

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