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[Question] My Girlfriend loves rough anal sex, is it safe?
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Brief story, I told my girlfriend that we should try anal sex, at first she hesitated with things like "I dont see how could I enjoy that" "Im afraid that it will hurt because you are so big" "I have seen people in the hospital with torn anuses"etc.
After giving her "the talk" haha she slowly began to open her mind to it, we began with finger play and so on, she liked it. After couple of weeks we finally made it and to our surprise it was effortless and she LOVED it, first time she told me she had discomfort afterwards but nothing serious, 2nd time mild discomfort, 3rd time nothing, pure joy.
4rd time and she told me that it was the best thing that she has ever felt, basically begged me to thrust her HARD more and more, now she tells me that anal orgasm is like vaginal 100x.
We obviosly are very careful, lots of lube, foreplay, condom etc. I have read everywhere that you should go in and out slowly, however, she doesn't like it that way.
Given that we follow all the "rules" for having anal sex (except the slow part). Is it safe for her to have rough anal sex?
Sorry if there are some mistakes in the text, english is not my main language.
As long as you are communicating and using plenty of lube it's probably fine. If there is any pain or sign of bleeding stop.
If you were tearing anything, she would probably be in pain (and there would be blood afterwards). It sounds as though she likes it so much that she's able to relax very easily.
You are only supposed to go slow in the beginning. If she gives the ok and is not in pain you pound as hard as you want. That's kinda the point if you ask me.
If it starts to hurt her she will let you know real quick, but honestly it shouldn't. Anal is a fully doable sexual act, its just one that takes a lot of forework.
Yeah. Slow anal just feels like you're pooping...
My fiance and I are the same way; we try to go slow but that just feels like excessive teasing to me and it gets painful. Going fast is way more satisfying for both of us, and we figure as long as it doesn't hurt it's all good!
"I'm afraid it'll hurt because you are so big" gave me a good chuckle
Right? That's pretty much all I got out of this.
Nice off-the-shelf, no-effort label
Similar experience with my first wife. She love anal, would beg for it after we seperated.
lol, other than that, this dudes English is decent.
I think it's funny that you included the size of your penis..
Try using a toy on her vaginally at the same time.

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