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Happy where I am? (Text in comments)
Having one of those days that I absolutely hate what I see in the mirror. I’ve never had self confidence this low and I keep on comparing myself to old pics where I weighed less which isn’t helping.
5’2”, 125-127 lbs. Just finished Caroline Girvan’s Fuel series. Feeling stronger but fluffier :(
This is a sub for petite women to come talk all things weight-loss and fitness. Post your progress pics, recipes, rants about TDEE, and more!
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Anyone wanna be accountability buddies?
I'm 5'1, about 156lbs tryna drop some weight. I started a couple months ago & dropped 13lbs so far but keep having a hard time with accountability that I think just slows my progress & keeps me in a limbo with this current number.
I'm finally tracking my deficit properly & going to the gym 4-6x a week, but food sometimes just kicks my ass.
If anyone has similar goals & wanna partner up to keep each other accountable & talk, drop me a DM!
My lowest weight got down to 145 around Sept/Oct of last year. I'm 28, 5'2", and I saw 173 on the scale last week. When I originally began my journey, my highest weight was 171. It's definitely discouraging knowing I let all my good habits slip.I basically wrote it off around the holidays last year and never pushed myself hard enough to get back into the things that were good for me.
About 2 months ago, I bought a 15 lb weighted ball I found on sale at Aldi. I finally brought it inside from the trunk of my car three days ago. I'm feeling fed up with myself, and am ready to try and kick my ass into gear. I'm slowly working on my sobriety from alcohol - I went 30 days without roughly 3 months ago - but sobriety for me is a never ending battle. I'm thinking of slowly cutting out my smoking herb habit as well as I find that leads me to eat much more in the evenings.
My job, although I work in the heat, is fairly sedentary due to seasonal slow down. I find it hard to get even 5k steps in most days. My most active days end up being my one day off to myself, as I run errands/grocery shop those days + get housework done.
This is mostly an accountability post for myself, since I know a caloric deficit I'm aiming for, and know food/snack options that are satiating. My biggest hurdles are my activity levels + cutting out my self destructive habits. Hoping to see that number drop in the coming months.
I feel like I'm always changing my goals, and still not quite satisfied with how I look. I am 5'3, SW 153 and my first GW was 135, then 130. I'm now 129, and my new goal is 120. It's super hard to lose lately. I weightlift 3-4 times a week, 30 minutes bike ride also 3-4 times a week, desk job so not much going on during my days. I eat 1400-1500 calories per day (TDEE puts my maintenance at 1800 being lightly active), and always try to hit 100g of protein.
I still have some fat I want to get rid of, but I don't want to be at the low end of the healthy weight range. I feel like it wouldn't fit my frame, and wouldn't really be sustainable.
So I'm just wondering, how did you determine your goal weight? And how did you get there, how many calories/workouts? How long and what did it take to lose those last 10 pounds? Would love to hear your personal experience!!
(5’2 26F 125lb) over the past year I’ve put on 5-10 pounds and I know it’s not a lot but I look like a whole different person when I put on this much. I hate every picture I take and just look so fluffy. I haven’t weighed this much since college where I was heavier than that but it was because I was eating fast food all the time, not working out at all and drinking excessively. Over the past few months I’ve been working really hard on getting myself back in shape, i went from in winter/spring of this year working out maybe twice a week, now I workout 5 times a week and really look forward to using the peloton (that’s how I get in most of my workouts). I track everything I eat for the most part to ensure I’m in a caloric deficit and was seeing some results however the last two months I gained it back from vacations and also not being strict enough on the weekends. I went out to get gelato with friends tonight and I’m sitting in bed crying because I hate how I look. I don’t feel myself, I don’t like how I look in my clothes. I feel like this is just a hump I’ll get over and I also am really happy I have my therapist tomorrow but man I’m just really unhappy and it’s hard when you don’t see results from working hard. Mentally I feel better because I’m living a healthier lifestyle but not seeing the changes that I want to see. I’m also on antidepressants and have been on and off some over the past few months which probably doesn’t help with the weight gain. Just could use some support 😭
I have been trying to loose weight for a few years now and I have gained more than I have lost. I am 4'10" and 139lbs, GW-110. Here is what I am focusing on doing - run 3xweek (I know it's not the best but running helps my mental health, and I need it) and would like to do a half marathon. strength train with Caroline girvan 3xweek
I also incorporate yoga after runs or strength trainings. My job is sedentary and I do struggle to get steps in daily. I just started doing this couple weeks ago and haven't seen much difference. I have tried calorie counting but I struggle with it. I am focusing on eating whole foods and add veggies to my meals where I can. As well as paying attention to my hunger cues.
Does anyone have any advice on what I can improve or not do?
Hi all. Any tips on how to feel less fluffy? Obviously I am looking to reduce body fat %. I have gained strength but I have also increased my cals from 1600-1800 to 2000 over the past 2-3 months. Should I be cutting, and if so by how much? It sucks because I thought I was going to look much more lean by now but nope, feel like my body fat has increased a bit. But I have also noticed I can lift like 15% more than what I used to be able to lift back in 2020 when I weighed 115-117 and just did orange theory or mad fit workouts. My caloric intake below 1800 on most days then. Besides cutting out all snacks, any other tips?

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Maybe try these presentations instead:

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Rightey is sooo beautiful! Got more to share?
Same, though she posts less than she used to :/
She is one of my exes. I freaked out when I saw this post lmao
Apparently my brain wasn't functioning before my coffee this morning. I'm back to a functioning member of society now.
Both are hot. Right has a chin cleft.

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