Reddit Nsfw Sex

Reddit Nsfw Sex


Reddit Nsfw Sex
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Dainis Graveris January 21, 2022 October 1, 2019
Here’s the best Reddit NSFW list on NON-PORN subreddits where you can discuss your sex, love, relationship challenges, and look at the best adult sex toys.
Everyone always shares Reddit related Porn subreddits, but it’s tough to find the best places where to have a helpful discussion to talk about sex and relationship issues. 
But there are tons of amazing Subreddits hidden away, that take time to uncover. I tried to find one guide like this where these subreddits would be collected, but there’s none!
At first, I included the list of the best sex-related subreddits with a short description, and afterward, I included some great stories.
This is the best and main place to have civil conversations about all sides of sexuality and challenges in the bedroom.
It’s a safe place for all genders and orientations.
This subreddit is amazing, conversations get nicely moderated to stay on track and I’ve got my best advice here.
Top 3 All-time discussion threads from Sex subreddit:
Random questions about sex and really anything that you would not ask during the day…
Very similar to the main Sex subreddit.
Here are the top 3 discussion threads from there:
The intention behind this subreddit is to have a separate place for grown-ups to discuss their challenges.
Usually, challenges that 20-year-olds will have are very different from 30-year-old and older people challenges.
For example, kids, family, marriage, sustaining long-term happy relationships…
vs.. getting laid and learning how to last longer.
Here are top 3 threads at SexOver30 subreddit:
This is the biggest BDSM community to have civil discussions about kinkier parts of your sex life.
If you’re exploring your darkest fantasies and want to read interesting stories from other people’s BDSM experiences, this is a place to check out.
Top 3 discussion threads from the BDSM community:
A quite similar community to the previous one, but if one BDSM community is not enough and you want more, this is the perfect addition..!
This one seems to attract a bit younger BDSM curious audience 😉
Here are the top 3 discussions threads from there:
This is a great place to discuss everything adult sex toy related — for men or women.
If you don’t know how to pick the right sex toy for you, these people will help.
Here are the top 3 conversations from SexToys:
This place is not entirely sex-related, but there are a lot of relationships, dating kind of talks.
The idea behind this subreddit is to ask questions to men that you were always wondering about?
Women asking men their curious questions.
But you will find quite a bit of younger guys asking questions… which is why there is also a subreddit — AskMenOver30 😉
Here are the top 3 discussions threads from AskMen:
You’ll find more grown-up talks here, less dating kind of questions.
Again it’s not only about relationships, dating, sex, but also about serious life/work questions.
Here are top 3 threads from AskMenOver30 subreddit:
This can be a slightly depressing place, but it’s a great community if your relationships and love life aren’t going very well.
It is especially focused on the aspect of couples not having any sexual intimacy anymore.
People do give advice to each other, but it’s mostly a community just to share their pain, hear some support and understand that they are not alone.
You’ll find honest discussions of different methods of how people work it out…or even discuss cheating on their partners.
Here are the top 3 discussion threads from DeadBedrooms:
If you’ve ever had a question to women, here’s the best place to ask it.
Tons of women asking questions to other women and men finally learning what happens in women’s minds 🙂
An incredible place for respectful, intelligent conversations, a lot of them about relationships and sex.
Top 3 discussions from AskWomen subreddit:
Another subreddit dedicated to asking women for advice. Very similar to AskWomen.
Lots of kinky and also deep questions, conversations there.
Here are top 3 discussion threads from this subreddit:
For a deep, serious relationship, family, love, sex-related grown-up questions this will be the best place for you.
Mostly women discussing their challenges with other women.
Here are top 3 conversation threads from this subreddit:
If you are looking for deep Red Pill discussions this is #1 place.
Lots of relationship, love, sex-related issues discussed here.
Top 3 discussions from Red Pill community:
Married red pill is a discussion for married men or men in long term relationships who want to follow the red pill thinking while remaining in that relationship!
Basically the next level Red pill! A great community!
Here are the top 3 threads from Married Red Pill community:
A great place for men to discuss the issues that affect them in the world today.
It’s a place where you can surrender and ask vulnerable adult male questions.
Top 3 discussions from this subreddit:
Here you can discuss challenges, issues, concerns about openly, consensually lovingly and honestly being committed to more than one person.
It’s harder than you think to make it work in a good way, but people do make it work.
This subreddit will help you to find a way and understand how to make it work.
Top 3 discussion threads from Polyamory subreddit:
You’ll find amazing support here to overcome your addiction to porn (if you want to overcome it, that is.)
Mostly it’s male dominated, but there are also women there 😉
There’s a bigger community Nofap (497K subscribers), but there are tons of dumb, funny gifs about stopping masturbation, that is really distracting if you want to have a serious conversation about it.
However, NoFap is great for motivation — but don’t expect anything more there..! That subreddit is dominated by younger guys, while PornFree seems to attract a more mature audience.
Here are top 3 discussion threads from PornFree Subreddit:
If however, you want to find a really mature audience, check out /r/SemenRetention (6.1K subscribers), which I actually practice myself.
There are tons of benefits to conserving energy and ejaculating rarely… great for productivity and sexual drive.
Here are the kind of conversations you can expect to find at Semen Retention subreddit:
This is the biggest serious relationship question subreddit.
Basically everything about challenges with your special someone whether it’s your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband.
It gets ugly and then it gets better.
Here are the top 3 discussion threads on Relationships subreddit:
This is a huge community of various hard, really hard relationship questions.
You’ll find it all — divorce, cheating, proposing, dirty talk… all of it!
If you need any kind of help with a relationship or just want to enjoy the stories of challenges with romance, friendship, family, co-workers — it’s all here!
Here are the top 3 discussion threads from Relationship Advice subreddit:
A small community discussing healthy sex relationships and sharing interesting education sex-related topics.
It’s hard to describe this place, but it’s definitely about unique and interesting sexual related talks. Check it out.
Here are top 3 discussion threads from SexPositive subreddit:
This subreddit is exclusively focused on girls talking to other girls about their female challenges.
Topics like the ones you would only discuss with your best friend?
Can be anything about intimate, relationships, sexual technique questions — it’s a great place for younger ladies.
Here are top 4 discussion threads from TwoXSex subreddit:
If you’re looking for some erotica — very sexy writing about sex, try this subreddit.
Not only sexy writings, but you can exchange conversations with other kinky writers.
Pretty awesome — get involved and create your own sexy story.
Here are the top 4 threads from DirtyPenPals:
This is the most “porn” type of subreddit I’ll recommend here.
It’s basically audio porn, kinkier than erotica.
If you are turned on by audio, then you’ll get lots of super sexy stories recorded by real people…
From tags, you can understand what the audio will be about and you can choose your favorite flavor… 😉
Here are the top 3 discussion threads from GoneWildAudio:
Pillow Talk subreddit is GoneWild polite, vanilla step-sister…
The audio recordings here mimic sweet, erotic conversations that involve cuddling, confessions, kissing.
You’ll find relationship roleplays, book readings and be able to get relaxed by sweet pillow talk sounds.
Here are top 3 discussion threads from PillowTalkAudio (and from tags you can see they are much sweeter):
Just so you get a taste of what kind of great relationship, sex related conversations Reddit offers here are my top 3 stories:
“I (32 M) have been dating this amazing girl (31F) for 5 months. It’s embarrassing to admit but I have a micro penis, it’s just shy of 3” when hard.
My self esteem and confidence related to my penis have really impacted my dating life, my current gf is only the 2nd sexual partner I have had.
After dating a couple weeks I told her I wanted to take it slow, she agreed.
Last week I told her I had a small penis and that’s why I wanted to take it slow, she told me she didn’t care about the size of my penis, but we’ll go at what ever pace I’m comfortable at.
On the weekend we had Sex for the first time, I went down on her until she came, then she gave me a bit of a blow job and told me she wanted to ride me.
So I laid down and she did, she alternated between riding me and just grinding on me, she really seemed to enjoy the grinding.
The next morning I was in the shower, when I came out she was on the phone with her Bff, I have met her.
My heart sank, I was just waiting for her to tell her friend all about how small I am.
She told her that we had finally had sex, she used the word ‘amazing’ to describe it.
She told her I was amazing at oral and said “and you know how I feel about oral” (she also told me how she feels about oral and that it’s really important to her).
She also told her friend it was the first time she had had an orgasm during a ‘first time’ not once did she mention my small size.
She didn’t give away any real intimate details, she just told her how much she enjoyed it.
I was always scared that any girl I dated would share with her friends my lack of endowment, but I guess I didn’t have to.
Some girls do talk, but that’s okay.”
“Background story: I’ve been dating my current girlfriend for almost a year.
In fact, we are celebrating our anniversary next month.
She’s a wonderful person who has been nothing but fully supportive of whatever I do.
I’ve started a low carb diet and lost around 40 pounds in 6 months.
While everyone was criticising it (oh you need carbs, this is unhealthy, blah blah blah), she was there for me through and through.
In fact, she got on the same diet and lost 5 pounds just so we both have the same routine and plan.
Throughout my weight loss journey, she’d always compliment me and make me feel better about myself (I kind of had some self-esteem issues). I’ve reached my weight goal a few weeks ago and I’m over the moon.
I’ve been hitting the gym to gain muscle, joined and completed marathons, but the most surprising out of all was the attention I’ve been getting from women.
Something that never happened before.
So last night, I was out with a few friends without the gf.
She claimed to have a headache, but I’m pretty sure she’s planning our anniversary (she loves planning stuff).
I get to the bar, and there were a bunch of people that I haven’t seen since highschool 10 years ago.
One of which was a cute girl I remember from back then. I was chatting with her throughout the whole night.
She was so amused by my weight loss and she told me how she wants to become a nutritionist and help people out.
We had so much in common that made me lose track of how much I drank.
Since I’m on low carb, alcohol gets me drunk so much faster.
Everyone gets drunk also and decides to head back to the girls place.
I, on the other hand, was completely wasted so I can’t remember most of what happened.
I woke up in the morning with one hell of a hangover, and my friend filled me up with all the events from last night. I was mortified.
Apparently, they all got pizza and I ate a whole meat cravers pan crust with extra cheese pizza all by myself.
I can already see the disappointment in my gfs face.”
And here a little departure…in case you’re looking for more cool Reddit subreddits… Not only sex related…
I’m a 35 year old attractive female who has struggled with dating men who are addicted to porn.
The last two serious relationships that I had were with men who were very addicted to porn, which inevitably led to infidelity, deceit and demise.
The first one, a 4 year relationship, caused me to feel extremely insecure and develop a hatred for porn due to the feelings of the inadequacy that it created within me (because he preferred it over me and I didn’t have enough self worth then to understand that it actually had nothing to do with me).
The second relationship (my most recent one, 3 years long, from which I have been free of for a year now) was the worst.
It was the worst because of the perpetual manipulation, lying, and cheating.
I always suspected porn addiction and infidelity due to his chronically clean internet history, lack of interest in sex and extremely selfish ‘Love making’ style on the once a month occasion when he would want it.
Constantly distant, long periods in the bathroom with his phone, girls numbers saved under guys names in phone, etc.
Anyway, he always used the typical tactics…
You’re crazy. You’re insecure. You’re controlling.
Eventually, I broke off the engagement and moved out with our baby.
Fast forward a year to the present day. I found out last week (concrete evidence) that my gut feelings about EVERYTHING had been true all along.
If it wasn’t for finding a forum full of people who have enough self-awareness and capabilities of open-mindedness to ‘go against the grain’ of society and admit that porn is (for many but not all) addictive and, in general, objectifying of women and covertly promoting detachment/infidelity/objectification/etc.,
I’d feel COMPLETELY hopeless about romance and my son’s futures (I have 2 sons in total).
I feel like the people who defend porn are usually the ones in denial.
No real-life woman really wants to be treated the women are treated in porns.
Sure, some of us love spanking, dirty talk, rough or otherwise kinky stuff BUT…
Only when we know that we are cherished and respected by our man first.
As a very sexually attractive, open minded, and honest woman, I can tell you that 99% of the women you see in those porns are NOT…
I repeat NOT… really enjoying themselves.
As a woman, you can look into their eyes and see it and be able to tell.
These women are lost. They’re the women who were raised in unloving abusive homes.
Taught to believe that their value correlates through their sexual desirability.
Not their minds, souls, morals/ethics/ etc. They are used to be being disrespected, objectified, used… so they say they like porn.
And they truly believe that they do.
Because it’s all they’ve ever known.
But deep down, they feel empty, worthless, ashamed, used (hence the drug/alcohol use, suicides, etc.) and if you watch/promote porn, you’re basically saying that that is acceptable.
Please think about that the next time you get the urge.
At least for awhile in the beginning.
And that doesn’t make you bad/evil/wrong/etc. it makes you human.
But choosing to abstain and view the situation from the female perspective, the exploited victims perspective, the hurt girlfriend/wives perspective…. that is what makes you a MAN.
And even more so, being confident enough to speak openly about the reality of porn and its negative effects on human connection…
Well that’s just beyond respectable.
So major MAJOR high five to every person on this forum, male or female, vocal or not.
The bottom line is that you are here.
You’re choosing to courageously admit what general society hasn’t yet.
You’re contributing to pathing the way to a healthier society for our youths.
And for that, I am extremely grateful
Hope you found new great Reddit subreddits for serious talks and seriously, these have been INVALUABLE for my own relationships.
It’s hard to find honest, down-to-earth, No B.S. advice, but Reddit is the place where you can truly uncover gold!
Again, if I missed some great NSFW Reddit community, that has great discussions in them (I’m sure I missed some) — please, share in comments so I can add it!
Over last 4 years Dainis have helped millions of people through his advice on this site (200+ guides and 1M+ visits/monthly). His work & advice has appeared on sites like: Healthline, Vice, Cosmopolitan, Men's Health, WomensHealthMag, MindBodyGreen & more. Read More
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*First Published: Jul 24, 2018, 5:30 am CDT

Posted on Jul 24, 2018   Updated on May 26, 2021, 10:50 pm CDT
Reddit is a treasure trove of good, free NSFW content, but like any forum site, it also hosts deeply problematic content, especially when it comes to porn . A detailed Reddit NSFW sub list can be found on r/ListOfSubreddits, and it’s a solid directory when it comes to finding porn on Reddit, from the sexy Reddit Gone Wild to niche kink communities.
However, it’s also rife with inactive subreddits, racist content, and revenge porn . Not to mention, it’s very clearly meant for straight male viewers with little to no content for anyone else looking for Reddit’s erotic offerings.
There is genuinely hot, diverse, scam-free and even ethical porn lurking amidst shower thoughts and wild conspiracy theory subreddits . You just have to know where to look.
In an effort to pare down the terrible things and highlight the good, we’ve created a master list of the best porn subreddits for every preference, kink, and identity organized by NSFW subcategory.
Read on to find our definitive Reddit NSFW list!
If you have ever found yourself undeniably turned on by “well-composed and artistic images” or sexy editorial spreads, you’ll like the first sub in this Reddit NSFW list. Content is submitted if its intention was to be erotic or sexy, but not explicitly porn. And remember, as the sub’s description reads, “If you ask ‘how is this not porn?’ you will be banned.” Sexy Reddit, commence.
This is one of the original NSFW subs for straight-up porn content. It’s pretty much exactly what you’d expect any
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