Reddit Nsfw Ama

Reddit Nsfw Ama


Reddit Nsfw Ama
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Comment deleted by user · 1 yr. ago
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Hey everyone, hope you're having a swell day.
Just a reminder to mark any posts that are nsfw (anything related to sex, gore, etc.) accordingly.
Now, you may be thinking, "Mr.Scary mod man, how do I apply such a strange thing to my stayawaykids posts?".
FOR MOBILE - Click the 3 dots in the bottom left corner, followed by the "NSFW" button.
If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comment section of this posts.
I just got questions about this subreddit asking if it contains any nudity,discussion of firearms, recreational drugs,etc. Why did it ask me all of those questions
Reddit randomly sends those questions to members of a subreddit so they can better classify said subreddit (to recommend it to people who have similar interests, not show it to work-safe accounts if it's adult content, add restrictions/tools if it's it's a sensitive topic, etc.)
What's your favourite type of hot sandwich?
I came here after a minor anxiety attack reading the black on red words "Super Scary Mod" and feel duly disappointed!
How many languages can you translate this rule into?
how long are potatoes supposed to boil?

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In case you haven't come across it, Reddit has a regular feature where people from all walks of life with an interesting story to tell are interviewed by the site's community. AMA stands for "Ask Me Anything," and pretty much anything goes. Here are 15 of the most fascinating AMAs from the last couple of years. Add your own in the comments if you have a favorite that I missed.
You totally just got "Lump" stuck in your head.
This one's just incredibly rewarding. Who knew Ken Jennings was such a badass outside of being surprisingly good at Jeopardy?
Jennings did this AMA, under the username WatsonsBitch, shortly after the IBM supercomputer Watson handed his ass to him on Jeopardy.
WatsonsBitch: Lots of people think it's a Jeopardy reference, but actually I was thinking of that time Watson and I were cellmates in prison, and it kept raping me."
Don Lemon! What a genuinely cool guy. The AMA comes on the heels of this Daily Show segment , in which Jon Stewart points out multiple occasions when Don Lemon shows barely concealed contempt for his colleagues when he's asked to participate in dumb fluff pieces.
This exchange wasn't anywhere near as awkward as I'd hoped it would be, but it's tons of fun, and Chris Poole is a pretty damn interesting dude.
Sure_Ill_Draw_That - the Reddit user who draws people's comments for them - answers questions from the Reddit community solely in the form of hilarious artwork.
This one's kind of depressing. But for some reason, stories about people being terrible, terrible, irredeemable jerks are just endlessly fascinating.
Behind the scenes with one of Rita Repulsa's most miserable henchmen.
"Did the super-putty's look down upon the regular putty's?
putty31 - I got to be a super putty a few times, Yes, we tended to look down upon the lesser puttys."
If you haven't played QWOP , don't. It is the most frustrating game of all time.
"FallenLuckDragon - You go to hell and you die
foddydotnet - the form of a question, please."
"I had made my mind close to the end of the trial. He was not guilty. There was definitely not enough evidence to convict him. The woman had given (a really tearful) testimony but admitted she couldn't identify him. ... The jury hearing looked like it would last less than an hour.
By the 45-minutes mark, most jury member had made their minds: he was guilty. By the 1h15 mark, all jury members decided he was guilty.
The guy from The Oatmeal (whose name is apparently GiantBatFart) tells you everything you've ever wanted to know (about The Oatmeal).
Another depressing one, but with a number of fascinating insights into the way schools are run and teachers are treated.
The incredible story of a Columbine survivor.
The sordid truth about Pimp My Ride. Well, not exactly sordid, but, like, turns out getting your ride pimped isn't quite as awesome as you might have thought.
This one's more heartwarming than you might expect.
AnomalyXY - She was my best friend and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, regardless of whether I was sexually attracted to her. She's the best human being I know."
Depressing, funny, and informative all at once. This is what AMAs were made for.
Editorial Director, God King of BuzzFeed
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