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Are NSFs from rich backgrounds more likely to become officers?
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Many of the NSF officers I've met or are friends with tend to come from well to do families. Not sure if it's representative of everyone but I've heard others observe the same as well.
So I'm wondering if rich boys do in fact have a better chance of becoming officers? Or is it just an indirect causation (eg. rich guys have better education / fitter / more outgoing character / more likely to indicate interest in command school)
i guess u can use this kind of logic: rich background-> more likely to study hard/connections to get into good school-> has a diploma/A lvl cert that makes him eligible for OCS
but apart from that and being a white horse i cant rly think of any correlation. in fact the real rich ppl ik are all ck stayout personnel who know that NS as a whole is way below their pay grade
Actually yeah I agree. The filthy rich I met dgaf about NS. It's mainly the upper middle class that are so gungho about OCS
I have seen NSF officers from various background. So it’s safe to say every demographic has people that are able to enter OCS.
That being said, it dose make sense that those who are from more well to do families do make the cut more often than those who are not.
But on a more personal note, I have served under a few PCs, and the best one by far is just this average dude from a normal school. Nothing spectacular, not even a Sword of Merit or Sword of Honour.
But will run with you for every PT and motivate the slow ones. When we went outfield and the tonner had no space, he’ll ask all the men to sit on the seats and he one person sit on the floor with all the stores.
Best is will fight for our welfare behind our backs against the Regular PS. He didn’t even told us what he did for us, it was only discovered when the Sect Comms told us afterwards.
This PC u describe is like captain america. Normal background always looking out for the little guy
Where's the Hero PC when I needed him? My PC was a JC kid, a piece of shit. Who takes joy in torturing others. Happy when he got charged for asking us to stand at attention from 10pm to 12am Until somebody dou
Apart from white horses, in general I think it is possible and school grades do matter. However, I’m sure there’s also a fair number of non-well to do officers. (Do remember that some people would just want to have more free time to work/SAF 9th core value to earn more outside)
But most of my platoonmates from ocs were and still are pretty well off/fkg rich. Had a gathering recently and it triggered big time inferiority complex in me. Lol.
Then I'm one of the few peasant hdb folks.. Most of them stay private with rich dads.
Filthy rich, nope. I used to have a man who drove a sports car to camp every day and park right outside camp. That car is his birthday gift. Many more from different kinds of rich families are men too. So it's simply not directly correlated. They have nothing to prove here, sometimes can see that they are just not cut out for it too.

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