Reddit Large Labia

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Reddit Large Labia




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An anonymous hero is doing God’s work in the TwoXChromosomes subreddit this week. Spurred by an overheard conversation between two co-workers, the author—who’s since deleted his or her Reddit account—decided to explain the fallacy of the statement “the darker the vag the more dudes she’s been pounded by” and debunking “some nonsense about vag lip size and number of sex partners.”
“I’ve had darker and external labia for as long as I can remember yet I have zero previous sex partners,” our champion wrote. “Even reading a few comments on Reddit there seems to be too many people who equate larger labia with number of sex partner[s].”
This misunderstanding of female anatomy exposes both the entrenched social prejudices around the vulva and the odd assumption that penises have such supernatural powers that they can cause immutable changes to a woman’s genitals. But it also speaks to the dearth of medically accurate, comprehensive sex education in the U.S., leaving both men and women with precious little information about their bodies. I once knew a guy in his early 20s who asked a female friend why women didn’t just sit on the toilet for 20 minutes and push when they had their periods, to get all the blood and tissue out at once.
On Monday, Mic dug up an old Reddit thread started by user fuckingisthebest, who tried to dispel the all too pervasive myth that having lots of sex can permanently change the shape of a woman’s vagina. Reddit users on the labia-color thread came up with a few equally plausible theories:
Despite what seems like never-ending reassurances from doctors that vaginas do not become “loose” after lots of sex, the legend persists, creating an unattainable ideal of a small, inoffensive, barely there vulva and a watertight vagina that’s highly pleasurable for men to have sex with. The labia-color thread evolved into a storytelling session of all the worst metaphors that middle- and high-school sex educators have used to demonize sexuality and exalt virginity: analogies of food that’s been chewed up by many mouths, cookies that have been crumbled, pieces of tape that are no longer sticky after having been stuck to many pieces of paper, or paper hearts that have been ripped with every sex act outside of marriage.
Of course, #notallmen believe the fortunes told by a vulva’s size, color, and shape. “I will say this—I cannot remember the color of any woman’s labia that I’ve ever been with in great detail, nor the shape or anything about it really (other than my current girlfriend),” NotAVeryFlyWhiteGuy confessed on the thread. Oh, but were there a labial middle ground between granular judgment and complete amnesia.
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By Guest | 56 posts, last post 3 months ago

Dr Artem Agafonov
answered this
How Unusual Are Asymmetrical or Large Labia? What Can Be Done About Them?

hey guys i have large labia minora...should i risk letting my boyfriend down there or would he be too imature to realise all women are different?im worried he mite tell some one and it would get around! has anything like that ever happened to yous? i constantly take his hand away and im really fed up..i feel trapped by my vagina! haha...any advice? wat do teen guys think of it? have u ever encountered one? im looking for replies from girls who have it or teen guys mostly (be honest guys..i can take it) ..thanks

I have the same thing. I am 20 years old now and have been settled down with the same man for 3 yrs. However, when I was a teen I never had problems with a partner having a problem with it. In fact, some guys actually like it more. If your boyfriend does have a problem with it or makes jokes about it with his friends he is simply not mature enough to be having any kind of intimate realtionship with anyone and you shouldn't be with a guy who can't accept every part of you the way it is. If he really truly loves you this should not be an issue. You could always sit down with him and ask him what he thinks of women who has this, not telling him that you have it, and you will get his honest reaction and figure out what you want to do from there.

thanks for the advice..can i ask wat ages wer the guys who liked it?

I believe that most of the small-sized woman have large labia minora. Is the applyable for you both ?

I would not be worried about it, all people are different! I'm a guy and I would actually find it a turn ON not a turn off. So relax

Sorry it took so long to get back to you. The guys were between 15-22. I know wide age range. lol. And they never cared a bit. Also as for the other person, yes I am very small and always have been. I have never weighed over 100 lbs and now I weigh 89 lbs and I am 20.

i have the same problem.. i always wondered if i was the only one like that but obviously im not. i always thought that guys would care if i have a large labia.

Im 15 years old and I have been daiting my boyfriend since Feb. I have also hooked up w a few other guys who don't mind at all. To men it's just a vagina. My boyfriend right now told me that mine was beautiful lol which sounds like it would be awkward but it gave me so much relief. I've always been nervous about having a large labia but don't wory honey. Your fine and he won't care.

It's all true... most men don't mind what size you labia is... Personally, I doubt you would find a guy who didn't like it...

Yeah I know that girls have all different sizes and stuff like that and I always personally considered it to be ugly .... on myself I mean ....
I had so many conversations with guys about giving and receiving oral and i was always against receiving for the fact that I don't like how i look down there and i was always insecure about that....
I had a boyfriend who i had to break up with because first he wanted to get physical with me too fast and second he was always moving down my stomach and basically pushing me to let him...
My current boyfriend and I used to talk about it and he was saying he wanted to try it though he never did it before ... (pressure from a whole latino race thats doin it :P lol) ....
I would let him touch me down there after a long while and even then it was kind of weird ... I was always reluctant about it and one day he kept trying to get at "me" and i just gave in and let him ... I felt so weird about it at first, but he never said anything after we did it and the next time we were together he tried to go down on me again so i figured it wasnt a big deal .... so i got over it ......... mostly ....

i agree i hate the way it looks on me. my boyfriend wanted me to send him a naked picture and i couldnt do it. i was like im not comfortable with that part of my body yet and he said why its beautiful. i read an article awhile back on how girls point out they're flaws to guys and once they point out the flaws guys notice them but guys dont notice the details that we do. i'd love to just be in a guys body for a day so i could see myself the way they see me. i think everyone would be a lot more comforable with themselves. but anyways im rambling the point is guys dont care a vaginas a vagina. just like peni's come in diffrent sizes so do labias XD

Listen ladies, guys are so overwhelmed just to have the chance to get a glimpse of what you have they are not going complain. If anything, they are going to LOVE the large labia, I for one am obsessive over large labia. I love them! They give me that much more to play with and suck on. (Is this too much information? ;-) )

I've never known a single male to say he DIDN'T like any particular vagina for any reason. They are all great in their own ways and the things that make them unique are the things that will set you apart (above) other females. Celebrate what you have and remember, NOTHING is as sexy as confidence.

im dating someone right now who has one, and i dont mind it at all. She is pretty tiny. But ya there shiould be no problems

Thanx everyone..i do feel more confident now! :-)..still not fully there but..thanks

It's true, all girls are different
my girlfriend has a big labia and when she told me it really didnt matter
most guys are mature enough to handle that
its like a guy having to tell his girlfriend he has a small penis
it can be embrarassing
but if they really care for you, it wont matter :-)


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