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I know when it comes down to it, guys don't care what your vagina looks like as long as it's clean etc. But often, I see polls saying they like innies better and would prefer them if they got to choose, so why is it? I have an innie but frankly I think just that vagina is vagina.
Wow, some people really took this to heart... sorry about that. I NEVER said anything was wrong with outies for peace sakes.
Do guys like innies because they look good or feel better or tighter I guess or both?
Why do most guys prefer innies so strongly when most women are outies or in-between?
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Most guys actually don't care. The ones who do tend to be young and inexperienced, and have most of their "experience" with p*rn. I'm gonna try to make this short, as I've explained it at length several times, so here goes: In the 1950s, p*rn (still pictures and early magazines) was very underground, but it was starting to become a bit more mainstream and common. This forced the laws around "obscenity" to be reviewed, and rules set for the publishing industry. It was determined that "nudity" was OK, but that overtly sexual nude imagines were not. In the 60s, as things got more liberal, this evolved to the rule that "nudity" (like Playboy) could be sold to adults in normal stores and newsstands, but that "sexual nudity" was restricted to p*rn shops. One of the determining features between the two was the vulva. The censors came up with a rule that if you couldn't see any significant labia minora, then that was "non-sexual nudity", but obvious labia minora was "sexual" and much more heavily restricted. In the 50s-mid-90s, girls used to have hair, and that hair would cover their vulva for the most part, so that this was a non-issue. If the hair was sparse, and vulva too obvious, they'd simply airbrush over it, blending in with the hair, and problem solved. But in the late 90s, women started following the trend started by p*rn and other popular media and go "full Brazilian" - i.e., shave completely. Suddenly, vulvas became an issue again, and with no hair to conceal them, and without the ability to just airbrush in some extra "hair", publishers had a problem. But technology came to the rescue as a new piece of software was available: Adobe Photoshop. Very quickly, publishers started using Photoshop to edit vulvas, turning any and all "outies" into "innies" digitally. They didn't do that because guy demanded (or even preferred) innies, but because they wanted to continue to sell their magazines on newsstands and mainstream bookstores, and not just p*rn shops, which would hugely affect their sales. The unintended consequence of that is that men who grew up in the late 90s and later often saw many of their first naked girls in such magazines, and they were ALL innies (regardless of how the model actually was) in those pictures. Soon, for a percentage of guys (and even girls), mostly ones with little other experience, innies became the "standard of beauty." All the hot nude girls in the magazines had innies, so that must be how hot girls look, right? So, that's where the whole "innie" thing came from. But in the real world, most girls are outies, and guys who have a decent amount of experience with girls figure that out quickly, and any "preference" they had mostly goes away.
For years, I thought every girl was born an innie (probably true), but the same sexual maturity that grew breasts, enlarged nipples and widened hips, also transformed all girls to outies.
While not totally true, it's nearly true - labia minora DO grow during puberty, so many girls that were innies as children become outies.
When we start having sex, most of us start with young women who mostly haven't grown labia as big as they will later. It's what we're used to. Males are also attracted to traits indicating youth and health. An innie is a young looking vulva.
Are you sure about that? Some girls are just different down there, period. It has nothing to do with age in some cases.
Just like a guy's penis may have a different shape. It has nothing to do with age. Some girls body parts are just different.
So chicks with pronounced outies are born with them? I was unaware of that. Learning something new today.
i only had an innie prior to being 13, not sure what your into? I know both are normal, but saying one is a sign of youth is insulting and f*cked up especially when you should know better at 41. The amount of vulva that appears comes out during puberty depending on female hormone levels. its NORMAL
Get off your high horse. Labia start growing in at puberty. The process takes a while, I imagine. My penis started growing at 10. Didn't stop till I was 18 or so. I'm not saying labia take that long to grow in all the way, but there's a lot of early formative sex happening before they hit full size. All I'm doing is answering the question. An innie is a youth marker. Want to get mad about something? Try shaved pubes. What must they say?
my labia have been the same size since at most 16 so within 3 years of puberty it completed its growth. I freakin had a baby and its the same size truly it is. 16-26 the same damn size. you have to understand women and youth if you say you have an outie and look old what did you expect. we all can't look young forever, I can only hope my husband is not like you thinking and obsessing about youth at your age when is the last time you had sex with an 18 year old?
I agree with flippin. How someones vagina is shaped whether innie or outtie has nothing to do with age. The argument saying otherwise is plain ridiculous. The size, shape, or skin is beyond control.
I had an innie when I was a preteen, as young teen I started to form an outtie. Saying otherwise is wrong.
I'm not disagreeing with you. All I can say is think about the age of marriage/adulthood through 99.9% of human history. (HINT: It's 12-14.) Then think about the level of developlent most females have at that age. Then look at how popular schoolgirl, barely legal, and hentai style stuff is. Disgusting? Yeah. By our standards today in first and second world nations. It is what it is though. Human behaviors change. Human nature not so much.
It is odd considering the fact that most guys want an innie, but most girls have outies 70% that means most men don't like most vaginas maybe they are kinda homosexual. a vulva is a female thing but its gross to them, go suck each others dicks! I know innies are normal no insults ladies, but the vulva doesn't show, so men like that, then when they see the vulva they get scared and want to go choke on d*ck I guess. oh vulvas are so gross, my dick is so hot tho, hey bro can I suck on your d*ck its beautiful and manly?
there is nothing wrong with it don't worry. I just think its funny how most men are afraid of the dreadful vulva.
Lol, you're so funny! I agree, there is NOTHING wrong with outies!
a lot of people (read:idiots) think that outies are a sign of ''wear-and-tear'',and well,youth and virginity are seen as like,so super totally important in women (have I mentioned that people are stupid?) but,do you really want to sleep with the type of guy who thinks that and thinks that regular girls look like p*rnstars?
Youth markers aren't everything, but they are attractive. I wish we could each rationally choose whatmwhatmakes us horny. There'd be a lot less heartache in the world.
Dionysos what do you mean by that, are you saying you would be far more happy with a girl with an inne?
v is v , to me guys like it regardless innie or outie
You need to realize that men care more about what a women's face looks like than her vagina, so thinking having an innie makes up for being a donkey face your wrong, I have an outtie but its a nice one and I am pretty hot too. ya I'm a bicth it takes one to know one
Okay, I never said guys don't like outies, I wasn't making fun of them or anything. If you didn't read it correctly, I said I think vagina is vagina, no big deal if it is innie or outie. I've just seen a few polls on here and most of the guys said if they could choose they would prefer an innie and I came to ask why... I don't see what is so special about them. Vagina is VAGINA. Calm the heck down! Haha. And I'm no where near a bitch, if you're calling me one.
well you just can't go through life thinking your better than other people.
Can you please tell me where in there I said I'm better than everybody? I stated I have an innie but I wasn't like "oh yeah I have an innie so I'm so much better than all you girls who have outies!" No, I said I have an innie but I don't see what the big deal about them is because vagina is vagina.I'm sorry if I came off that way, I don't see how I did but I'm sorry.
In my very last line it says "I have an innie but frankly I think vagina is vagina." Clearly saying I don't see what the big deal about innies is, outies are just as good because they're all vagina and guys should be happy with that! ( which I think they are)
I would say it's like this. If I was hungry and you offered anything I'd like to eat...I like hamburgers, but REALLY love pork chops. So, if you ask me...what is your preference? I'd say pork chops. But, if I was hungry, and you said "all I have is hamburgers" - I surely love that hamburger and would eat the hell out of it.
wouldn't you always crave the pork chops if all you were allowed from now on is hamburgers (your wife is a hamburger)?
No, because she is more than a labia. To keep the analogy going, I love the ambiance, bartenders, waitstaff, and owner of the hamburger I walked in, got a hamburger, and loved the restaurant.
Someone here called them "neat and "tidy". I add "cute". My lover is as innie as you can be. A little protruding inner lips make oral easier, though.
It is one way a vulva/vagina can look. It is puffy outer lips fully closed with nothing showing between them. Look in the mirror and go MMMMMMMM. Your mouth will look like an innie.
Hmmmmmm OK I got the pic now danke
Yeah!Vagina is vagina...I don't even care to know innies and the opposite...
not all men like innies, I have a hot outie and its sexy as F*ck
you are quite correct , cleanliness above all , every vagina is beautiful .
I don't like giant meat curtains on the tuna tunnel but otherwise what ever.
just wasn't sure what you meant, certain names can be degrading
I love all shapes and sizes...all colors and hues...and all designs..innies/outies/hybrids...vaginas are simply wonderful no matter what model you were born with!
I like innies. To each thir own. I have found Asian women have the best p*****s when it comex to innies.
It sure seems to me like the innie versus outie thing is of MUCH GREATER concern to you girls than to us guys. Honestly, I've never talked to a guy who cares and I sure don't.
I wasn't aware that all men like the same thing. I have an outtie and I've received nothing but compliments.
I love outie and innie vaginas. My wife has a beautiful outie vagina.
I think it doesn't matter as long as I like the girl enough. But, due to the grace of god, my girl has an innie so I have no querrils.
I guess innies are "cute". But there's nothing wrong with outies either
Only loner guys that watch p*rn constantly have ridiculous preferences like that. A vagina is a vagina. I would avoid guys that have that preference.
they don't all look like penises some of the massive ones do yes.
you do know all, yes all, women have a vulva, its a vulva not a penis.

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