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Stuck in a car with a friend and his girlfriend who very unreasonably thinks he likes me
I just want to say this weird story so enjoy!🤭
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So to put a long story short, me and some of my friends went on a weekend vacation. It was me(27F), my other girl friend and a couple. We had an amazing time on the first day and today we are returning to our origin. For context, I am probably the least physically attractive person in the group (which I am okay with), and still the girlfriend in the couple thinks that her boyfriend is a bit too friendly with me. I have been friends with that guy for a long time and we have a very platonic work-buddy kinda friendship.
The girl decided to confront me saying she's not okay with it, and I was caught completely off guard and speechless. I didn't even know what to say and now we are stuck in a car. I have spent 2 hours in a weird tense silence which is seriously making me want to throw up. And still 52 minutes to go! Can't do anything but post here to take my mind off!
Not sure if there's a better thread to post this on, but here we go!
A little over a decade ago I was in months-long training before I would deploy to Afghanistan for about a year. I was young and I didn't have a lot of money (I was still in debt from when I joined), and spent a long time trying to find tickets I could actually afford so I could fly home for Thanksgiving and see my kid one last time before I deployed. It was the only period during training that I could go.
I got to the airport in CA on time for the flight, but when I went to check in, the airline employee informed me that the ticket I bought was not for that day - it was for the same day, but for the following month.
I fell apart immediately. I hadn't seen my kid in months, and this was my last time I was going to be able to before I left. Mind you, I didn't start going on about this story - I just started crying and shaking, and I could barely speak. I didn't know what to do, and I kind of froze in place.
The airline attendant must have realized it was a big deal to me, because started hammering at her keyboard. About 30 seconds later, she very quietly asked me if I could make it to the next airline over in a couple hours, and I said yes. She then prints out a ticket, tells me to take it and emphatically asks that I *not tell anyone*, and wishes me a happy holidays.
I called my buddy to pick me back up, made it to the other airport, and was able to spend that time with my kid. A month later I got notifications to check in to the flight I'd originally bought.... it was only then that I realized the hadn't switched tickets, but gave me a completely complementary flight.
I still think about this from time to time. I wish nothing but happiness to that woman... it's seriously the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.
I doubt she's in the age group that surfs Reddit, but if so, and she's reading this... Thank you, stranger. Your kindness still makes me smile.
TLDR: Thank you to the airline employee who magicked me a ticket home to see my child before a year long deployment.
Ok so I’m (F19) and in this story I was about 13 or 14, I had been talking to this guy who we will call “Steve” so me and Steve had been talking A LOT, like through text, school, call, etc. We were really close, so close to the point where I started developing feelings, but I knew I had no chance because he was actually very attractive and I wasn’t that good looking.. Anyways one day my bestfriend who knew I was talking with him told me that she likes him, out of the blue, I kind of just brushed it off but she kept bringing it up, anyways one day I decided to invite Steve to my house, just as friends (we had dirty humor so I made it clear that it was just as friends.) I didn’t expect him to come but he did since we found out that we live close. We were just in my room playing T or D with an app, there was different kind of like “modes” for like kids, adults, dangerous, dirty, etc. Since we act dirty with eachother we did the dirty mode, we were mostly doing the truths since the dares were actually kinda nasty, until he got a dare saying “kiss the closest person to your left” and I was to his left. He kissed me and that kiss soon turned into a make out, we stopped once Steve’s mom called asking where he was, that night, he blocked me. And so did my bestfriend, when I went back to school I asked her why she blocked me and she got all mad saying how I was such a backstabbing b!tch for making out with the guy she “loved” I asked her how she found out or who told her, this brat told me she put a camera one day when she went to my house because that’s when she got feelings for Steve and wanted to see if I would do anything with him, psycho huh? It was a tiny camera and later that day I found it hidden in between two stuffed animals, I flipped off the camera and broke it, still to this day do not know why Steve had blocked me.
I just woke up about 20 minutes ago from a strange, recurring dream that happens every blue moon. It started off around 6pm when the sun began to set in the distance. I’m 14 but I was in the body of an 11 year old. My father was pulled over by the cops due to drunk driving (don’t drink). I had a plan to wait until my father was out of the car so I could go inside of the cop car backseat to sabotage the cop from turning my father in. It worked…but at what cost? I stepped foot into the police department. When I entered the department, everything around me changed. The time of day became night, the world became silenced, there was NOBODY around but children. The place that was once a “police department”, shifted into a strange mansion. There was about 10 children with me, and I ended up making one my friend. We all started walking around in confusion wondering what this place was. Out of nowhere balloons, specifically red, started dropping from nowhere. I’d say about 3-5 balloons dropped and the lights were flickering. When the lights stopped flickering, we all counted each and one of us but one was missing. My friend had no name for some reason but I directed her to follow me. We went in about two rooms over from the entrance where the other children were. A minigame popped up. There were different minigames inside. The rule of each minigame is “Play or be Killed”. Since I still had my 14 year old mindset in an 11 year old body, I told her we shouldn’t play the game because I watched too much jigsaw lol. When we declined to play, an all black “inky” flexible monster began to chase me and my friend. We came across an elevator that was barricaded with wooden planks. She broke one somehow without an axe and I broke the others. We felt the monstrous presence behind us. We both went into the elevator, but the elevator doors looked like a mouth. We had no choice but to still go inside and choose to go up. I looked up when we were inside of the elevator and saw a face. Apparently the elevator was a “she”. As we went up, the monster began to grab the bottom of the elevator and pull us down. The elevator face that was once smiling, turned into a frown. I started thinking the elevator was once a kid, turned into a source of transportation inside of this place, who wants us to escape knowing they couldn’t, which is disturbing. The elevator went up again and we were in the same place but it was day time again. I went to the door and tried to open it. Red balloons dropped again and the lights started to flicker. I kept attempting to open the door until it eventually opened. I pushed my friend outside before I full out DIVED onto the grass.
Does anybody have any really graphic articles about gang recruiting violence like the song ross capicchioni. Or any on really violent kidnappings
So basically before our parents got together I had a crush on someone, (became a huge red flag after primary school) and before I knew it my friends also knew and they were getting annoyed that I wasn’t making a move. So my friend (for the sake of the story he can be bob) decided while we were playing handball when he got out that he would go over to them and tell her that I liked her. BUT. My future step sister was over there as well and she was her friend.
So they were talking about me and my future step sister said that I was hot, and my crush agreed with her and said that she would think about me. Years later I only just remember today that this happened, probably because it was such a cursed memory.
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