Reddit Doggie Style

Reddit Doggie Style


Reddit Doggie Style
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google, show me this guys balls please
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y-you mean "dog" as in "dawg or friend" right?
I mean come on he just got a fresh haircut and he always bit his lower lip just right when I gave him treats and damn that just got to me.
I remember being on the bus coming home from work listening to some older Golden Gate Park squatters talk about a drunken, pilled-up night of making out with their dogs. 👀

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This was a deeply worthy and appropriate 4:15am reddit news report.
TBH He has a voice of a news caster.
I think he might be one, or at least wanted to be one? I googled his name and came across a website with his news cast demo reel stuff.
Justice for Dolly. This farce of a trail is ridiculous.
Do-do-do-do, do, do-do-do-do-do, do-do-do
I hope the ACLU can help the dog combat the system- it reeks of nepotism.
This is the only kind of news I want these days.

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