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Илон Маск: в 2024 году Model Y станет самой продаваемой машиной в мире
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На встрече с акционерами компания Tesla объявила, что с момента основания выпустила 3 миллиона электромобилей, хотя всего 10 лет назад собрала и продала всего 3000 машин. Более того, к концу года Илон Маск пообещал, что Model Y станет самым популярным автомобилем в мире по доходу, а через год — и по количеству проданных единиц.
Над прогнозами и обещаниями Илона Маска принято подтрунивать, особенно если дело заходит о колонизации Марса или появлении автомобиля с пятым уровнем автономности. Однако нельзя отрицать его успехи в продвижении электромобилей Tesla на мировом рынке. Прежде чем начать продажи Model Y в 2020 году Маск сделал несколько предсказаний относительно будущей популярности этого кроссовера.
По его словам, спрос на Model Y будет в два раза выше, чем на Model 3, которая к тому времени уже стала самым продаваемым электромобилем мира. В 2016 году глава Tesla заявил, что будет продавать в год от 500 тысяч до 1 миллиона единиц Model Y. И теперь, через два года после выхода модели, его прогноз исполнился.
На ежегодной встрече с акционерами Маск объявил, что электрическая Model Y вскоре может стать самым популярным автомобилем мира на основании принесенного за этот год дохода. А в следующем году станет самым популярным по продажам, как только компания нарастит производство на двух новых гигафабриках — в Техасе и под Берлином. На них в основном собирают именно Model Y. К концу года Tesla рассчитывает довести объем выпуска этой модели до более 1 млн машин в год.
На сегодня звание самого продаваемого автомобиля в мире принадлежит японскому Toyota Corolla (около 1 150 000 единиц продаж в год), сообщает Electrek.
Tesla не раскрывает текущих цифр продаж Model 3 и Model Y по-отдельности, но, по всей видимости, последняя должна обойти первую. Всего компания продала за прошлый квартал около 300 000 машин двух этих моделей.

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What are your favorite places in the American southwest?
A community to discuss frugal travelling, last-minute travel deals, cheap destinations, and cheap means of travel. Whether couchsurfing, camping, or staying in hostels, whether hitchhiking or staying on Airbnb, let's discuss and share the best budget travel ideas and deals!
What are your favorite places in the southwest?
I’m planning a trip for around April-may. I don’t know a lot about the region, but I’m thinking anything south and/or west of Denver is still on the table. I’m planning on mostly camping, and am on a relatively tight budget. Any advice is welcome!
Ouray & Telluride you can’t miss for SW Colorado. I actually used to live in Durango and don’t suggest it anymore.
Great choices. I really like Sedona in AZ & Santa Fe/Taos in NM.
Curious, why do you not suggest Durango?
I love Carlsbad and the Grand Canyon. Do note that you will need to go south and stay somewhere lower in elevation or you may get snowed out. April is Colorado’s second snowiest month after March, so be prepared!
If you make it down to Carlsbad you should really check out Big Bend National Park as well. In my opinion it’s the most underrated NP in the country.
Ok yeah thanks for this tip, I wouldn’t have guessed that. Winter’s over by April where I’m from
I just went to Carlsbad a couple weeks ago and basically had the cave to myself. It was wild.
Kind of a haul from Denver, but just before lockdown this year I discovered Chiricahua NM in southeast AZ, and it is now one of my favorite southwest spots. Kind of like Bryce canyon crossed with Zion minus all the crowds.
Wow, that looks absolutely gorgeous. Gotta add that to my list
What is good there on a budget? I’ve only visited the touristy shopping area, which is delightful with amazing art, but not inexpensive.
Yes! Meow Wolf is a little pricey but SO worth it!
I spent a spring break in Santa Fe my freshman year of college a little less then 10 years ago. I was broke and I had a hippie friend from high school who convinced his cousin to let me sleep on a couch at their “apartment” (they lived in a weird compound outside of town with floodlights pointing in every direction).
Not everyone’s experience of NM may be similar to my experience of NM, but it truly is the land of enchantment/entrapment. I spent possibly the haziest and weirdest week of my life there, and by the end I felt like I was living in the twilight zone.
Also the commuter train was really slow, it seemed like one of those fake train go cart things kids get on at outdoor malls. Took like 3 hours to go like 60 miles.
Yes! And doing the circuit is great too, especially for a first time visitor to the SW. Circuit = Zion, Bryce, Capital Reed, Canyonlands, Arches.
I came here to say this. It’s like going to a different planet for someone originally from the east coast
Monument Valley and the Grand Canyon are the must sees, imo.
Carlsbad, Sedona, and Mesa Verde are real neat too if you have time.
Chaco Cultural National Historic Park is way fucking cool as is Aztec Ruins National Monument, both in NM. I also love Mesa Verde in CO, there’s also Chimney Rock and Canyon of the Ancients.
This one! Chaco is great, and is amazing for dark skies star viewing. Be sure to bring camping supplies / figure out accommodations beforehand because there is only primitive camping IIRC.

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Over 18k People Joined This Thread In Which They Confessed Things They Haven’t Told Anyone In Their Real Life (30 Confessions)
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There are parts of us that we ourselves don’t like and tend to hide from others. Or there are things from our past that we would never tell anyone about. Having secrets even from people that are the closest to you may be a defense mechanism. It could be that you are either protecting them or yourselves from even bigger pain that would be caused if the secret came out.
However, it is hard to keep all those thoughts just to yourself. Seeking professional help is not always an available option so the next best thing is to take advantage of anonymity on the internet and express what is bothering you to complete strangers. People started confessing their deepest troubles in this thread that was started by SillyGuy who asked “What do you want to confess that no one else in your real life knows?”
Lots of people in the thread found it therapeutic and felt like part of the burden was lifted from their chest. Especially when other people related to them and expressed their support. The thread itself was liked by 35.5k redditors, over 18k people joined the conversation, and we invite you to join too.
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Only my girl knows this, i was thinking of killing myself when i came back from working abroad, i was about to do it on a friday, but a friend told me "Hey you wanna come hang out saturday night? just chilling here at home" I decided to go. It was actually a surprise welcome party for me, all my friends were there, it was an amazing night. None of them know, but they saved my life, i wouldnt be here if it wasnt for that.
My giant sexy engagement ring is a created diamond. You (my dear coworkers) all love it to death and go on about how amazing it is because you think my fiance dropped $10,000 on it. It cost $50 on Ebay and I love it because it's SCIENCE and not DeBeers.
Lab grown diamond is still a diamond and i dont see a problem with it. We need to knock debeers down from their self acclaimed pedestal
I'm fully vaxxed as at 3 days ago. Only my wife knows. My entire family and coworkers are all SUPER ANTIVAXX. I'm a closet vaxxer
Hey, congrats on keeping everyone safe by making that choice. Because of you, and every other vaccinated person, we are a few steps closer to beating this virus. Good for you!
I have terminal cancer and am tired of the side effects of the treatments and the pain the cancer is causing. I really want to just die and get it over with but my wife and two daughters would be devastated if I stopped fighting.
That's so sad but understandable.... cancer is so cruel... it must be exhausting to constantly fight
Compassion fatigue is slowly killing me. I’m so tired. I love my friends and family deeply, but I need a break from being the shoulder to cry on for awhile
Ten years ago, when my mother suicided, I was prematurely forced into the role of family matriarch, a role made that much more difficult because my parents neglected to prepare for their own deaths. I took care of my dad while he slowly smothered to death for three years (idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis), then spent two years cleaning out my mother's hoard and selling the house. I'm exhausted. Worse, I've been the "go to savior" for so long that my own life is long gone. Parents and grandparents: take care of your own mess; don't leave it for your children.
I cried over bell peppers today. I always made my dad stuffed orange bell peppers on Halloween. I would cut the little jack o lantern faces out and everything. He’s been dead for three years but today for a second in the grocery store I thought oh that’s right I need orange bell peppers.
I think that would be a tradition I would carry on with. It would be a nice way to remember happy times.
I've always told everyone my mom died of cancer. She committed suicide. Footnote: So did my son.
Mental illness can be genetic so please take comfort in the fact that it was out of your hands to some extent. I am so sorry that this happened to you.
My husbands family are all complete c***s. When we first got together I just thought he wasn’t close to them, but now after spending more time with them, I realize they’re all bullies. They constantly ridicule each other and fight and tease my husband for one thing or another. They’re loud and interrupt each other and belittle each other’s opinions. It’s truly a shame that he had to grow up with those dips**ts. He’s really amazing at so many things and has a lot of self loathing because nothing was ever good enough to his family. He’s made a name for himself and I’m so proud of his hard work and success, but they still just nitpick. I’m on a mission to make my husband have a peaceful adult life where he’s only encouraged. I want to make him see how amazing he is, the way I see him.
First of all, you are a sweetheart to say those things about your husband. Have you said it to him? Keep away from that family, they are poison.
How lost and hurt I really am. It’s easier to hide it all and pretend everything is getting better.
In my group of friends consisting of couples in deep relationships, I’m the only single guy. In fact, I don’t think I’ve been in a committed relationship for more than 2 weeks. The idea of being part of a couple has always sounded exhausting and it was something I never really worried about rushing into. I didn’t truly realize how lonely I’ve been until one night playing beer pong, when I was on the same team with one of the ladies (who was a little tipsy), she hugged me after I won the game for us. It didn’t occur to me that since leaving home for college, those types of physical gestures that brought me comfort as a kid weren’t always there for me anymore as an adult. TL;DR– All I want is to be hugged.
Aw... I love a good hug. Here's a big hug for anyone who needs one today: ***HUG***
People here on the other side of the keyboard are real people, and would hug you if we could. Don't forget that.
I dropped three courses not because I was failing academically, but because I was very close to killing myself.
Was a wise decision!! Our health is more important
Every day I hate the life I'm living a little bit more. I can retrace my steps and see all the choices that would have gotten me to where I wish I was too, but I feel so trapped now. I feel so unwanted and out of place all the time.
Please talk to someone you can trust or see a therapist/counselor/doctor. I hope you are ok.
I don’t think I want kids because I’m too much like my father. I can end the bloodline with me.
I know several people who have said this, and I respect their decision completely.
I see, hear, and touch my wife every now and then. She keeps me up at night just talking to me. My wife's been dead for the past 7 years. Pills, therapy and counseling haven't worked. The doctors are out of options for me. If it happens during the day, to others, I seem to suddenly have a thousand yard stare, my speaking stops, then one or two seconds later, i seem to snap back to reality and continue on. Otherwise it's chipping into my sleep and making it hard to wake. Last week was 7 years...
Okey-dokey, then.... There are options, but only if he goes to a neurologist, b/c this is probably organic, not merely grief-related. You'd be shocked what even a tiny blob of unwanted cells can do in your brain.
My wife cheated on me a few months back. She claims it was just one kiss and dirty texts but who really knows the extent of her infidelity besides him and her. I was beyond stupid and ignored all warning signs. I have told no one and it happened about 4 months ago. We are buying a house and have 2 kids. I initially forgave her and we worked on things. However, she and her sister are going on a cruise in November and I don’t trust her at all. FML. Edit: I talked to my wife this morning and she was more concerned with our marriage than the cruise. She even went as far as saying she is going to call about canceling it today. I know many people suggested divorce and I understand why you would suggest it. I don’t know if that’s where wile will end up but for now I’m going to keep trying. Sometimes things aren’t as black and white as they seem.
If you both love each other, work together to rebuild the trust. Counselling might help. At least she understands the depth and is not going on the cruise if it makes you uncomfortable.
I've become really detached from life ever since my mom passed
Same, it's been almost 6 years - I feel like the "thing" that tethered me to this world is gone and now I'm just floating - detached...
My final semester of college got ruined by the pandemic, including the capstone I had been working on for several years. I got dumped by the person I though I would marry the day before I left campus for the last time. Every single one of my friends stopped talking to me a couple months afterward. I tried seeing a therapist, but she seemed more interested in telling me about her life than actually helping me. In the past year and a half, I’ve lost more family members than I can count, both to COVID and other causes. Those deaths included 2 grandparents, and my 16-year-old cousin who hung himself. I am more lonely than I’ve ever been and I don’t have anything to look forward to in my life. I don’t know how much longer I can keep doing this. Every night I fall asleep wanting nothing more than to just not wake up in the morning.
I did a two hour online test for college and we had to stay on camera for the whole two hours until everyone was done. The problem was I s**t myself half an hour into the test and sat in my own s**t not allowed to move and if I did move everyone would see I s**t myself. So I waited until everyone was done and got marks done and could turn off the cameras. I got 100% in the test. Edit: so yes this happened and I had no clue this happened to another person on a talk show, but am glad am not alone. Am going to look into American life, am going to find that story and look into it for a good chuckle. It happened because am highly lactose intolerant and I added milk based creamer by mistake to my coffee. The clean up was horrendous and I had to throw out my office chair after and shower myself off after. My stomach is super sensitive and it has happened before but that story is for another time but far worse inside a Bible study at a church. *FML I was studying psychology, I now work in that field.
I am so grateful that they did not add an actual image :) BTW, congratulations on 100%!!
I have eaten food quantities that were listed as "family sized" in a single sitting, many times.
What really helped me stopping overeating was counting my chewing. One bite to be chewed 20-30 times. I know it sounds painfully slow and it unfortunately really is, even more if you're hungry. But after a week, maybe a bit more if you pull it through, you will feel full before having inhaled a family pizza. You'll get accustomed to the slow eating as well.
Now I'm fully stuffed by just one regular plate.
I have a husband and two toddlers that I love deeply and would give my life for. But I often fantasize about running off and traveling the world. Not having to wake up every morning to a 2 year old and 1 year old while my husband soundly sleeps just sounds like pure bliss to me. I would never do it, I just wish I had done it before I settled down.
Regretting the things you did is nothing compared to regretting the things you didn't do. Do the things while you're young.
I’m 28 years old and still struggle reading analogue clocks
Same here, to make it worse, my IQ is way above average and everyone uses me as a walking Google/Wikipedia, but clocks, not my thing. It'
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