Red Face Orgasm

Red Face Orgasm


Red Face Orgasm
I had my first orgasm last night, it was able to achieve it several times, afterward I happened to be looking in the bathroom mirror and all around my face and neck, especially around my eyes there were tiny red dots, they looked like blood under the skin, none are larger than a pencil lead. It slighty freaked me out, is this common, or normal and will they go away?! I could not find anything about this online, maybe I didn't look hard enough but I'm slightly worried I had a slightly sore head after the orgasm, Iv'e heard of mind blowing experience but this isn't what I expected.
will those dots stay there or go away in a few days tho?
okay, thanks I'm pretty sure its not the flushing, but burst blood vessels by the sounds of it
its not really severe, they are tiny and seem to be fading
Red dots on my face after intense orgasm?!
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You honestly believe you burst enough blood vessels to cross your entire face when it's a common phenomenon? If that's the case go to a doctor immediately and you should have large blotches, not spots, because you're bleeding into your own skin.
normal.. my girlfriend has that too, but its around her chest
yah, after 10 min when you Relax your body and yeah... just be cool, its just a "sure" you had orgasm... 98% girls have the same thing as you do
It’s Petechiea. Broken blood vessels. Its from pressure, like when you throw up. Like purple dots all over the face. And it takes a few days to go away.
You may have been scrunching your face and blew a blood vessel. It will go away.
You are aware that blowing a blood vessel would be totally different than the natural occurrence of flushing, right?
Yes I am aware. Red dots just don't sound like flushing. You can blow a blood vessel from blowing up a balloon. My guess is that if this was her first orgasm and she had multiple, she was probably hold her breath and scrunching up. It's not a big deal.
i knew about the flushing and its definitely not flushing, I think its probably burst cappilarilles then thanks, I was just worried it wouldn't go away caz its been 12 hrs and its still there and flushing disspears much quicker than that. I was just concerned caz I had a bit of a headache aftwerward, but I just hope it goes away in a few days
You do know that A) you just bled into your face and B) it takes days to naturally heal broken blood ANYTHING right? No, of course not, and 12 hours ( because you're Wolverine ) later you're all fine and dandy. Burst caps cause bruises to develop as well, it's what happens when you get a hickey, and I don't think I've ever heard of a hickey disappearing in 12 hours.
Ive found out that what happened is the same as when you have severe vommiting, because of all the tension in your face and little cappilaries burst around your eyes, its not serious and will heal up in a few days. So I've solved it thanks.
In school I was told that this comes from the high blood pressure during sex. Nothing serious at all

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