Recovery Time For Rhinoplasty Surgery

Recovery Time For Rhinoplasty Surgery

Dr.Lionel Jedeikin

Generally, it takes approximately six weeks for the bones in your nose to completely get healed. During the healing period, it is avoided to do strenuous activities or exercise. It is also instructed to avoid some minor activities such as stretching, lifting, or bending over can that may increase nasal swelling for 2 weeks. However, by maintaining a proper healing routine followed by Rhinoplasty South Africa post-care advice as suggested by the surgeon one gets able to achieve the best outcomes of the procedure.

It is normal to feel minor swelling, and puffiness in your facial area, and feeling the general cold after the Nose Surgery in Cape Town is also very common. The stitches and nasal splint will be removed in 5-7 days. The 10 days' leave from your office will be enough to attain proper healing.

The Rhinoplasty Cape Town has always been the top choice among the patients of the whole nation due to the fact of achieving the best outcomes done by the expert rhinoplasty surgeon.

Nose surgery usually has a genuine cost in Cape Town compared to the cost applicable in other countries.

Speed up your Rhinoplasty Recovery Time as follows:

On average you can face the camera in 2 weeks; tip sharpening time is 9-12 months of rhinoplasty surgery that may vary from one patient to another. But, it is all manageable and can be improved by following the post-care advice given by your performing surgeon.

A)Rhinoplasty Recovery Timeline:

1. The 1st week of Rhinoplasty Surgery: The stitches and splint can be removed and you can go in public without showing noticeable signs of surgery unless there is bruising around the eyes. It is safe to be resumed daily activities.

2. The 2nd weeks: Most of the bruising should have resolved and the majority of facial swelling has subsided. You can face the camera.

3. 3-4 weeks: Now, you are fit for some exercises such as jogging, swimming, cardiovascular activities, and cycling.

4. 6 weeks: you are now able to resume the resistance activities, i.e., weight-lifting, wearing glasses, and blowing your nose.

5. 3-6 Months: All numbness around your nose or in your nose and abnormal sensation is no more.

6. 1 Year: The residual swelling has gone completely. The new shape of the nose is fully refined.

The following are the quintessential things that accelerate easy healing of rhinoplasty surgery are mentioned below:

B) Listen to your plastic Surgeon: You must listen to the plastic surgeon for post-procedure effects the healing process may be fast or depends on various circumstances. Every individual has a different anatomical and physiological status of the body and thus it is a completely different way to achieve the healing process.

Your performing surgeon will instruct you about the following things:

  • How to care for your surgical sites
  • When will you need to come back?
  • What medications you need to take
  • When to take the medicines, etc.

C) Listen to Your Body: This is your plastic surgeon that is able to see the recovery of rhinoplasty from outside, but it is only you who experiences the changes in your body. Thus, it is advisable to consult your surgeon in case you feeling a bit of discomfort. One must keep this fact in mind that the follow-ups at the right time with the right measure help a lot in achieving the speedy recovery as well as the best outcomes.

D) Keep Your Head Elevated: Sleeping on your side is not advisable for a few weeks after your rhinoplasty surgery as it can prolong your recovery time. It is recommended to keep your head raised while sleeping to achieve faster healing. The elevated posture of sleeping is recommended for 2 to 3 weeks after nose surgery. One of the easiest ways to do this is to prop up your head up on two or three pillows or sleeping in a recliner will also help a lot.

E) Use cold compresses: Using cold compresses or ice packs will help in reducing swelling after the Nose surgery for 2 to 3 days. But, it is instructed that not apply the compress directly to your nose. It is good to apply ice packs onto your cheeks that won't affect or nasal bone or cartilage.

F) Get Proper Rest: It is great to have proper rest after rhinoplasty surgery as it helps a faster recovery process, as well as influences, result in the best effect. Your body uses energy to heal itself and getting sound sleep about 7-8 hours daily restores this energy to achieve a faster recovery.

G) Maintain a Healthy Diet: A healthy and balanced diet is always helpful in achieving faster healing as well as the best outcomes. Having a diet full of protein, vitamins, minerals, and unsaturated fat helps a lot in gaining the energy required for faster healing after the surgery.

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