Recover your health & home from toxic mold

Recover your health & home from toxic mold

Toxic mold can have very serious short and long-term repercussions… Are you sensitive to specific foods? Join The Toxic Mold Masterclass

It is estimated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations that approximately 25% of the world’s crops, including grains, nuts, wine, spices, tea and coffee, are contaminated by mold and mycotoxins. Other foods that grow mold easily include grain-fed meat, dairy products, alcohol, cocoa, popcorn and dog food.

Mold is a major disrupter of all body systems, and can create a diverse range of symptoms.

Don't miss this oppotunity to learn step-by-step strategies to identify and address toxic mold issues in your body, assess and properly remediate your home and create a low-tox home environment! Register Now

Here is a partial list of symptoms of mold toxicity:

  • Asthma
  • Foggy thinking
  • Poor recall
  • Muscle twitching
  • Skin rashes
  • Attention deficit
  • Irregular periods
  • Anxiety
At this event, over 30 experts will discuss essential testing and treatment options for mold toxicity, home assessment methods, strategies for immune system support and at-home mold detox practices

The Toxic Mold Masterclass experts will teach you about:

  • How to test food products
  • Tests for mycotoxins & systemic health
  • Tips for calming the top 10 mold symptoms
  • How to read labels & make better food choices
  • And so much more!

Dealing with mold and mold illness is a setback you can overcome!

Download your free gifts

Toxic Mold: How to Protect Your Home and Your Health eBook

Five Key Antioxidants for Detoxification eGuide

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