Recommended Crested Gecko Diet

Recommended Crested Gecko Diet

Crested geckos are omnivores, which means that they eat a variety of foods including insects, nectar, and fruit. It is important to provide your crested gecko with a balanced diet to ensure that they are healthy and thriving.

One popular choice for a crested gecko's diet is the Crested Gecko Diet (CGD), which can be ordered online. The CGD is a meal replacement powder (MRP) made by Rapshy superfoods. One 16-ounce bag of the CGD can last up to a year and needs to be stored in a freezer. To prepare the CGD, simply mix one part of the powder with two parts of water. It is recommended to use little plastic cups that can be reused and fit into a magnetic shelf.

In addition to the CGD, crested geckos can also be fed crickets, dubia roaches, wax worms, and butter-worms. However, meal-worms are not recommended as they have a hard exoskeleton that can be difficult for the gecko to digest.

Feeding your crested gecko a balanced diet is crucial for their health and well-being. It is important to provide a variety of foods to ensure that they are getting all of the necessary nutrients. A balanced diet can help to prevent health problems such as obesity, malnutrition, and digestive issues.

In conclusion, the crested gecko diet is simple and easy to provide. The CGD is a popular choice for meal replacement powder, and a variety of insects can be fed in addition. It is important to avoid feeding meal-worms and to provide a balanced diet to ensure that your crested gecko is healthy and happy. By providing your crested gecko with the proper nutrition, you can help them to thrive and live a long, healthy life.

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