Рецепт скорость

Рецепт скорость

Рецепт скорость

Рецепт скорость

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ВНИМАНИЕ!!! В Телеграмм переходить только по ссылке, в поиске много фейков!

Wowhead Client клиент Wowhead — небольшое приложение, с помощью которого вы можете обновить данные на сайте, а так же воспользоваться дополнительными возможностями! Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания! Данный сайт активно использует технологию JavaScript. Пожалуйста, Включите JavaScript в вашем браузере. Комментарий от Weol Псих: D 60г легче фармятся, и покупается рецепт на за 60г ауке! Комментарий от latinos у меня выпал в степях из племени дыбогривов. Комментарий от Quasistellar Дракономор - купил на аукционе за 2к. Комментарий от brain У нас на СД по г на аукционе стоят. Жалко было тратить столько, но тут проверил, кто-то поставил за 3голда за тоже стояли Видимо продавец просто не знал всей ценности рецепта: Комментарий от Tanderwow где лучше всего фармить рецепт? Комментарий от eysksq кто нибудь напишите где лучше всего его фармить? Уже огромное кол-во мобов убил, а его нету, как будто я не тех бью. Комментарий от VitMix действительно, все комментарии написаны с версий игры до катаклизма Комментарий от Борейская тундра - купил на ауке рец за 1к Комментарий от demchuk рецепт, действительно падает в Степях. Комментарий от belosoro4kina дропнулся в пещерах стенаний, все отказались, я хоть и не алхиимик, но сролила. Комментарий от Disc0n дропнулся в пещерах стенария с ящеров при фарме пета. Хотя на триалтвинке 20 походу прийдется попотеть чтобы достать Комментарий от Licet выпал случайно при прокачке нового твинка в лок модане с разведчика - туннельщика. Комментарий от SergKlein Забавно, выбивается он вроде как из достаточного кол-ва мобов, но реально если пеерйти на вкалдку моба и посмотреть дроп с него рецепта нет. Обновить бы как то. Комментарий от wowmeow Выпало 2 рецепта за 1 прохождение Мертвых Копей Шел выбивать рец на 8 аги, а получилось 2 свифта. Комментарий от djjhony Решил сегодня пофармить рец малого зелья ловкости в огненной пропасти на удивление с 1 рана выбил рецепт зелья скорости. Комментарий от weberserg Приобрел за 1 золотую: Комментарий от foranymore Пошел в Огненную Пропасть - фармить ткань. Рецепт выпал на третьем трае с мобов пламенеющего клинка. Теперь с первого же трая: С пиратов в последней части подземелья Очень повезло. Комментарий от Asakaze Только что купила на ауке за 6 шесть! При том, что обычно цена колеблется около золотых. Спасибо тебе, неизвестный демпингер с Вечной Песни! Пусть тебе выпадет что-нибудь ценное. Комментарий от ubelian Только что выпал с треша КТК. Советую фармить именно там. Всем удачи с будущим лутом. Комментарий от Rasnotravie Выпал в Азшаре из Ослабший мохоногий марал. Комментарий от Rezdoom Выбил сегодня из Юная гончая пламени. Способ в основном для таких же как я, неоплаченных, но может подойти и для хайлевела без инвиза: Дальше снимаю не фамильный шмот чтоб не ломался , прыгаю в лаву лава на мне тикает по хп в сек. Все это повторяем, пока не залутаем желанный рец: У меня ушло около ти забегов. На нынешнем патче воскрешение происходит прямо в инсте, поэтому инст не обновить таким способом. Персом го лвла приходится выходить, дохнуть, снова бежать пару км до огри духом и заходить в инст ровно в тот момент, когда ресаешься. Также поменялся шанс дропа по вовхеду. Сейчас есть смысл доносить инст до конца, так как падает из орков также. Комментарии Комментарий от Soupman This is a low level alchemy potion that can sell for a lot. When leveling your alchemy try making as many swiftness pots as possible. Very useful in pvp. Комментарий от galaxygoddess A low level potion maybe, and I never really used it myself, However, I have found myself famring these for my guild. Before a BWL or AQ20 run, I circle saround darkshore for about an hour in travel form and grab every briarthorn and mageroyal I can in hopes of getting enough swiftthistle. I then make up 4 stacks and hand a stack to each tank. This is a VERY valuable potion in raids, and i hear of people never leaving home without them for soloing. Комментарий от speedypetey this potion is very useful if you play warsong gulch alot, if your an alchemist or if you just wanna run fast alot. Комментарий от rfadapter Always be on the look for this on trade, sometimes you might get lucky and see 'WTS 2g', Its not as rare as you think. Комментарий от Hightech I got mine from a random mob in The Barrens. I think all Bristlebacks drop these. Комментарий от Onrust http: Комментарий от alpas i just bought the recipe for 2s on AH. Комментарий от patrikman This is a cool potion, but it is hard to find the recipe. It is often used like a escape potion: The best Drop Rate. Got it from the 5th time: Комментарий от Fatmanrules you can use this while shapeshifted to. Комментарий от Shigy For anyone looking at the terrible drop rates listed Комментарий от Darkpaladyn is very hard to droop and if you want buy that on AH, you must pay min. Swiftness Potion is rogue Sprint http: That potion is very good to PvP if you want escape from battle. That potion have two big problems: Just run RFC a couple times til you get it. I had only one guy bother chasing me and I easily killed him at the entrance of RFC before going in. Комментарий от Uruboz now how you can get this recipe? Комментарий от Pyrexed I have been watching the AH for weeks for this recipe. Just saw one last night and scooped it for 1g45s. I mailed the poor seller a few hundred g. You WILL sell it. Комментарий от Daocpwnswow Great comment until the last 2 sentences. This is where we help each other and being constructive, and frankly, I fail to see how ruining game economy even more applies to that. Alot of players do not farm. Комментарий от Cendrin His point is far beyond valid. There are only 3 types of people who actually need this recipe: All those types of people will have plenty of gold. Комментарий от TanpoSongai I went through RFC countless times, probably around 70 stacks of linen cloth and a bunch of greens and false alarms Very, very happy me. All up around hours worth of dodging the 2 guards outside the RFC entrance each reset. How dare you Hellscream? Each run, of killing and looting everything was just under 10 minutes, so at times I got locked out and had to battle Ogrimmar while I waited to be allowed in again. Be warned when exiting as they will be attacking you when you re-appear in the Drag. Also the occasional horde player may get a surprise when you arrive in the middle of their city: One of the things I hate about this site is that it never shows how to get to a particular zone. It will list the zone, but not tell you how to get there. Комментарий от numbbearone hawe any trail found the Recipe pls let me knowe. Комментарий от sbowesuk Finally dropped in Ragefire Chasm after about 20 runs. Dropped from one of the orc mobs on the ramp leading up to Bazzalan. On a trail account, so I can confirm that this definitely drops for F2P players: Just dropped again in SFK. Комментарий от wreathedinflame For Alliance who want to farm this recipe easily, level a horde death knight just enough to get out of the phasing. Get a friend to be standing by, and put it up on the neutral auction house. Комментарий от numbbearone it drops in Shadowfang Keep. Комментарий от Condehuntudus Dont you hate ninjas? See update below for conclusion. Unfortunately said lowbie looted it, and as a f2p it could not be traded to me. I was a bit sad, but this resparked my will to farm for it. Dropped off of a Corrupted Reaver. My best advice to anyone after all of that is just stick to RFC and be patient. The average success rate ive seen was people getting this after about runs of RFC. Комментарий от jalamari Another comment for F2Pers on alliance side: If you want to solo farm this on your own in RFC as I have a few times, an easy way to get back inside and reset after running with a dungeon group is to kill yourself if all mobs have been cleared, simply jump into the lava. Once outside the instance, just re-enter and it should have reset on its own. Once youve cleared it again, kill yourself again. Its my biggest worry while farming this. Комментарий от ddoyle Been trying to figure out the best way to get this recipe great for PVP. I have a trial account with four twinked out toons 2 alli and 2 horde. Both of the Alli toons got the recipe in the Wailing caverns long into the game being close to Ambassador title after hitting Update - now I have 6 toons all decked out in BIS gear. I can solo SFK up to the last boss. Still nothing for any of my well geared horde. Couple of them are Ambassador title. Are any Hordies out there getting this recipe? I got one on just my second run through on my 85 priest. Either it has just as likely a chance to contain the recipe as RFC or I got a little lucky. Forget RFC as alliance though Комментарий от VCheetah While leveling my f2p mage I got this recipe in this chest http: No dungeon running either. Комментарий от dorkfoo Does anyone know if this drops in Ragefire post Pandaria? Комментарий от kharazi Does anyone know if this still drops in RFC as of patch 5. Just got the recipe: It dropped off of the first few mobs in RFC adolescent flame hounds Took around 30 runs total. Комментарий от seangcxq Ran RFC 20 times yesterday, did not get this recipe. I will update if I do get it. I can confirm that if it does indeed drop here, it is definitely a very rare drop. Instance took about 6 - 8 minutes as an alliance level 90 elemental shaman. Watch out for instance locks. If you are going to do this as alliance, I recommend you go in pvp gear. I disenchanted gear for bag space and deleted everything else except gems, here are the drop results for those who are interested. Комментарий от Jimladd Has anyone found this recently? I just saw it for the first time after like RFC runs. Sadly I was with a random group and got out-rolled by a lv 16 Warlock: Комментарий от Jebus Just wanted to confirm as of May - , Patch 5. I had tried farming on my main a little in the couple months prior maybe 20 runs with no luck then today leveling an alt in a random dungeon that was Ragefire Chasm obviously and not really even thinking about it the recipe dropped from one of the orcs just past the second boss. I was pretty excited and clicked need instantly then prayed. The other players ALL passed if you can believe that and we finished the instance without a word about it. Keep hope fellow PvPers! According to Wowhead, the drop chance from mature flame hounds is about 0. So our formula for calculating the drop chance is While the odds are in your favor, it still leaves a good chance of not seeing it. If you kill mature flame hounds 74 runs up to the first boss then your chances increase to about Heck I first found the Схема: Yes if you kill 20, mobs in Northern Barrens, RFC, or wherever mobs are in the right level range for this world drop, then, assuming this recipe has a 0. If you are level appropriate for the right dungeons, then soloing the enemies will take longer to kill, and using the dungeon finder will make you wait for que times and still win the loot roll for it. Search the two chests in DM as soon as they spawn. Each chest contains about two-three greenies and therefore a high chance of dropping the recipe. I did around runs for the chests only and got 1x Recipe: Good luck farming this wonderfull recipe used in PvP aswell as PvE. Комментарий от kanzil 40 runs of RFC and nothing but bleary eyes and all my alts are stacked up outside the entrance to RFC! I think it went the way of those old bosses from U. It was o the mobs right after the first boss. Tks for this trend, because I almost gave up. Got it yesterday, 3 aug Комментарий от Yeahmate Does still drop; got one after 12 hours of farming pirates on fray island I was doing it for the rep, but also found this. Good luck to those who seek it! Killed Kolkar minotaurs for their keys to loot a chest in the past 2 days. I know by now I have to have had killed at least 20, mobs within the level in retrospect. Still not a hint of it has been on my screen, save for when I look at people selling it on the AH. Could it be the loot specialization? Is that a factor? Should I go back to farming dungeons instead of playing the world drop game out in the Barrens since elites have a higher chance to drop greens? I thought holding 4 of each in one bag would force another, more speed boosty type recipe to drop, that idea faded quickly as I came to a spell of 3 Giant Growths falling thrice out of 5 Kolkars. Комментарий от irishlord i got this in the AH yesterday for 5 silver. I use to have a ton of these because, like the guy below, people think that they are trash because they are so low lvl. I would buy and sell them. If you start a new toon on a new server watch for these in the AH to buy and sell. Personally i got one 6 years ago in westfal as a drop. Комментарий от breakyaface for everyone posting a comment here about how they got it there are at least others who have done the same thing and never got it. Luck plays an impoirtant role in how fast you get this item. Swiftness Potion again in Ragefire Chasm. I was in group but nobody made greed only me and got it, looks like noobs. I was in group and not shure exactly which one, but it was before entrance of the Goblin boss. In this year on different characters I got 5 recipe of swiftness potion. Комментарий от Twodotsonekb I think many people here are a bit confused as to how world drops like this work. This recipe has never had a common drop rate. The main difference between then and now is that everyone has heirloom gear now, so they level up extremely fast, and leave the zones where this drops before they even do half the quests. That cuts its availability on any realm by a large amount. I would generally see this drop once on any toon while doing the full load of quests in The Barrens. That is a LOT of mob kills for a single recipe drop, probably in the range of the RFC runs that people are using as a metric these days. I saw two on the alliance AH yesterday for g and ignored them, because I assumed the Horde would have a lot more of them available this used to be a real pain for Alliance characters to get. I was wrong, 0 on the horde AH. I went back to the Alliance AH today and they were gone. Farming this is not an effective use of my time. Went 10 runs and still nothing. All this process goes around 3 minutes. This does not begin to take into account Fleet Footed and Preparation. Комментарий от d3cb FYI still drops as of 7. Скорополох , Остротерн , Хрустальная колба. Посмотреть в 3D Сравнить Найти лучше При написании комментария, просим вас не забывать про следующее: Ваш комментарий должен быть на русском языке, иначе он будет удален. Не уверены как правильно составить комментарий? Тогда прочтите наше замечательное руководство! У вас может возникнуть желание проверить написание своего комментария перед тем, как поместить его на сайт. Задавайте вопросы на наших форумах , чтобы получить гарантированный ответ. Просмотрите изображение, используя форму ниже. Скриншоты, содержащие элементы интерфейса, по общему правилу, удаляются сразу. Это же относится и к скриншотам, полученным с помощью Просмотрщика моделей или окна выбора персонажа. Пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с нашими требованиями к скриншотам перед их отправкой на рассмотрение. Он устанавливает и обновляет аддон Wowhead Looter , который собирает данные, пока вы играете! Обучает приготовлению зелья скорости. Требует Алхимия 60 Цена продажи:

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