Recently, new types have appeared and are in demand.

Recently, new types have appeared and are in demand.


Recently, new types have appeared and are in demand.

tourism: ecotourism, agrotourism, exotic-adventure and extreme

small tourism.

The emergence of new types of services on the market is due to many

factors: scientific and technological progress, providing all

new opportunities in travel arrangements, urbanization,

with which there is a desire to relieve stress and abstract from life

routine, and with a certain stable level of income, which

which allows you to travel, satiety arises from the station

gift tourism programs.

The main goal of ecotourism is to familiarize tourists with nature.

values, environmental education and education of people.

The peculiarity of the organization of this type of tourism is to provide

minimizing the impact on the environment when organizing

trips, creating a network of ecological hotels, providing

organic food products, etc. Ecotourism

includes visits to ecologically clean natural areas

(reserves, sanctuaries, botanical gardens, national parks),

not changed or minimally changed by human activity

ka. Within the framework of ecotourism, eco-educational tours can be distinguished,

tours in ecosystems, photo hunting.

Agritourism (rural tourism - rural tourism) includes

tourists visiting the countryside for the purpose of recreation and / or organizing

zation of entertainment in environmentally friendly (relative to urban

settlements) areas. The prerequisites for its development, distribution

increasing popularity are: the growing level of urban-

lowering, accessibility for many recreation at a low price,

the possibility of eating environmentally friendly and healthy fresh products

ducts, the desire to be in nature.

The main motives for choosing a holiday according to the type of village

tourism can be considered as follows:

- lack of funds for recreation in an expensive fashionable kitchen

porte or in a hotel;

- an established way of life in rural areas;


- the need for recovery in climatic conditions, recommended

prescribed by a doctor;

- proximity to nature and the possibility of long-

spend some time outdoors, in the forest;

- the opportunity to eat environmentally friendly products;

- an urgent need for a calm, measured life;

- the opportunity to join another culture and customs.

The organization of agro-tourism is provided by the solution of such problems,

how: the creation of special tourist villages, the formation of rural

ski tours with accommodation and meals in village houses (families),

located in ecologically clean areas.

One-day agritourism is widespread in Canada and the USA.

People can come to the countryside for fields and plantations

and collect the amount of fruit or vegetables they need. From one

side, it is a kind of recreation and entertainment for

people from the city, on the other hand, by saving their money (fruits

and vegetables when harvested on their own will be much cheaper than

when buying them in stores), and allows farmers to avoid money

nyh costs for transportation and sale of the crop. In the USA, on

For example, young people before Halloween prefer company

family or family to go out of town for a picnic and choose on the field

favorite pumpkin for a popular holiday.

Ávila – the capital of the province

Bonilla de la Sierra and its Collegiate Church

Mombeltrán Castle was erected by Beltrán de la Cueva, first Duke of Albuquerque

Aranda de Duero and its wineries

Briviesca and its attractions

Burgos – the capital of the province

Caleruega – the birthplace of Saint Dominic

Covarrubias – a National Historic-Artistic Site

Frías – the smallest city in Spain

Lerma – a Historical Complex

Miranda de Ebro and its attractions

Peñaranda de Duero – a Historical Complex

Poza de la Sal – a Historic-Artistic Site

Santa María de la Vid – the first Premonstratensian monastery in Spain

Santo Domingo de Silos and its monastery

Astorga – the European birthplace of chocolate

Carucedo lake stands out due to the Roman excavations of Las Médulas

Castrillo de los Polvazares – a Historic-Artistic Complex

Congosto and its Bárcena reservoir

Cornatel castle was declared an Asset of Cultural Interest in 1949

León – the capital of the province

Molinaseca – a Historic-Artistic Site

Monastery of Saint Mary of Carracedo – a National Historical-Artistic monument

Monastery of San Pedro de Montes was founded around the year 635

Peñalba de Santiago and its rural architecture

Ponferrada and its Templar castle

Roman bridge known as Passo Honroso

Villafranca del Bierzo – a Historic-Artistic Site

Virgen de la Peña Sanctuary dates back to the 13th century

Aguilar de Campoo – a Historic-Artistic Site

Church of San Juan Bautista – the most original church of all the Visigothic art in Spain

Frómista and its locks on the Canal of Castile

Monastery of Santa María la Real – an old abbey of the Premonstratensian order

Palencia – the capital of the province

Picos de Europa – the second most visited national park in Spain

Béjar – a historical-artistic complex

Candelario and its architecture

Ciudad Rodrigo – a Historic-Artistic Site

Duques de Alba castle dates back to the 12th century

La Alberca was the first Spanish town to be declared a Historic-Artistic Site in 1940

Ledesma – a historical-artistic complex

Miranda del Castañar – a historical-artistic complex

Mogarraz and its faces

Salamanca – the capital of the province

Salamanca car museum and its collection

Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora de la Peña de Francia – the highest Marian sanctuary in the world

Ayllón and its main square

Coca – the birthplace of Roman Emperor Theodosius I

Coca castle – one of the best examples of Spanish Mudejar brickwork

Linares reservoir – a part of the Hoces del Río Riaza Natural Park

Maderuelo – a historical complex

Pedraza and its castle

Royal Palace of La Granja de San Ildefonso

Segovia – the capital of the province

Sepúlveda – a historical-artistic complex

Almazán and its attractions

El Burgo de Osma – a Historic-Artistic Site

La Cuerda del Pozo reservoir and its tourist activities

Medinaceli and its castle

Exotic adventure and extreme tourism

with visits to exotic places (islands, volcanoes, waterfalls,

tyni, etc.) and adventure activities (jeep safari, raf-

ting, diving, tours on elephants, camels, balloons, etc.).

Special types of tourism include tours that

fully or partially characterized by such features as:

1) non-mass, rather rare types of tourism;

2) labor-intensive to create the final tourist product;

3) capital-intensive types of tourism;

4) tours that combine the features of various types of tourism;

5) new types of tourism, due to secondary needs

sti man;

6) types of tourism using non-traditional sources



To the most common special types of tourism, which

that meet the above requirements are:

1) religious tourism;

2) business tourism:

- congress and exhibition tourism;

- incentive tourism;

3) health tourism;

4) ecological tourism;

5) event tourism;

6) ski tourism;

7) extreme tourism;

8) cruise tourism.

Special types of tourism can also include such

board like a timeshare. This type of tourism appeared in the Russian

on the market relatively recently, but has not gained much popularity

due to specific unsuitability for Russian

citizens (the main problem is obtaining entry visas

to the country in whose territory the timeshare was purchased, and existing

venny cash costs in the organization of forced individual

dual trip to the final destination).

The categories and number of special types of tourism are not

once and for all given. With the changing needs of tourists,

new special species can appear, and at the same time a number of special

real types of tourism can gradually move into the category of ordi-

narny and habitual.

Monteagudo de las Vicarías and its castle

Soria – the capital of the province

Santa María la Real de Huerta – a Cistercian monastery

Yanguas and its castle

Vinuesa and its attractions

Castle of La Mota belongs to the School of Valladolid

Medina del Campo – the capital of the Rueda Denomination of Origin

Tordesillas and its attractions

Urueña – a book town

Valladolid – the capital of Castile and León

Benavente and the Church of Santa María del Azogue

Monastery of Santa María de Moreruela – a Cistercian monastery

Puebla de Sanabria – a historical complex

Sanabria lake – the largest glacial lake in Spain and the Iberian Peninsula

Zamora – the capital of the province

Albacete – the largest and the most populated city in Castilla-La Mancha

Alcalá del Júcar and its castle

Alcaraz and its attractions

Almansa and its castle

Carcelén castle dates from the 14th century

Chinchilla de Montearagón and its attractions

Chinchilla de Montearagón Castle is located in one of the most strategic places in Spain

test questions

1. What are the development trends of the modern tourism market?

2. Which countries are the most attractive in terms of tourism?

3. What are the prospects for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation


4. List the signs of tourism.

5. What are the types of tourism depending on the national


6. How is tourism classified according to the purpose of travel?

7. What types of tourism are most common?


8. What are the types of tourism depending on the method


9. What are the types of tourism depending on the duration

travel time?

10. What are the types of tourism depending on the use

my vehicles?

11. What are the types of tourism depending on the intensity

sti visiting the region?

12. What are the types of tourism depending on the age

category of tourists?

13. What are the types of tourism depending on the sources


14. On what principles is the concept of social


15. What types of tourism can be classified as new?

16. What types of tourism are classified as special?

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