Reasons for popularity and ways to promote Lime app clone

Reasons for popularity and ways to promote Lime app clone


E-scooters are trending in the economy, mainly because of the convenience it offers to people. Nowadays, people are all about eco-friendly products. What more can be more environmentally friendly than E-riding solutions like E-scooter? It does not release any fumes like petrol or diesel-powered vehicles.

Market trends related to on-demand E-scooters apps

  • According to a report by Crunchbase, LimeBike has raised $310 million in Series D round of funding, led by Bain Capital Ventures.
  • The Lime ride app has over 3 million rides across the fleets of bikes and scooters.
  • Lime has partnered with Uber to promote the unconventional model of transportation.
  • According to a Publisher report, the E-scooter market is expected to reach $35 billion by 2025.

Factors favoring the On-demand electric scooters

  • Globally the electric scooter market is going through a significant transformation as more and people have shifted to eco-friendly bike usage.
  • The governments of the developing countries are encouraging this new mode of two-wheeler not only to promote a green environment but also to offer advanced transportation options to the people.
  • Carbon emission from vehicles has increased the pollution levels, mainly in metropolitan cities and other crowded cities. If on-demand E-scooters apps are used extensively, it will provide a greener environment.

How to market an E-scooter app like Lime?

The most challenging task for the Lime clone app is not developing it but promoting it. People are still not used to the fact that hiring E-scooter is possible through an app. In order to popularize the apps, there are some major steps to be followed, here are some of them:

  • Have a strong marketing strategy and promote the apps in major social media platforms so that people are familiar with Lime like apps are out there for quick commuting.
  • People mainly use these E-bikes for short-distance transportation, so have stations near hot spots like Airports, Railway Stations, public libraries, etc.
  • Have features like battery meter, distance meter, headlights, etc., so people have more comfort in riding the E-scooter.
  • Lime has recently introduced the Group ride feature. In which multiple bikes can be unlocked from an account. Utmost five bikes can be unlocked using the Group ride features, and all riders must be above 21 years old.

Convenience is that after completion of the ride, users can select the license plate of the scooter they want to lock and lock it individually. These features have captures the attention of many commuters. It would be great if it were part of your smart Lime bike clone app.

Summing up

The E-scooters offers a new-age way of traveling over short distances. Within a few years, we will be able to hundreds of E-scooters roaming in the city, considering the response it has among the audience. Impart attractive features and other facilities in Lime bike clone app development and carter to the needs of a wider range of people. 

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