Really Long Dicks

Really Long Dicks


Really Long Dicks
Want to see man’s longest penis: Roberto Esquivel Cabrera shows world’s biggest Penis in this Video
For a male, the size of his manhood plays an important role. But in the case of this Mexican man, 52-year-old Roberto Esquivel Cabrera, it is the penis size which makes him an unfortunate person. The penis size of Saltilloa resident Roberto is 19 inches. Yes, read it right and now the readers can see it for themselves in this first video of man’s longest penis in the world. The average penis size around the world is 5.5 inch. Roberto Esquivel Cabrera, Man with world’s largest penis wants to become a pornstar! Size does matter – View NSFW pictures . Also Read - Fact Check: Have Doctors Adviced COVID-19 Vaccine Injections in Penis For Men? Here's The Truth
Roberto Cabrera troubles first came into light when a Mexican newspaper Vanguardiaa carried his story. He said how due to his penis being excessively long and big has ruined his social and professional life . In this video, which runs in with a message – Warning: Graphic Adult Content has shown Cabrera’s penis. It seems like been wrapped in some sort of bandage while the testicles blurred out. While his struggle seems quite genuine, it is still difficult to understand whether it is real or fake. Also Watch: Phallic Creativity: Women draw the perfect penis in this must-watch video . Also Read - Re-Erection? Giant Penis Sculpture Mysteriously Pops Up in German Mountains Days After Original Went Missing
Roberto Esquivel Cabrera, who earlier exclaimed about how women fear him and he cannot work making him financially weak. He had requested his name to be mentioned in the Guinness World Records so he can get some monetary help from it. Meanwhile, according to the TMZ reports of an adult video company, Vivid Entertainment approaching him for recording a sex tape. But a lot will depend on how it will get materialize with several barriers like language, money demanded and most importantly – What to do with such a huge penis? Also Read - Bizarre! Chinese Boy Inserts 2-Feet-Long Metal Wire in His Penis to Find Out Where Urine Comes From!
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Published Date: September 8, 2015 1:00 PM IST
Updated Date: January 20, 2017 7:46 PM IST
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A man in Mexico with an 18.9-inch foreskin covering his seven-inch penis has registered as disabled because the size of his genitals prevent him from being able to work properly, he says. And he does not want any treatment that may reduce the size of his genitals because he enjoys the international fame his large member has gained him. But according to one urologist, not working may be the least of his problems.
Roberto Esquivel Cabrera's penis and foreskin are so long that they hang past his knees, and according to Cosmopolitan , his genitals weigh a whopping two pounds. According to Esquivel Cabrera, 54, his penis and foreskin are so large that they inhibit him from working normally in part because no one will hire him, he told Mexican news outlet Vanguardia in 2015. As a result, he recently had to register officially as disabled, The New York Post reported. Still, he does not want to undergo a procedure to alter the foreskin; he enjoys his genitals the way they are.
An x-ray of Esquivel Cabrera's noteworthy anatomy revealed that his actual penis is only seven inches long, and the foreskin that makes up the bulk. According to the International Society for Sexual Medicine , a foreskin, also known as the prepuce, is a section of skin that typically covers the top of the penis. In most cases, the foreskin is not very long at all and can easily be pulled back to expose the penis head, usually by the time a boy is three years old. However, in Esquivel Cabrera's case, it is not clear whether this movement is possible.
According to Dr. Robert J. Cornell , a urologist who specializes in penile anatomy and surgery, in his 16 years of practice he has never seen anything quite like it. Although he has not personally evaluated Esquivel Cabrera, he suspects that serious health issues could result.
"There is some real potential for medical complications," Cornell told Newsweek . "His lower urinary tract is likely obstructed, which could put his bladder and kidneys at risk."
Cornell suspects that Esquivel Cabrera was not born with an abnormal foreskin, but rather that the growth occurred from stretching overtime. He explains a fungal or bacterial infection likely caused the skin at the tip of the foreskin to contract. Over time, this opening could narrow. When Esquivel Cabrera urinates, the fluid may fill the foreskin, causing it to be weighed down and stretch further. The obstruction could put a back pressure on the kidneys and bladder which over time would strain them, Cornell explained.
"Although he may not want a circumcision, he may need one or be at risk for kidney or bladder failure."

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