RealDEX token

RealDEX token



The 21st century is one of the colossal things that have never transpire to humankind since one of the immense stage that was disclosure with cryptically delectated the general population of this present age with some surprising highlights which have made our quotidian life action more effortless and straightforward for us. with the assistance of The realDEX Decentralized individual to-individual altcoin/fiat cash trading stage with an escrow advantage. Trade pellucidly with another person and get your coins immediately.

realDEX is an Authentic Decentralized P2P Exchange Platform wander running on Windows, Mac OSX or Linux program not relying upon a Domain and withal IP for functionality.

realDEX will require an Internet affiliation and will perpetuate running on one TCP port number 9338. The realDEX Network simply needs one port for full-duplex, bidirectional kineticism. This port will be utilized for trading by all people from the framework and withal correspondence with the Master node.

Veracious to goodness decentralization infers that your Windows, Mac OSX or Linux program will make a store convey with no passage to a wallet. The coins that you will send there will remain in crisp accumulating until the point that the moment that withdrawal is culminated by methods for one of the Master node on the framework.

Buyers, Sellers, Devs and Master node proprietors will never approach private keys vivaciously commixed and store on the realDEX blockchain database and affirmative, source code will be open on GitHub at

Master node servers will be the principal gateway for all withdrawals. In integration, Master node wallets will pass on a zero change and will be commixed by the master node program itself.

Since all trades will be overseen without us controlling any coins, you should pay the standard Bitcoin, Xcoin blockchain costs and the realDEX framework will charge a little rDEX token charge that will go to the Master node dealing with your trade.

What is real DEX ?

The realDEX token relies upon the Ethereum development ERC20. rDEX will be essentially used to pay costs for the trading stage and what's more filling in as security for running a Master node on the framework and getting paid by the framework.

In integration, rDEX tokens will similarly be a procedure for a portion for Affiliate Program, Advertising, Fees, Rewards and Commissions on the best in class authentic stages bona fide, veracious to goodness, authentic, veracious to goodness and authentic


What is


Decentralized individual to-individual altcoin/fiat cash exchanging stage with an escrow benefit. Exchange concretely with someone else and get your coins in a split second.


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Advanced cash Auction Rialto arrange. Buy and Sell securely online with Bitcoin, Ethereum, rDEX and Sucre. Escrow advantage optional.


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Author: johnthedon

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