Real talk

Real talk

muskan shakya

I’ve been at this mom game for almost three months now, which I believe qualifies me to have Opinions. Today we’re talking about preparedness. 

When I went into labor a little before midnight, I expected nothing to happen for hours. And when the on-call doctor told us to come get a symptom checked out, I assumed we’d just go to the hospital and then right back home.

Which is why we didn’t bring anything other than my purse. We didn’t even bring the right car. So when I finally had to send Mikey back home at 3:30 a.m. to retrieve everything while I was admitted to L&D…I was glad we’d packed our bags ahead of time. 

But reader, we packed so much unnecessary shit. 

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It was like this except with a bunch of clothes and blankets and grippy socks and things Pinterest said were essential. 

Here’s the real deal: you barely need anything and the internet is a liar. You don’t need a beautiful “labor gown” from Etsy. You don’t need your own personal white noise machine. You don’t even need to bring newborn diapers.

53 degrees in February. Went for a jog/stroll along the river trail. Saw SO MANY DOGS and many more strollers. Gorgeous day.

Friday steez, March

After realizing that I read maybe three total books last year—including “What to Expect When You’re Expecting,” which barely counts—one of my very modest, barely trying, goals for the year is to read a dozen books and a dozen comic books.

Starting with the aim of just one of each a month, but hoping for more. And at least half of those titles should be created by women, POC and/or trans* artists. 

Anyway. It’s been nice, having something slightly more purposeful to do at night after the baby is asleep instead of compulsively refreshing Twitter for hours. Bathing in that sea of feeling preeeetty superior for reading a book.

A book with pages. Not a magazine, certainly not one of the 30 magazines taking up space in the living room. I read a BOOK. 

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