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An amateur radio club for young operators, by young operators
Join Us!
Join our Discord!
We run the YARC Discord server, which provides an opportunity for you to connect with other young operators around the globe.
Have questions? Need help? Just ask away in our Discord, where over 150 daily active users are always willing to assist.
Hop in our Discord and ask for yourself!
"There's just enough young hams in here to be able to answer most any question everybody has, but the club is still small enough to foster a great sense of community and friendship among all of us."
"I joined the Discord, and at first didn't expect much, but quickly found lots of great hams my age who understood me and helped me find my passion for ham radio."
"I created YARC so that young hams would be able to find like-minded hams, help each other, and spur innovation in ham radio. We're the next generation of ham radio, and it sure helps to have a club to encourage that."
Recent Posts
Posted on January 20, 2020 - ANNOUNCEMENTS, CONTESTS
YARC QSO Party Summer 2019: Results
Posted on May 5, 2019 - CONTESTS, EVENTS
YARC Summer QSO Party 2019
Posted on January 1, 2019 - ANNOUNCEMENTS, CONTESTS
YARC QSO Party Winter 2018: Results
Posted on December 1, 2018 - ANNOUNCEMENTS, CONTESTS
YARC QSO Party Winter 2018: Log Submissions
Posted on November 13, 2018 - ANNOUNCEMENTS, CONTESTS
Important Update: Winter QSO Party Sponsored by
An amateur radio club. By youngsters. For young'ins.

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