Real War Rape Sex

Real War Rape Sex


Real War Rape Sex

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Soldiers taking turns raping a girl found hiding. Full rape scene from movie Joy Division 2006.
Comment by Anonymous — 16 October, 2021 @ 9:06 PM
What the fuck is wrong with people. Shit like this isn’t cool. Like if you wanna wank bro just go to porn hub where they have consent.
Comment by Anonymous — 26 November, 2021 @ 5:44 AM
The whole point for most of us is the thrill of the fight
Comment by Jon — 10 March, 2022 @ 1:54 AM
Hey anonymous how about you stfu you little beta male feminist bitch. Some of us are sick of all this consent bullshit now.
Comment by who? — 14 April, 2022 @ 12:32 PM
Fuck you Jon, consent is consent, know ur place idiot,
Comment by Stfu — 19 June, 2022 @ 7:31 AM
This shit is hot idc what you fags think
Comment by Rape is super cool — 4 August, 2022 @ 6:37 PM
Comment by Sukumabals — 1 September, 2022 @ 7:03 PM
Comment by im insane — 15 October, 2022 @ 7:02 AM
lol im a girl and trust me some of this shit involves kink if im into cnc and yall need to stop being snowflakes abt it gaddamn
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Prisoners tortured and raped in a prison hospital
Beating a naked Chinese and a Chinese woman
Indian Cow Wars Episode 5: The Cow Strikes Back
Conjoined twins from India Shivanath and Shivram
Examination of the corpse of dead Chinese woman
Woman hanged herself in front of a child

Great Replacement is Real BE AFRAID WHITES!!!!


Great Replacement is Real BE AFRAID WHITES!!!!

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LMAO 😂🤣😂🤣 the irony , white were also beating the white ass along with niggers hahaha 🤣😂🤣🤡🤡🤡 white trash on… - Migrants beat Belgians
You make a mistake in spelling my nickname, it’s strange to talk about it to a native English speaker. As… - PMC ‘Wagner’ mercenaries execute a defector
India is an ordinary country with its own flavor. We can laugh at Indians and I’m sure they do the… - Woman brutally beating a child
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After the Russian army left Kherson, local residents took to the streets and greeted the…
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In this video, according to an insider, the real rape of an Indian woman. Background and date of the event are unknown.
I would like to see these bastards burn.
Watching this I felt rage and I felt violated like shit
Only a fucking coward rapes a woman! Id cut their fucking ugly indian heads off! This woman doesn’t deserve this you fucking scum! Fuck im gonna beat the fuck out of the first indian i see today!
Stop fucking your plumbers and delivery agents, and earn money to pay them.
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Ask your dad to put his thumb up your ass and then lick it. It should reset it
India is the rape capital of the world
the per capita rape rate in india is less than the US you fucking dipshit
Because of the fucking niggers and you indians you fucking dipshit. Stupid fucking shitskin, how dare you even speak, go hang off a ceiling fan its better for everyone
She has a very big loose cunt I would have fucked her anus too. I know she must have shitted in herself when the dick screwed her ditty cunt. Women are fools they deserve raping multiple times
All Women are basically Whores. They find a rich guy to fuck with while dumping losers like me. No more true Love for you fucking whores.
Why are you a loser? Describe yourself if you don’t mind, just curious
curry rape hahahaha fuckly indians both look like a man
me da impotencia y asco ver esto ojala mueran dolorosa y lentamente lo antes posible entes de que le hagan esto a otra mujer
You guys are such pussies why come to this site just to be disgusted your here to see humanity’s worst right you came here for that you watch a man get tipped to Shreds by a machete but you draw the line at rape? You guys wouldn’t last a day on bestgore
Shut up about Bestgore nobody cares
You’re such a pussy why come to this site just to be irritated by the people’s comments you watch rape and murder but draw the line at comments? You wouldn’t last a day on the internet
The fact that you think your cool watching gore you gay little fag kid. Get the fuck out of here.
No they do what they do thought women were strong and independent
That’s kinda savage bro if u ask me although I do agree with ur point, like these days women can frame innocent man accused of rape assault and got away with that. I’m not talking about every women I’m talking those cunts are fUCKING getting too much demanding these days. I wouldn’t be showing sympathy if they framed an innocent person then got brutally killed I would be more happy that a bitch died
Yes women are stong. They bear child. I don’t know why a few of them make such a bid deal about rape. The truth is, most women get wet and get orgasm from rape, which means their body and psychology craves it, even though they pretend not to, so that people don’t think they are whores.
They are both having fun, no damage done, they will still be healthy after this, quit your bitching, there are much worse things
Yeah why don’t you go try getting ass raped by another guy tell me how fun it is
Yup. Both of them having a good time.
Exactly. Reminds me of the Conquistadors raping and colonizing the mutts in South America. Fun for the whole family, everyone’s happy.
I wish someone would did this to me
Agreed. Your dear mother and I talked about this once after I raped her. She said I bring a lot of excitement into her life now that she’s in the stage where she has an edgy son that posts edgy comments
Right on. Don’t know why people are complaining about rape. I mean, the European Colonial powers raped and colonized the whole world almost, and everyone enjoined it. From the niggers to the gooks to the mesoamerican beaner mutts to the south american subhuman swamp-niggers. I mean, the african niggers loved it the most I think, both the rape and the colonization. Don’t know why everyone is complaining. People don’t compain about killing but draw the line at rape. I mean, the subjugated nigger races’s eyes lit up when they saw a white man approaching their family to take away the daughters and mothers to rape them. They were ecstatic. Everyone was happy. People are such hypocrites nowadays, am I right?
Raping women of any race is equal fun.
Who the fuck you call a nigger. I will become your fucking dad by putting this dick down your throat. I’ll have you drink so much sperm you have enough DNA to become my son. Little bitch nigga.
This ain’t the USA, nigger. We can use whatever words we like, because it is our language and our World.
We will make America BROWN, we will destroy your precious “lebensraum” with our immigration invasion and your absolute failure of an economic system, we will breed whites out of existence, you’re being replaced, cope harder and enjoy the last few years of being a majority in America. Also hope you get to murder each other when the war in Ukraine goes nuclear, white scum are a bane on the earth to the point that its dying and it will heal when Europe is a nuclear crater and whites are bred out of existence in America. I hope the communist China New World Order that replaces the American Empire shithole put you all in concentration camps, a taste of your own medicine is definitely needed
What a ugly slut, should be burned on stake, she deserves it
you might be retarded, she’s the pretiest indian woman i’ve ever seen
your way of thinking mate also indicates how well you were raised, perhaps retardedness can cause a better fate than this above
U piece of shit i would like to see ur reaction when ur mom getting gang bang then say the same thing
And you deserve to be my bitch you retarded cunt fuck. Ill slip my big black nigeran cock down your throat and skullfuck you till you dead. you my sex slave now, bitch try me.
That is a pretty woman. And someone is appreciating there. Where is the full video?
positioned her legs correctly. cooperation always gives good results.
I want to rape and dismember all women I want to flay their faces and pussies and crucify them. I hate women I want to disembowel them and cut their hearts out and eat them. Fuck all women they should’ve never existed. I want to beat their brains out with a sledgehammer. I want to behead them and give myself head with their decapitated heads. I want to bomb female fraternities. All heil Elliot Rodger and Alek Minassian.
Your brain is messed up. You need to get raped in your ass and then 10 bullets at your balls, if there is any.
fucking white knight hope to see your mother fucking raped if front of you and your family i hope only the worst on you fucking nigger I pray you kys
What the hell?? Get a room guys. Give the lady a little privacy. She is worried people are watching.
This is the most sickest and DISGUSTING comment section i come across..people above me are LITERALLY fine that women getting raped ….just downright sick….and ALSO saying it’s fun!! FUN U WANNA SEE FUN? THEN ABOUT U GET RAPE….OR UR FAMILY MEMBERS GETS RAPED NOW THAT WOULD BE FUN
Yup. I want women rape me. This is a thrilling experience if no physical battery involved.
I hope u die in the worst way possible u scumbag faggot
People being tortured and dismembered: ok…
Woman being raped: dIsGusTinG cOmMeNt sEcTioN!!!iii
I love rape I want to cum inside of women and make them bleed and rip their heads off 🤤
All women need to be raped and chopped into little tiny pieces. Especially LA girls
Some of the comments here are weird They get angry at rape and are happy about killing
Yes. For most people rape is worst crime than murder. Weird.
Exactly, I’m like they’re both bad but damn killing…there’s no coming back after that, rape has a time limit, death forever.
Yes I agree. killing means dead. Rape is like a battery or assault. I don’t know why they compare these two.
Lucky bastard got a really pretty lady. Full video please.
Zahl mir 1000 US-Dollar,dann sende ich dir das Video
Get the pussy wet first, then rape and see the pleasure in women’s face. They can’t hide that pleasure.
So If I raped your mother, she would like it?
Does not matter whose mother it is. You would know if you ever manage to do it in the right way. SUCKMENOW is not too wrong.
@ERNST RUDIN you would not ask if you have the balls.
guy raping a woman like a piece of cake ;-)
Agreed lol. Speaking of cakes, your dear mother made me a cake after I raped her, she’s such a sweetheart :)
I want to rape and murder all women I want to flay their faces and pushiest and crucify them I’m going to bomb female fraternities and Molest and mutilate little girls. All heil Elliot Rodger and alek minassian
Fuck you. I hope you are already in hell. Scumbag
Someone needs to cutoff your balls.
Begin with your sisters after your mother and check your filthy horny brain again
people like you belong in labor camps resorting to cannibalism, I hope communists win so we can sort sick fucks like you out, 100 million dead, and you definitely deserve to be the next one
I want to rape and mutilate all women and molest behead and dismember little girls. All heil Elliot Rodger and alek minassian
I will cut your balls off. I don’t know about rape, but killing is not OK.
Cameraman, next time do a better job!
These bastards 🤬just don’t deserve to live,don’t even deserve a single breath!These cowards being more in number,outnumbering & so outpowering that single alone woman,abducts her from some really silent & remote & humanless area & then takes her to some that same kind of area and does this kind of heinous crime to her!I just pray for her and her family, and hopes that she is ok & alive & has been served the utmost justice!And,those rapists I hope must have been caught & should be given the capital punishment!
These rapists I personally tell must be chopped into millions of unrecognisable pieces!That’s all they deserve!Bloody Rapists!
Exactly!!! I’m also mad right now….that how much fun these people above us are making WTFF rape is ok according to these assholes ..and calling that poor lady slut .. bruh.atleast i found someone like you who is mature ..and feeling sad for women. Ur right these bastards in the vid should be skinned alive. Indian assholes
But my nigger see the irony here’s ur country subhumans acts that is being shown to the world. Infact chopping all you shitskins would be better.
If we apply that to all rapists, usa would be without the army
By the suggested scale of punishment, it seems that the anti-rapists people here are a lot more violent than the rapists in this video.
Looks like murderers don’t like rapists!
rapists are alpha males. god bless rapists
Alex Jones you’re a legend we should go kidnap and rape girls together
p.s should’ve sucked on her titty too tho
I agree about the titty sucking. May have done it afterwards. Suckers did not upload the full video.
I agree. titty sucking, pussy sucking, fingering, blowjob there are many items. Also it does not look like they will go for the ass.
I like those dresses Indian women wear. You have to just lift it, and the pussy is all yours, wet and waiting.
Wtf, that’s not how to works , NIGGER
Still wearing her shoes while in action, like a pornstar.
you sick fuckers go get therapy i hope u die a terrible death
*Gore site exists with extremely explicit content*
Every Karen on the internet: “OMG Y U DO DIS HOPE U DIE N GET RAPED FUCK U”
Verdammte Hure.Dich sollte man wirklich vergewaltigen und zerstückeln
Kudos to the rapist for having the confidence to film it… I would not have made a rape video with that little dicklet…
Don’t see the dicklet in this video though. So how do you know? Is there a longer version? If so please post here.
About the filming, the suck in that. Should have hired professionals.
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