Real Russian Mom Blackmailed By Son For

Real Russian Mom Blackmailed By Son For


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ZOE Morgan can hardly speak for tears as she struggles to make sense of the year-long nightmare that engulfed her.
ZOE Morgan (left) can hardly speak for tears as she struggles to make sense of the year-long nightmare that engulfed her.
"He tried to ruin my life," she stammers. "How could he be so cruel?"
The teaching assistant is talking for the first time after being cleared of having sex with a 13-year-old schoolboy.
It took a jury at Burnley Crown Court just 40 minutes a fortnight ago to find her not guilty of all charges. But Zoe, 32, and her family are still trying to come to terms with the shock and humiliation she suffered.
Her life was torn apart after a blackmail campaign by the boy and his friends ended with her arrest. Her reputation was in shreds, her career ruined and her family life shattered.
It drove her to thoughts of suicide - and she keeps breaking down and crying as she tells her disturbing story.
"I know what some people are thinking: 'There's no smoke without fire'," she says. "But I was the victim in all of this. I was made out to be some Mrs Robinson character who went around seducing an innocent young boy, but that couldn't have been further from the truth."
Zoe's ordeal began when she started as a support teacher at a boys' secondary school in August last year. Her partner of 13 years, Anthony Chadwick, 40, and her parents Susan and Frank all warned her against taking the job.
She says: "I'd only taught infants and primary- school kids and they thought I wouldn't cope with rowdy teenage boys. But I was determined to prove them wrong."
Part of her job was to help with pupils who had behavioural difficulties and one boy was particularly cheeky. Zoe says: "He kept shouting out: 'Sexy bitch' and giving me wolf whistles.
"I was shocked, but the support staff said it was normal for teenage boys. I just tried to get on with the job and rise above it."
But the lad - whom we cannot name for legal reasons - was soon joined by his friends. Zoe says: "They were all shouting sexual obscenities at me.
I TRIED to ignore them, but it was very difficult. I think they could see I'm quite an anxious person, so they took advantage of my weaknesses."
Zoe didn't want to tell Anthony or her parents for fear they'd simply say: "I told you so." And despite the rocky start she was determined to stick at it. But the situation worsened on Friday October 8 last year, when she was supposed to be going on a girls' night out.
She recalls: "I parked outside my friend's house to pick her up, when the boy from school and four of his mates suddenly came out of nowhere and surrounded the car." She asked them to move away, but the ringleader jumped in the car. She says: "I told him to get out, but he just refused." She panicked and drove off, hoping he would not be so brave without his friends around. They ended up in a car park a few minutes away.
Zoe says: "I was frantic to get him out of the car, but he said he wasn't going anywhere until I gave him a kiss. I kept telling him to get out, but he said to me: 'If you don't kiss me I'll tell everyone at school you did it anyway. Just do it and I'll get out.'"
What happened next will haunt Zoe for ever. She says: "I didn't know what else to do, so I leaned across and gave him a very quick peck on the lips. It lasted no more than a second.
B UT his reaction horrified me. He was chuffed to bits and smiled at said: 'I'm definitely not getting out now.'
"My heart sank and I knew I'd made the biggest mistake of my life, that everything was on the line - my job, my family, everything."
But still she couldn't bring herself to tell anyone. And when she walked into class on Monday morning her worst fears were realised.
"All the boys were pointing at me and laughing," she says. She confronted the pupil and asked what he had been saying about her. He replied: "I've told everyone you gave me a b*** j**." Zoe says: "I asked him why he'd said that, because it wasn't true. He just said: 'Yeah, but who's to know?' and smiled. I was so humiliated. But I felt I couldn't tell anyone what was going on because they'd think I was stupid and pathetic."
The gang stepped up the bullying campaign. She says: "They would follow me around in lessons or wait at the door at lunchtime. They kept demanding I pick them up in my car or they would tell the police I'd done sexual things with them.
"They told me they had total power over me and I'd better do what they said."
Terrified, Zoe even let them into her home. They ran riot, putting on loud music, opening her fridge and cupboards and throwing things around before getting bored and leaving.
Zoe couldn't share her anguish with anyone. Even if she had wanted to tell her husband, Anthony, she couldn't. An engineer, he worked abroad and at the time was rarely home."
But then came a late-night phone call. She says: "The mother of the lad I kissed rang and said her son was claiming we'd had sex. I told her that he'd been harassing me and making things up, but she clearly didn't believe me."
Days later, Zoe was arrested at her parents' house. Fighting back the tears, she says: "I pleaded with them not to handcuff me in front of my parents, but they did."
Anthony says: When I picked her up from the station she was a mess, crying uncontrollably." Suspended from her job, Zoe had a dismal Christmas. She says: "I felt suicidal, but kept telling myself I had to keep going."
In February she was charged with five counts of sexual activity with a child. She became increasingly depressed and withdrawn and was prescribed antidepressants. But a worse ordeal awaited her. She had to tell her nine-year-old daughter that she might end up in jail.
"How do you explain that to a child?" she says. "There were tears as I told her a bad boy had said bad things about Mummy, so I had to see a judge to make things better. But I also said that if the judge didn't believe me then I might have to go to away to prison for a long time. No mother should ever have to do that."
Anthony adds: "It was horrendous. After that she became a clingy and anxious little girl."
During the trial it emerged that the boy had a history of behavioural problems and had been suspended from school seven times. And his friends were giggling, smirking and swearing while they gave evidence via videolink. The prosecution's case began to fall apart when another schoolboy admitted that the boy was abusive to teachers and liked to say things to get people into trouble.
After a week from hell, in which Zoe was accused of having a three-month affair with the teenager and supplying him with cannabis and beer, the day of the verdict arrived.
Zoe says: "When we were called back in after just 40 minutes I thought they were going to adjourn until the following day. But then suddenly we were told they had a verdict. I was so shocked that my legs went like jelly.
"As they read out each 'Not guilty' verdict I cried even more. It was such a huge relief."
The jury cleared her of all five charges. Zoe says: "At last I had got justice, and now I can walk around with my head held high, without a stain on my character."
But she is still suffering the consequences of her ordeal. She says: "I have nightmares and flashbacks of being in court or seeing the handcuffs around my wrists."
One member of the family has already put it behind her. "Our little girl's over the moon," says Zoe. "When I told her I wasn't going to jail she said: 'Mummy, this is going to be the best Christmas ever.'
"Now this year of hell is over, I think she might just be right."
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