Real Naked Women In The Army

Real Naked Women In The Army


Russian Red Army recruits undergo humiliating naked exams in astonishing photos
A terrifying bust of tyrant Josef Stalin looms in the background of one photo as a naked man stands before a table of Red Army officers
Astonishing black-and-white photos have surfaced showing naked recruits undergoing medical exams before joining Joseph Stalin's Red Army.
In one snap, a naked man stands before a table of officers as they inspect him for any abnormalities - as a terrifying bust of Stalin glares over them all.
The year is 1930 and the man has been drafted into the Red Army to fight for the USSR.
Next to Stalin's unsightly head a poster reads: "The most important basis of our army is that it is the army of liberation of the Working and the Peasants, it is the army of October Revolution, the army of the dictatorship of the proletariat."
The chilling images of young Russian men being medically examined were taken after they had been conscripted to fight for the Red Army.
The pictures show nervous-looking men being eyeballed by officers and nurses to check their physical condition.
In military registration and enlistment offices, doctors and nurses can be seen carrying out medical tests such as weighing, measuring and listening for a heartbeat.
The images were taken between 1920 and 1940 as the Soviet top brass built their Red Army, officially known as the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, pejoratively referred to as the Red Horde.
During World War II, the Red Army was perhaps the most decisive land force for the Allies that consisted of Britain, France and the US.
It was the Red Army that accounted for a whopping 80 per cent of casualties suffered to the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS, and it was they who ultimately captured the Nazi German capital, Berlin.
Not to mention their invasion of Manchuria which contributed heavily to the unconditional surrender of Imperial Japan.
The Red Army was officially formed on January 28, 1918, and condition of entry was "the support of the coming Socialist Revolution in Europe".
Those early Soviet forces mainly consisted of peasants.
The families of those who served were guaranteed rations and assistance with farm work.
Because of this, recruitment centres were flooded with men and women trying to join up.
However, when the Soviet Union was formed they were at war with their enemies immediately so on the 23rd February 1918 they began drafting recruits.
It was christened Red Army Day and it is still a national holiday in Russia, now known as Defender of the Fatherland Day.
The Red Army went on to become a feared force in World War II, however not without its problems.
After Stalin rose to power in the 1920s he began purging officers leaving them hamstrung with inexperienced leaders.
In 1937, just two years before the start of the Second World War, Stalin dismissed over 11,000 officers and many other high-ranking army chiefs who he thought were enemies.
In 1946, the word "red" was removed from the name of the army, marking the end of an an era.
Stalin saw the Soviet Union through World War II and its post-war reconstruction and famine, and the beginnings of the Cold War.
After years of failing health, he died in March 1953 due to a cerebral haemorrhage.
His death is shrouded in mystery more than 60 years on.
There are still claims he may have been murdered, and possibly even poisoned with warfarin, a rat poison, in a bid to avert a war with the US.
It is estimated that the World War II fatalities of the Soviet Union was 27 million civilians and armed service members.
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These candid photos of American women in the military defy propaganda, and expectations
It was the dawning of a new era, Reagan’s America, and the U.S. Army wanted a new breed of soldiers capable of handling the challenges of a Cold War that was heating up. The resulting “Be All You Can Be” recruitment campaign launched in 1981, selling a high-tech, fast-paced world of limitless potential, adventure, and self-determination. Be brave. Be strong. Be a man.
Efforts to appeal to the other half of the nation’s citizenry were a little less slick. Although women were allowed to begin joining the Army through the Women’s Army Corps during WWII, official recruitment ads mirrored feminized home-front propaganda of the day. Blue-eyed blondes wearing make-up and skirts were the women Uncle Sam wanted to type up memos and hand fighting men cups of coffee. Stylized publicity stills of America’s first female soldiers featured form-fitting uniforms and lipstick, the women all smiles for the camera. Confusion over messaging has persisted, bursting into the public eye in 2013 when a leaked email written by Colonel Lynette Arnhart demanded that photographs of “average looking women” should be used for official military purposes to better convey the realities of service.
But military news agencies have been showcasing military women without concern for recruitment drives or advertising potential. The Morning Calm, a biweekly for soldiers and their families stationed in Korea, has even gone so far as to create an archive dedicated to straightforward representations of women working in the armed forces. Mundane routines at missile command or the sweat and toil of vehicle maintenance offer a more nuanced look at life in uniform, while no-frills coverage of field operations and deployments counter any attempts to sell military service as an action movie or fantasy lifestyle. If there is any lipstick being worn in these images, it’s the result of personal choice, not marketing strategy, and no one’s wearing a skirt behind a machine gun turret.
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