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Looking for a steady supply of lesbian short stories? Every week thousands of writers submit stories to our writing contest.

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Submitted by writers on Reedsy Prompts to our weekly writing contest . Love is love, and our collection of lesbian short stories takes pride in its identity. From rom-coms to everyday narratives about life and love, you’ll find all the newest lesbian short stories here.

Lesbian short stories have been around since the beginning of time, but throughout history and across the world, their voices have often been silenced. Our collection aims to unbury your gays and bring these stories to life in all their glory.
From historical fiction to contemporary romance, to genre stories featuring lesbian protagonists, you’ll find all manner of sapphic short stories here. Whether their sexuality takes center stage or is merely a character trait, any lesbian story is welcome!.
It can be difficult to find lesbian short stories, we feel you. So our page aims to make it easy. Collected from our weekly short story contest , the lesbian stories on this page represent some of the newest voices in short fiction. You’ll find shortlisted and winning entries at the top of our list, but each of the stories here represent the breadth of diversity that lesbian fiction has to offer. If you find one you really love, don't forgot to "follow" the author so you never miss one of their stories.
So settle in and get ready to read about love, life, and the lesbian experience. There’s no shortage of the variety you’ll find in our collection of lesbian fiction. Who knows, you may even discover one of the next great lesbian writers at their beginning! And if you're a writer who fancies a chance at the prize for yourself, consider entering our current contest.

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9 Super Romantic True Love Stories From Real-Life LGBTQIA Couples
By Elizabeth Ayers-Callahan — Written on Jun 08, 2019
There are few things more spiritually nourishing than great love stories.
When you hear two people gleefully describe the impossible circumstances surrounding how they met and fell in love, it makes your spirit soar. It makes you believe that the universe might not actually be as cruel as it often seems.
And sharing romantic stories about finding true love is doubly important for people in the LGBTQIA+ community, as lesbian and gay love stories (and stories about love between people of all genders and sexual orientation on the spectrum of human sexuality) can be a powerful way of helping people understand that love is love, and love between all people is created equal.
This message isn't only important during Pride Month , but all year long — as true love endures well beyond the month of June, as these short love stories prove.
The stories below aren't only beautiful, inspiring and lovely, but they also let other LGBTQIA people know that love is out there, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.
Because falling in love is a universal experience.
If you want to make your heart swell in your chest today, take a look at these nine short and romantic love stories shared by real life queer, lesbian and gay couples on Reddit and YouTube.
"I remember thinking I'm just never going to be married. I'll be single the rest of my life, maybe date people, maybe be a single mom one day, if I'm lucky. But it was days after knowing her that I knew I was going to get married."
"I was eyeing her at the Lex and when I saw her leave, I followed her outside and she was just standing there. I said, 'What are you waiting for?' because she looked like she was waiting for a friend or a cab, but she said, 'A cigarette.' I got her one, as she extended her arm I saw she had a triforce tattoo. It's been three and a half years, and we're engaged."
"The first time I kissed my husband-to-be was at a ball, after a tango. We had been friends for about a year, and the idea of being more had never crossed my mind. We were both in the friend-zone because we had been in relationships when we'd met. Mine fizzled out six months before the ball, and his boyfriend, although very attractive, turned out to be kind of unstable.
So there we were, elegantly dressed in suits and ties (among tuxedos and ball gowns), in a historic ballroom from out of an old French castle. He leads me in a tango. When it's finished, we pause, look into each other's eyes, everything changes and we kiss on the ballroom floor. A bit more passionately than decorum allows ...
... but less than two years later, we're as married as the law allows. OK, admittedly, we went home together that night (and stayed together since), but I assure you that's exceptional for ballroom dance. I'm just telling of a very romantic moment at the start."
"I saw her and remember having this moment of feeling like, 'This is one of my heart people.'
She'd be flirting and didn't realize she was flirting, and she was claiming that she wasn't flirting at all, though. And then finally there's one day where we're out in West Hollywood and she was stumbling over her words.
I was like, 'You know, you could just ask me out on a date and we wouldn't have to go through all that.'
When we fall in love, we fall in love with a version of ourselves that shows up with somebody, and I think we — in a marriage — have an opportunity to continue to fall in love over and over again with different versions of ourselves. Because of that, we see each other as even greater than we can see ourselves in moments. Our partner holds the anchor for our greatness."
"They were a cute couple on OKCupid looking for casual sexy friendship. I messaged them both, got tea with them at a Tealuxe that, it turns out, was far away for all of us. Then we found out we were a ten-minute walk away from each other.
One thing led to another, we connected really well and quickly, became more than friends. Four months later, I got a U-Haul ... Almost three months since the move-in, and I love our crazy triad."
"Our story has been like one of these movie plots where two people fall in love with each other even though they live across the world. I'm currently living on a cloud nine and I just wanted to share my story with you all.
We met each other last April, across the world from where I am now. I was visiting his country for several months during which we happened to meet each other. Our first date consisted of us talking for five hours while listening to the sounds of the Pacific Ocean. I fell for him instantly but we both knew this simply won't work because we live on different hemispheres.
And then the day came when I had to leave him, just four months into our wonderful affair. We were heartbroken but that was the deal since day one. After four unsuccessful weeks of trying to forget the love of my life, we eventually reconnected and started texting each other.
One confession followed another about our time together. We knew this is something special but there was no horizon line in sight. Or so we thought.
Now, eight months later we are officially in a long distance relationship, committed to each other and happier than ever. And guess what? That crazy bastard is moving across the world for me next summer just so we can be together!
The best part about this is that I never saw this relationship coming. I wasn't looking, I wasn't expecting anything. And now I feel like I won the lottery of life. I love him so much, words can't even describe it."
"I was directing a short film I wrote and she was my lead actress. Shooting stars and fireworks for both of us when we first met at the audition. Kept it professional throughout the shooting process and after we wrapped we started hanging out a lot.
A random guy at a club, who introduced himself as Angel, told us we were soulmates and to never let the other go. I beat her to the punch and asked her to be my girlfriend at Pride via a homemade t-shirt. Angel was right."
"My husband and I met and almost immediately fell in love. Nine months into dating, we were in a terrible car wreck and I broke my back. As I was lying on the pavement, I couldn't turn my head to see him, and asked the EMT, 'Where's my boyfriend?'
My boyfriend replied, 'I'm right here next to you', and hasn't left my side since.
Many people would have been overwhelmed or not wanted to take care of someone who is so injured, especially after dating for less than a year, but he did everything from putting on my shoes for me, to helping me shower (though I guess he didn't mind the latter all too much).
As soon as I started to get better, we started to plan for our wedding. I am happy to say that I was able to walk down the aisle.
Now, our wedding was more like a comedic play than a ceremony, with clowns and fake protesters crashing the vows because I hate boring weddings and wanted to make my friends laugh/family cringe.
Everyone assumed that because the wedding was so crazy, our proposal must have been some elaborate stunt too, but it was the opposite. We were driving home, and I asked, 'Do you want to get married?' and he replied, 'Yea, sure', because we knew we were going to spend the rest of our lives together, so getting married was just for fun."
"I TA'd a class she was in when she was a Sophomore in high school and I was a Junior. I watched her from the back of the room because I was so shy and awkward and closeted and I didn't even know if she was gay but oh my god I wanted to know her so badly.
A whole year passes. Suddenly it's the end of my Senior year when BAM! Facebook message from her. Just says hi.
I almost die of shock and completely fail at life by ignoring the message because surely it was an accident and she meant to message someone else.
Not a mistake. I respond and we talk for hours into the night like we're old friends getting to know each other. Three nights of this. We get lunch together. She invites me to go out and get drunk with a mutual friend (turns out this was a whole set up that the mutual friend and mutual friend's mother was involved in).
We get cuddly at night, no funny business just cuddling. Neither of us can sleep because, well, it's really her .
We both spent almost two years silently pining until she grew some serious lady balls and made me the happiest lady around.
I'm a Sophomore in college now and she's a Freshman. I'm hoping to transfer to her next year.
She's the one I'm sure, I feel like I've loved her longer than I've existed in this form."
Elizabeth Ayers-Callahan is a writer focusing on love and relationship issues who is a frequent contributor to YourTango.
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"Out of the millions of people on the internet, the fact that we found each other has led me to believe that fate does indeed exist."
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Them is the award-winning authority on what LGBTQ+ means today — and tomorrow. From in-depth storytelling on the fight for LGBTQ+ rights to intimate profiles of queer cultural vanguards, it’s a platform for all of the bold, stylish, and rebellious ways that LGBTQ+ people are reshaping our world every day.
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As a teenager, I was never one to daydream about my fantasy wedding, nor was I invested in the idea of “true love” as idealized by Disney movies and romantic comedies. While my friends lapped that stuff up, I just wanted to spit it out. What I actually wanted to do was admit to myself who I really was. I repressed my sexuality not only because I was scared of my family and friends’ reactions to me being gay, but because I felt that it would be somehow "wrong" for me to be a lesbian. I was suffocating under the pressure I put on myself.
For almost 10 years, I oscillated wildly between confusion and fear in regards to my sexuality, wrapping myself in lies as I went along. Being “too busy” for a boyfriend was my go-to reply when friends asked me why I wasn’t dating anyone. I dodged questions like that for far too long.
In the spring of 2016, still chronically sad, I became an insomniac. I had begrudgingly accepted that I was, in fact, a lesbian, and spoken to a few girls on dating apps to find a sense of comfort in my sexuality. But trying to find love online, especially while grappling with the full-time job of hiding my sexuality from the outside world, seemed to be futile. I wasn’t feeling a strong physical attraction to anyone, for starters, and I was admittedly still struggling to accept myself. So I surrendered to my insecurities and decided that being in love was simply not something I was born to experience. My newfound cynicism inspired me to write dark, self-reflective fiction, and I started posting my work to a Tumblr blog I curated during my waking hours — 9 a.m. to 4 a.m.
I was shocked that people on Tumblr seemed to enjoy my writing, but far more astonishing was that one follower was a fairly popular user whose blog I had long admired. All I actually knew about the owner of said blog was that she was also a lesbian, and judging by her profile picture and occasional selfies, was ridiculously cute. She fast became my first real, non-celebrity, 100% confirmed lesbian crush — but I had never spoken a word to this girl in my life.
I knew that even if nothing came of this, I at least wanted to give it a shot.
A few weeks later , I received a private message from her.
Whatever short sentence she wrote me is now a blur. What I do remember is blushing in front of my computer screen, my heart racing, and feeling a familiar sense of embarrassment over the extent to which I liked this mysterious person. I literally had nervous sweats. But I tried to keep calm, and plucked up the courage to send her a reply.
She told me her name was Alyssa, that she was 21 years old and lived in Texas. Texas. I lived on the south coast of the United Kingdom, a whole 4678 miles away. Incredibly deflated, I tried to shatter the hesitant daydreams I crafted over the weeks I had spent endlessly scrolling her blog. Instead, I mused about how pretty Alyssa’s name sounded and welcomed days spent in almost constant dialogue with her.
As I gleaned from her Tumblr posts, Alyssa was intelligent, cultured, and kind. Days after our initial exchange, I accidentally hit the video call button on Snapchat (I swear it was a mistake!); to my surprise, she accepted the call and I was suddenly face-to-face with her in real time. She offered a nervous “hi” in the American accent I’d longed to hear. When our eyes met, we both quickly looked away. Then, Alyssa shyly tucked a strand of shoulder-length blonde hair behind her ear while the corner of her mouth turned upward. My heart blew up.
We talked for four hours that night — until the sun was rising on my side of the world. For the first time, I felt completely unashamed of my sexuality. I felt safe with Alyssa in a way that I never had with anyone else. My whole being felt at ease, and I was warm and happy in conversation with her. Alyssa looked happy too, and as I fell asleep at dawn, I knew that even if nothing came of this, I at least wanted to give it a shot.
Alyssa and I continued to speak every day via FaceTime and text. Then, on August 9, 2016, Alyssa officially became my long-distance girlfriend. By the time we finally met in London the following March, we had endured a 280-day-long wait since we first met online.
Seeing Alyssa for the first time was surreal. We had discussed the possibility of our bond simply not translating from the screen to real life, but as soon as we hugged I knew that everything was going to be alright. Alyssa was just as beautiful as she appeared on FaceTime, and I couldn’t believe that she — that any of this — was real. From the quick first kiss we shared on a street corner outside of Starbucks to the way she laughed as I tried to not spill my nacho dip at the pub, it all felt perfect.
Two days after Alyssa flew home, I had no choice but to come out to my family
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