Real Lesbian Life

Real Lesbian Life


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7 Real-life lesbian love stories that changed the world we live in today
Throughout history, lesbians have fought for the rights of LGBTQi people in classrooms, courtrooms and in streets around the globe.
Here are some of the lesbian couples who helped change history.
Back in 1955 San Francisco, it was illegal to dance with someone of the same sex in public. Lesbian bars were also subject to raids, harassment and abuse.
To combat this, lesbian couple Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon co-founded the first social and political organisation for lesbians in the US, The Daughters of Bilitis.
Del and Phyllis spent the next 50 years fighting for gay rights and were the first same-sex couple to wed in California in 2008, just before Del passed away.
In the ’80s Karen Thompson and Sharon Kowalski enjoyed a happy, private life together in Minnesota, but had not come out to their families. Their lives were torn apart when a drunk driver ploughed into Sharon, leaving her with an irreversible brain injury.
What followed was a decade-long battle for Karen to take care of Sharon. Sharon’s parents refused to admit their daughter was gay and banned Karen from visiting her nursing home.
Even when Sharon learned how to type messages to communicate, and frequently begged to be returned to Karen, the courts refused.
In 1991, the Minnesota Court of Appeals ruled in the landmark case ‘Guardianship of Kowalski’ that Sharon could go home to be with Karen. Karen’s tireless campaigning raised awareness of guardianship issues and advanced the rights of same-sex couples.
Roma Guy and Diane Jones co-founded the San Francisco Women’s Building in 1979 and fought for social justice together for decades.
Diane worked as an HIV/AIDs nurse during the ’70s, helping on the frontline of the epidemic, and together with wife Roma dedicated their lives to improving rights for women and LGBT people, as well as educating about the HIV crisis. Their efforts will be documented in HBO’s ‘When We Rise’ documentary.
When we Rise Trailer – 2017 Gus van Sant abc Mini-Series Subscribe: Folgt uns bei Facebook: Alle Infos zu When we Rise: Die ABC-Miniserie When We Rise erzählt vom langwierigen Kampf der LGBT-Bewegung um Gleichberechtigung.
Despite rejection and lack of support from LGBT groups, Mary Bishop and Sharon Baldwin refused to back down on their fight for same-sex marriage in Oklahoma.
Their landmark legal crusade lasted over a decade and went to the Supreme Court, eventually triggering the legalisation of same-sex marriage in several states and allowing the two women to get married.
Born in 1899, Ruth Ellis was a prominent ‘out’ woman of colour and lived for an incredible 101 years.
She and partner Babe Franklin lived together as lovers as early as the 1920s, and Ellis became the first female to own a printing business in Michigan. Their home became a hang-out for African-American LGBT people in an era in which discrimination was rife.
The Ruth Ellis Center was established in 1999 as a youth social services agency with a mission ‘to provide short-term and long-term residential safe space and support services for runaway, homeless, and at-risk lesbian, gay, bi-attractional, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) youth.’
Born July 23, 1899, in Springfield, Illinois, Ruth Ellis was the oldest “out” African American lesbian known. The film offers a rare opportunity to experience a century of our American history as lived by one inspiring woman.
Mina Meyer and Sharon Raphael were together for over 40 years. Within their life together they campaigned for lesbian health services, championed AIDS hospices and rallied for same-sex marriage to name but a few crusades.
To combat religious groups picketing LGBT events with ‘Gay People Burn In Hell’ signs, the couple proudly wore ‘Dykes from Hell’ T-shirts at rallies.
They never gave up the fight for LGBT rights, and in later years set up a group for lesbian and gay seniors to care for the LGBT elderly. Mina passed away in 2016.
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Then-partners Joan Nestle and Deb Edel founded The Lesbian Herstory Archives, a way of preserving lesbian documents and artefacts, from the pantry of their apartment in 1974. Today it holds more than 20,000 books and 12,000 photographs relating to lesbian history.
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Temporary Chief Constable Adrian Hanstock, QPM - February 25, 2021

Every lesbian love story is beautiful, but ours is my favourite.
It wasn’t too long after meeting Natalie, that I bought her a frame engraved with those words alongside a photo of the two of us. I had no doubt in my mind that she was the one, and every time we’d meet, we were sure to let each other know how serious we were about one another. You see, it was love at first sight. A term that I accept is probably hard to understand unless you’ve experienced it yourself. I remember rolling my eyes at the thought. How could you possibly love somebody you don’t even know? Queue Natalie…
Let’s start at the beginning. The night I lay scrolling mindlessly through Plenty of Fish profiles, seeking instant gratification in anybody who’d help me forget the emptiness I felt inside. It had been a tough six months. The worst of my life, in fact. The loss of my beloved Grandmother and the breakdown of a toxic relationship had stripped me of the person I once knew. Little did I know at the time, it was like a snake shedding its skin. I had to encounter loss and suffering in order to grow.
One New Message:  You’re Beautiful. That was it — just two simple words from the mysterious girl with lilac hair and piercings. I pondered way longer than is probably acceptable at that photo while figuring out what to reply to such a generic message. Resisting the urge to respond right away, I clicked through to read her full profile.  That’s odd, I thought. Our personal write-ups – you know that section where you have to write a bit about yourself – they were almost identical.  
I can’t remember exactly what I replied, but it was probably something embarrassing along the lines of ‘that’s rich coming from you‘. God, I thought I was so smooth. I’m pretty sure we saved our first conversations from the dating app somewhere. We’ll have to dig them out to give you all a good laugh. Anyway, I digress, but that’s how we first, I suppose you could say, found each other.  
For the first time in what felt like a long time, I was genuinely excited to be speaking to this girl. She was funny, beautiful, and seemed pretty interested in me as well. The conversation flowed so naturally that I hadn’t even considered the bombshell that was to follow. “I can’t believe you live so far away.”  Excuse me, what? What does she mean? The app should only match me with local people.  
… Or was it? “What do you mean? Where are you from?” I replied. Surely she can’t be that far away. “The Isle of Man.” Oh. Sh*t. As it turned out, Natalie lived on the opposite side of the country on a tiny island in the middle of the Irish sea. It meant taking a flight from London to get there. OK, I thought, that’s OK. I barely even know this girl, so it will be easy not to get attached. Except it wasn’t. There was just something about her. And she felt the same. In any case, for some bizarre reason, the app matched us despite our locations. Surely this was meant to be?
After that, we spoke almost every day. Long-winded messages about everything from work to family and life in general. We both tried to avoid raising the subject of meeting one another as we didn’t want there to be any pressure. But there was no doubt it was the elephant in our virtual room.  
It had been around 4 or 5 weeks since we’d first started talking when Natalie announced she’d be coming to England. She was to be in Liverpool for work and asked if I’d drive up to meet her. It would mean a 4-hour drive up from London. Not to mention a 4-hour drive back should things not work out. However, I didn’t hesitate to say yes. Either way, I had to know if the feelings I felt were real. Or had I fallen for somebody who I’d concocted in my imagination?
It just so happened, the weekend we were due to meet coincided with Valentines Day. Was it fate that we would meet on the 14th of February? Or were we tempting fate? So many questions and uncertainties. But one thing was for sure. I couldn’t wait to finally meet the mysterious girl with lilac hair & piercings in person.
Soon enough, the day arrived. I got in my car and commenced on my journey to Liverpool. It wasn’t long before I ran into my first traffic jam of the day. To cut a long story short, this traffic jam was one of many, and what should have been no longer than a 4-hour journey, ended up taking me almost 8-hours. Naturally, Natalie thought she had been stood up. Whereas I was questioning whether the universe was trying to tell me something!
When I finally did arrive, our first encounter was, how can I put this, awkward. Naturally, I got lost, so Natalie had to drive out to meet me. She couldn’t get out of the car, so we shared this awkward wave before I followed her back to where she was staying. Feeling flustered and clammy after spending all day in the car, I was feeling far from attractive by this point. But I was here now, so I just had to roll with it.
We both got out of our cars and approached one another for the very first time. It has to be said; it was probably the most intense moment of my life. An unfamiliar feeling washed over me. I was nervous and weak at the knees, yet at the same time, I felt calm. It was like something clicked into place. I believe that something inside me knew that I’d found ‘home’.
It’s safe to say there was no reason for me to return to London that night. I ended up staying the entire weekend, and the mysterious girl with lilac hair and piercings was the most enchanting person I’d ever met. We barely slept all weekend. We drank, listened to music, and poured our hearts out about anything and everything. It was perfect.  
But of course, our bubble eventually had to be burst. Natalie had to fly back to the Isle of Man, and I had to return to my job in London. Would we see each other again? Could we make a long-distance relationship work? Again, we avoided putting any pressure on one another to commit to anything. But my heart broke harder than I care to admit as I left the sanctuary of the apartment we shared that weekend. I sprayed the aftershave I wore all weekend on Natalie’s pillow, in the hope she’d remember me for just that little bit longer.
That night, once I got back to London, we spoke for hours on the phone. We’d only just left each other, but we missed one another like crazy. By the end of the phone call, we’d made a plan that I would fly to the Isle of Man the very next weekend. Natalie flat-shared, so it meant I’d meet her friends after just 1-week of knowing each other, but we both knew this wasn’t just a fling. People say it’s typical of lesbians to move quickly in relationships and perhaps that’s true. But for us, we knew what we had was the real deal.
After another perfect weekend on the Isle of Man, we had sealed the deal. I left as Natalie’s girlfriend, and from that day on, we didn’t go one weekend without seeing each other. Natalie would fly to me in London, or vice versa. It wasn’t easy, but we both put all of our efforts into making it work. Our relationship continued to flourish, fuelled by adventurous dates, shared morals & outlooks on life, and most importantly, abundant love & trust.  
After six incredible months, we decided it was time to move in with one another. A dream to travel was one we both shared, so the idea was for Natalie to move to London, so we could both start saving for our trip of a lifetime. In many ways, we were ‘spoilt’ in London. We both had good jobs with a healthy income, great friends, a lovely home, and we were comfortable. But comfortable is a dangerous place to be, so after too many excuses and even more doubts, we booked the one-way flight that would change our lives forever.  
Of course, our lesbian love story doesn’t end there. Our travel story began on the 2nd of October 2017. We quit our jobs, sold most of our belongings, and backpacks ready boarded that flight from London to Bangkok. At that point, we were utterly oblivious to the roller-coaster adventure that lay ahead of us. We had plans to travel for a year or so, or until our money ran out. Yet here we still are, living the life we always dreamed about. All because, once again, we took a risk.
So I guess the moral of our lesbian love story is this: Take that risk. Board that flight. Chase that boy or girl.  What’s the worst that could happen?
How did you plan financially for this trip, not asking how much you make or anything but you had to have a great deal of money to be able to experience all these amazing things! How are you continuing to pull in cash? My fiance and I just traveled for 3 weeks through Thailand (amazing if you want to see hreichert09 insta) and I was following your journey in our jealousy that you guys get to continue and we have to go back home.
Hello Hillary, Thank you for visiting our site and taking the time to write to us! We saved for years and budget carefully, we have also done a few voluntary work positions along the way to save spends… we will have a blog released very soon that goes into detail on how we afford to travel for a long period of time, stay tuned! Thailand is amazing we will certainly check out your insta pics!
Great story Charlotte and Natalie, very similar to my our story! Comfortable is indeed a dangerous place to be! Looking forward to reading more of your blogs!
Carine &Derek
Thank you for taking the time to comment Carine & Derek. Lots of new articles are coming soon! Watch this space
Charlotte & Natalie
I came to your page because of your post about Jaipur and I got intrigued on that “HOW WE MET” button. I was once engaged with a lesbian too for 5 years but it ended like that when we chose different paths. She’s in Japan now, engaged and I’m in Bahrain now, married. I love to see lesbian couples who stay happy and in love.
Hi Ronalyn,
Thank you for your beautiful and kind words.
We loved reading your story and hope you too are happy.
Sending love.
C & N x
Who knew even an app can help you find that someone special (personally .. I get bored of the app(or the guys) in a day or 2 and I end up deleting the app ) ..!!! So happy to read about how you both met and how you both have managed to work it out and live your dream …!!!
I totally love your travel stories and you guys are super cute ..!!!
Hi Neha, thank you for your kindness, we are glad you enjoyed our story. It took work to make it work for sure, nothing good comes easy we say! ♥♥♥
Hi, we're Charlotte & Natalie, a British lesbian couple with a passion for travel and adventure.
Here you will find everything from LGBTQ+ travel & lifestyle advice, to comprehensive guides and itineraries designed to make your travel planning easier.
We want to inspire you to live the life of your dreams. Welcome to Our Taste For Life.
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